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Everything posted by mark0495

  1. In Weert, but I'm quite sure you don't know it. It's near the border between the Netherlands and Belgium, Germany. But it does have the biggest but one funfair of the Netherlands. Wooh! :D

  2. Hey! I'm fine, thanks!! And you?

  3. That made me think of the Live in Cartoon Motion dvd, sorry, I couldn't help posting that!
  4. Owjah, ken je hem niet? Dom, dom, dom van me...
  5. Met mij ook! Ik heb wat foto's in de Post your Picture thread gedumpt. Ook met Mr. Yummie, jeweetwel wie ik bedoel he , en toen zo'n meisje zo "I love your mr. Yummie!" VICTORY! Eindelijk IETS wat buitenlanders leuk vinden aan Nederlandse producten!
  6. Ja he? Echt spectaculair! Hallo Bienie! Hoe gaat het?
  7. I'm fine, thanks! Yes, that would be great :naughty:

  8. Erase - Mika (Not wrong thread, I just associate Erase with Mika )
  9. Good morning! How are you?

  10. Hellooooo! I'm fine, and you?

  11. Me too. Before I found Mika, I was a really quiet, good boy who was afraid to do things wrong, and now I dare to have my own musical style, my own other styles, say what I want to say. And that's what I call coincidence *cough cough*. I think there's something about this music...
  12. Hey everybody! I want to tell you something! Yesterday I tried to force my Mika addiction away! It went very well; I didn't listen Mika at all... until I heard "I wanna talk to you" and I just automatically started listening, and without realizing it, I just listened LICM completely!!! I now think there is NO possible way to get off Mika's music!
  13. Halloooooooo! Ow nee Linde! Je staat mijn echo in de weg!
  14. Thank you for the welcome and have a nice meal! ( Or how do you say that?) See you later!!
  15. 'Ola! *Searches the members for bubuciiis * I'm new here! Wanna join! Hey, I'm thirteen too!
  16. I listened the whole EP now, and I think every song is very nice. Except.... you could see this one coming: Lost+. Jay-Z doesn't add ANYthing to this song. Shame. Lost+ is just Lost with a boy screaming Oh! all the time and talks a little. And for the remix of Lovers In Japan; I don't hear any difference with the original! Somebody does?
  17. I found this on YouTube just a sec ago: a "acoustic" cover of Big Girl. I don't think the vocals are good, but the Tupperware drums rule!!! Thing is, I don't think that guy sings a single note like on the sheet msuic or record . But otherwise, seriously guys, Cool with a capital C
  18. It began with Relax, but Grace Kelly was the song that made me an addict as I am now
  19. No, but the next time he comes somewhere near, he's got to prepare himself for a way-to-hyperactive boy in the crowd
  20. Hey!!! Nog een oude nieuwe! Hallo ik ben Mark! 13 jaar en prettig gestoorde jongen.
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