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Everything posted by willywonka

  1. Not just HERS, mika also misspelled WERE'NT, correct is WEREN'T...poor dyslexic boy
  2. *hhhmmm...hmmmm* I have 3, one at home, one in the car, one at the office, bought last one this month! Does this count???? lol
  3. Bjs...boa sorte com o berbicacho que eu te arranjei no desenho ;)

  4. u're making too much fuss around a simple vegetable..i just make soup out of it....we already have chicken..please don't bring any more food into it!!!!LOL...this is mental
  5. que confusao, estagente ta doidona...


    eu pensei que era por causa de um pacote no armario do vlog que diz PG turnip e nao tava a perceber a relacao...


    Sabes se a nossa mary do puerto e a marylou5 do youtube?

  6. Ta o maximi..a cadelinha e dele ou do greg do estudio?? e o que e agora isto dos nabos??? acabou a chicken e começam os turnips????a proposito de que?

  7. I've been away fo a few days, seen the vlog, but can't seem t get on with all this turnip thingie??? What about turnips guys???????? explain pretty puuuulleeeeeease....
  8. Ola,



    Ja estao bem os tres...

    A Conchinha fez 3 anos na quarta e eu na sexta portanto tenho andado numa correria, nao tenho ca vindo muito...

    Excepto pra ver as novidades do vlog ;)

  9. it happened to me too the same dates vicky have been checking and guess they re lost by now ;(
  10. Hi i have a daughter your age she also likes mika but not as much as i do...;)

    See you around...

  11. Yay, that was made yesterday, on my bday the 24th of October!!!wow...best f
  12. I also found amazing his answer about madonna's divorce...right thing at the right time!
  13. "I'm going to do what I do. I write songs for myself, and I'm going to continue doing that. If it gives me that funny feeling in the back of my spine, the kind of feeling that makes me want to go to the loo, then I know that it's good.":roftl:
  14. Oh Holly, i was hoping u wouldn't pop DA QUESTION!!! You don't speak about DA QUESTION, woman, lol...
  15. I got mika mail too! And of course i foundly believe "MIKA HIMSELF" bothered to type the whole thing to each and everyone of us
  16. Thank u so much dear greta...have a nice day too:)

  17. Thank you so much Wendi for posting on my bday ;) you too have a nice day...

  18. hey where was the river bathing pic taken and when d'ya know?
  19. yeah we'd all kill for an interlaced fingers high five slap wouldn't we gals?????
  20. I have no intention to make u envy guys but it's my bday today and we have 23 degrees here in Portugal and itll b 25 for the weekend so ill have a bday cake on the beach everyone' invited if u can get a flight..
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