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Everything posted by willywonka

  1. i like hard questions!!! Como vai Cazinha? AXE!
  2. From all of them this one rocks ma socks..
  3. como e que isto se chama? nao e uma wall??? lol entao o que e?

  4. desculpa la....isto mudou tudo depois termos flado por pm e trocarmos moradas...hoje vinha a procura e no encontro as pms...lol..como faço para ver as antigas..desculpa a burrice ;)

  5. Ola Carlota, tenho o desenho pronto...mando amanha de manha por ctt...nao usei muita tinta nem aguarela, o papel cavalinho nao aguenta, ainda para mais vai andar pra ca e pra la, tenho medo que rasgue e era uma pena depois de tanto trabalho...


    fiz varios estudos e esboços e optei pelo mais simples, porque senao tinha de usar acrilico e ensopava o papel espero que gostes e bom trabalho de continuaçao...o OUTRO é que nunca mais se despacha..vamos la a ver se e hoje que ele poe um post com a garatujazita..;)

  6. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=14&pictureid=584 guess its working
  7. yep still trying with another ones and its not working...tnx
  8. nope this is all i have but cannot do it on photobucket also...thanks anyway...there was a thread on mika's legs before so...
  9. Hi just found it, dunno how to turn it around...help
  10. perverted? hormonal? us? no...we only expect the unexpected...
  11. answer the toilet question young man...or try to get away with it
  12. yep niki good thing u asked we never know how old people are here.. i know his mum and i know his age, but only after he told us he was holly's son... age should be implied on all our posts
  13. oh i know u, your mum told me about u last time we spoke she mentioned she had 3 like me right? yeah how old r u then?
  14. why do u always lift the toliet sit but then won't put it back down???
  15. ahahahahahaah cool hi straight guy r u really a guy? ru r really straigh???
  16. Is he tall-tall or just not so tall as he seems and looks in pics???anyone???
  17. the second one is opening soon in portugal, we never had it here before...
  18. On a daily basis: LICM on my car, LICM mp3 whenever i'm out, youtube covers and live at home...it's driving me nuts!!! I NEED A NEW ALBUM mastah...lol
  19. Love him or hate him but dunnot ignore him... Salvador Dali, the famous painter used to state he'd rather have offenders than be ignored...
  20. he has a chicken on his shoulder now coz he was tired of having a crab on his pillow... je suis un ane meaning i'm a jackass not donkey in this case is something mika says in a late blog for not memorizing french version of GK
  21. Hey just noticed your bday is almost the same as mika's...do u also have leonian curls? all leos have great hair ;) us, poor scorpios, au contraire, have this broom-like threads...

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