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Status Updates posted by willywonka

  1. Oh so that's a forbidden thing, to a pro thing, I see...

  2. Oh i see!

    And that's good for Axie's low blood pressure??? Indeed???

  3. Ola!!!



    Estas boa???

  4. Ta bem, bigados!


    Ta tuds!


    E contigo???

    Andas desaparecida...:(


    A proposito, qual e a minha password e nickname no Mikalandia???? :shame:

  5. Awwwwwwwwww, thank you, Manita...:huglove:

    It feels great to be back...

  6. I am, laurita, thank you! :huglove:

  7. Merci bien!

    J'espere que t'es bien...:)

  8. Hola, guapa! :bye:

    Estoy en hospital pero muy mejor...gracias! :huglove:

  9. Salut!


    un bon weekeend pour toi aussi :bye:

  10. Chaateada que nem uma perua!


    Ja tenho um quarto e os meninos vem ai agora pra visita...

    La em baixo no SO e nos Intermedios eles nao podiam ir....

    Saio na segunda...

  11. Hi there, yep i'm back again...:huglove:

  12. Hi everyone i'm back from a bad trip...:aah:


    Thank u so much for all your love and care....



  13. Hi, Petrita, long time no chat...:huglove:


    Woah, massive tilting, wonder how they got those effects...i'm sure i couldn't do that...i wish my Photoshop skils were way much better..

    And it has been a while i haven't seen a few of those Van G.'s paintings...




    Hope everything's ok with u, i have been away for RL issues are keepin me very busy but i come and take a peek every now and then...



  14. Nao me trates por tu senao levas uma latada em Coimbra! lol


    Eu sei, os meus filhos tb ja começaram...


    La tera de ser, nao é? Coragem, milher! ;)

  15. Ola! Tudo bom? Ja começaram as aulas??? Bjs

  16. Ja voltei mas tenho a pen a acabar...tas bem? :huglove:

    Bora a Coimbra ou ke???? :)

  17. Muchas gracias, chica...

  18. We'll meet somewhere later, Rosita, don't worry, i'll write a private report just for you...:huglove:

    That link of yours isn't working btw...:dunno:

  19. Yep, Rosita, we have exactly the same political hypocritical situation in Portugal...:(

    People have been losing their jobs ever since the economical crisis started 7 years ago and can't keep up with the inflation, life's been hard to manage in financial terms...

    Sadly, i have no work for 2 years now and if my husband wouldn't be working i would be despaired too...so i understand how u feel...

  20. Oh, ****...:(


    Situation is bad in Spain, too???


    Same here, Rosita...:(

  21. Brigados, brigados, brigados, tu es uma santa, milher....huglove:

  22. Tou cheia de saudades...bjinhos...:huglove:

  23. Yo, my fav mod, just passing by to send you a hug...:huglove:

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