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Status Updates posted by willywonka

  1. È uma boa ideia para quando se tem duvidas, eu as vezes tb uso pras expressoes mais complicadas...:)

  2. One year younger, defo...:lmfao:


    Nope, it's true, i'm almost 40...:(


    But only outside, inside i'm a teen...

  3. Yes, just as i thought, Oct. 23rd...lolz


    I'm Oct 24th, that's why i'm laughing....:)

  4. Nao ta nada mau, mermo! :)

  5. Oi...:bye:


    Nao sabia que eras brasileira????????




    Vemo nos por ai, entao...

  6. Oh, of course, the advanced search...

    Can you believe i never used it???

    Dumb Wonka...


    Tnx again, cara...

  7. :lmfao:



  8. LOL

    Ok, i got you on Twitter...

  9. Yes, and you are eriko, right???

  10. Ooooops, i forgot to mention it to her ever since, and when i remembered we were in the middle of the "Let's **** da fokkers" thread so i let it go to later...

    I'll PM her then...

    Tnx for reminding me Nono...

  11. Hi, Eriko, this is Wonka...


    The Photobucket you're following is not mine, it's DA's....

  12. I just had to, Manita....:lmfao:

  13. I just had to do it...:)

  14. Oi, Lu


    Isso e mai ou menos a dor que eu tenho por causa do meu Chron...

    Leite da muitas dores num dia e nos outros nao...

    O mesmo para sumo de laranja, couve, broculos, manga, etc...

    Eu sei, as dores podem ser horriveis e fazer desmaiar e vomitar se muito intensas...

    O medico diz que é colite?

    So colite?

    Porque ha a colite ulcerosa que e quase o mesmo que doença de chron, estao as duas inseridas no grupo das DII (Doenças Inflamatorias do Intestino)...

    Pergunta ao medico...

    Colite simples ha muita gente que tem, a ulcerosa e pior...

    Espero que isso seja so uma colite normal, Lu...

    Tens diarreia? Perdeste muito peso?

  15. PS - Love your Art Album eye drawing...massive!

  16. Good, thanks, hope you too!


    It's been very very hot these days, but today it got cooler, 29C so it's easier to do stuff...


    At least we can breath which wasnt possible for the past 4 days...


    Going out for lunch with 3 starving children, see you laterz...



  17. Good to please! lolz


    Your avvies crack me up too...:)

  18. It was posted on Gasmics a few days ago...

    Remember that drag queen party Mika left wasted wearing a golden jacket with P. Wolf?

  19. You twitter abuser you...:naughty:

  20. Say wot???






  21. You know more than me...:lmao:

    I don't understand much football, actually, just watch Worldcup for fun..

  22. :lmfao:


    That's a pic of me and Imma in Lisbon on which i glued Mika's head...

    I was holding a tour booklet so i turned into a fresh products catalogue menu (i sent Mika's hotel some "fresh products" and everyone mocks me about it now lolz)...

    I was holding my tribal mask black bag so i turned it into some "stolen black boxers"...

    And the spat sushi it's coz i almost spat sushi all over Momma P coz Mary called me to tell her who i was while i was having lunch...

    The usual nonsense, Mana, don't give me any credit LOLZ


    Hope you're ok, been following your posts and twits whenever i can...:):huglove:

  23. Preparing to the heat wave starting tomorrow...Ouuuuffff!


    Just checking here quickly while my husband gets ready to go out for lunch...the children are ready by now, too...


    We'll go to the circus this afternoon after lunch...



    C u later...:bye:

  24. Ain't it? :lmao:




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