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Everything posted by mark0495

  1. Godzijdank, ja! En dit weekend ook nog Sinterklaas, en korfbalwedstrijd, en dan heb ik al bijna geen tijd meer om niks te doen! KLEIN beetje overdreven Owja! Ik ben morgen al om half 11 klaar
  2. Aaaaah! Ik heb hem niet gezien, maar toch jammer voor je Je komt er wel overheen, denk ik zo Nou, daar ben ik dn weer eens een keertje, het is al bijna een week geleden, maar goed, de proefwerkweek heeft me nogal beziggehouden. Morgen is de laatste dag van de proefwerkweek, dus daarna ben ik hier hopelijk weer wat vaker te vinden Morgen techniek, verzorging en Frans... *zucht*
  3. Sorry dat ik de laatste tijd nogal afwezig ben maar het is... proefwerkweek Jullie weten vast wel wat dat betekent; stampen stampen stampen...
  4. Well, at my Linux box I'm using right now, it's very difficult to take snapshots. I will do that later. Now, you can check it out yourself: HERE
  5. I guess I did Well, I can post a screen if you want to
  6. Well, I just saw this while looking at his MySpace Enjoy! Gender: Female Status: Single Age: 108 Aww... poor old Mika! 108 years old and still single? I thought some people were talking about his sexuality, but I didn't know it would go THIS far And that he is single, we already knew that, didn't we?
  7. Met mij gaat alles goed! Met jou? Haai Bienie!
  8. Aaaah... the fresh breath of victory! Cheeky? Me? What makes you think I'm CHEEKY?
  9. I don't have a clue. But, if his artwork is going to be darker, is he going to make the songs a little more "down" too? Or is he going to make darker hyperactive songs? But, I guess this has to be discussed in the What you expect from Mika's new CD thread.
  10. I think so too. Or maybe Island Records received too many complaints about headaches Do you think the new album is getting the "circus theme" too, or is it only for his upcoming tour?
  11. Moet je maar eens hier kijken: hij zit namelijk in zo'n reclame van Sultana. http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=ySHDh8moa0s Hij is VEEEEET!
  12. But still, I think it's going on for ages now! Aren't there other things to discuss about the dvd? Anybody?
  13. Well, let's close this discussion about GK. Sorry for my post I'm really ashamed of it now. I didn't mean to get you out of here! SORRYYYYYYYYY!
  14. I'm just learning French for 1 and a quarter of a year, so I'm not the one whining about the French GK. I don't even know what it means if you write it down at this forum! That's also the reason I don't really care
  15. Yaaaaay! I like it! And I just spotted the Extra Tickets thread too! :D Chances are getting bigger...

  16. True! Well, we even have a FANTASTIC chocolate shop here in Weert. With all kinds of bonbons, chocolate pies, etc. etc. I LOVE chocolate. Thing is, it's so EXPENSIVE over there!
  17. I think so too! If it comes to buying tickets, however, I'm not so good. I bet that by the time I even DISCOVER there's going to be a gig in the Netherlands, it's sold out! :D Not so fast reaction speed :roftl:

  18. No, but I would like to, of course! It depends on when he comes to the NL again, and IF he comes to NL again, if I MAY go according to my parents. I think so, 'cause otherwise I would get so depressed... :D I hope I can persuade them

  19. Well, I like it too, and fortunately I live just at a distance you can easily walk, but you don't hear that noise all the time when you sleep :D And I like the city too. Everything I need is there! And not too much, so that it still keeps being cosy! At the moment, I would never want to move to the bigger cities of the Netherlands!

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