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Everything posted by Maaikie...

  1. clever to make a thread for the youtube accounts! ^^ I have two accounts lol I can reach one on my phone, which is Gnesau: http://www.youtube.com/user/Gnesau And I can only reach the other one on my laptop which is; AnneMaaikie (same as my twitter): http://www.youtube.com/user/AnneMaaikie?feature=mhee I will upload concert videos on my AnneMaaikie account which I have filmed with my camera, and other fun videos like 'our way to the gig' videos and stuff like that filmed with my phone will be uploaded on my Gnesau account
  2. I love this! It's exactly me! I am Lollipop!!! You Scored as "Lollipop" You are person-butterfly, outgoing, simple, very humorous. Though many people may think you are too happy and see the world in pink colors. However, even though you are a bit crazy and may jump around and laugh without stopping, you see what's going on around you clearly - you just try to make it look sweeter for yourself. "Lollipop" 95% "Relax (Take It Easy)" 80% "Any Other World" 75% "Billy Brown" 70% "My Interpretation" 70% "Love Today" 65% "Grace Kelly" 65% "Stuck In The Middle" 65%
  3. I love this thread! It has the most pictures :mikalove::wub2:
  4. WELCOME!!! Welcome on the MFC!!!!! I hope you'll have lots of fun on the forums and that you'll have lots of new friends! Here a beautiful Mika photo to start with ^^
  5. Hoi Annemieke! Welkom bij de MFC! Ik hoop dat je het hier naar je zin gaat hebben! ^^ Jammer dat Mika alweer vertrokken is uit nederland, anders hadden we je misschien nog kunnen zien.. Ik ben dus Annemaaike, Jolanda's dochter (17) en inderdaad ook behoorlijk fanatiek Ben je al naar concerten geweest?
  6. Lol yeah I saw that, thats what made me laugh:naughty: his face is priceless haha! Thank you for agreeing with me I guess that's indeed what people think of in the first place.. maybe some others don't agree with Mika.. could be.. Oh well..
  7. I loved most of the drawings Also love your drawing Wicky and Lilasko, very pretty! (and yours is funny lilasko ) I liked a few drawings on facebook and I have seen almost all of them.. But one thing that bothered me very much is that most of the peeps who put people in the drawing made a man and a woman in love... I thought the Origin of Love was about the fact that doesn't matter wether it's a man in love with a woman or a man, and a woman in love with a man or a woman.. I'm glad I saw drawings with two people of who you can't see which sex it is.. Just wanted to say that
  8. yes It pissed me off a bit xD its like someone else running away with the trofee after you've won a game.. ah yeah, thats an hour drive for us But for Mika gigs it's a perfect place to live ^^
  9. haha its okay! As long as you mention where you got the idea from cause many people tagged themselves on my shoes (the pic without my name on it) and acted like the shoes were theirs... so yeah.. I hope you understand that I live in the middle of the Netherlands, near Amsterdam.. like 25 minutes away
  10. aaaaaaah Mika taking me by the hand from a different angle!! THANK YOU!!!
  11. Thank you for mentioning me! and you spelled it perfect and yes I am from the Netherlands haha! They look great! Well done! I;d love to see the other side!
  12. REPORT TIME!! I still haven't written my Brussels report.. but nevermind.. I finally got my day off for today, and yesterday evening we finished my christmasdress (which I had already worn at the MFC christmas party in Bruges 2010) we (Rose, Salomé and me, my mum was baking cakes) watched Mathilda on TV, and I curled my hair in aluminium foil and went to sleep. Woke up with Make you happy that came from my Mothers room from her alarm clock, and later I woke up with Stardust from my own lol We had breakfast, and we got ourselves ready for the TV show. Then Rian and Monique came over to our house and we cut our Mika masks and we drove to the studios. Once we got there there was a lot of wind and it was so cold outside, we met up with Sylvana, Ingrid, Bubbelspurry and the others. We waited there and when we finally could get in we checked in and got our tickets, threw our coats on the wardrobes and we got inside and we stopped at the door from the studios where there were those red carpet fences. then we waited, and we waited, and we waited. for 1,5 hour and the temperature in that room was getting higher and higher. and while we were waiting we heard Mika soundchecking Love you when I'm Drunk and Underwater. He did it again and again and again... The only thing we could hear was the bass and the drums, and it was getting boring. .xD Then finally we were allowed to get in! We rushed in a bit and a stupid (grumpy:sneaky2:) hostman told us to get up on the tiered seats and we walked up and went down again to get more in front Then Paul de Leeuw got in and he told us what was going to happen. Then Joy and Max came in and we waved at them but they didnt see us... -.- Then Paul asked his staff if Mika was ready or not, he wasn't.. He said; Mika, get off that toilet!!! Then Paul told us that Mika was the angel of this show and when Mika got on the show, a stage thing turned around so we could see him and there he was, Mika, the Angel from Heaven, arriving on our planet! Then Paul told us that he would make a christmas dinner with Mika, and they went to the kitchen (which was next to where we were sitting) and they started to stuff a chicken! Mika was stuffing it like George Clooney. Then Mika had to sing Love you When I'm drunk and he took the Chicken with him and placed it on the piano xD Then he started singing it, and we were singing along with our Mika masks on and we started dancing that choreography which he made up at the Brussels gig in November and Mika saw that and pointed at us and smiled :3 Then Mika started dancing himself (in a more manly way lol) and finished the song. Mika went back to the kitchen with the chicken and Paul had made Beef salad (which smelled delicious and we were hungryyyy!!!) and Mika tasted it (while his but was sticking out to us hehe) and he loved it (the beefsalad)! After that delicious salad Paul got back to the center of the studio back to his camera and talked about the awful christmasjumpers we all had to wear and he pointed out a woman in the audience and then Abercromby & Fitch models from NY from 1983 came into the studio and they were carrying knitted jumpers and Mika had to choose one. He choose a really nice one and he put it on and he looked great! But the jumper was like three sizes too small xD and Paul choose a really awful one with rainbow coloured stripes haha! tomorrow part 2.. I'm tired.. xD
  13. That was so sweet and funny!! I just woke up and saw this on twitter hahaha! Love it!!
  14. I think I know the last two... prevent and rather if you use 'like' in the last one it'll be 'would you like to'..
  15. Welcome to the MFC!! Awesome that you sang grace kelly! Do you have a video of it? I'm curious anyways, have a great time here on MFC ^^ at the moment its a bit quiet around here cause Mika's tour is almost over.. But please check in once in a while for news Also visit the other random threads, they're fun to make friends and have fun
  16. I love the first one the most! ^^ and the one with the big girl
  17. oooooh nice!! see you then!! thanks for the photo btw (the one you send me in mail)
  18. Maaikie...

    Hi :d

    Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Welcome to the MFC!! and your rambling is fun, it shows how enthusiastic you are about Mika:thumb_yello: I hope you'll have lots of fun here on the MFC, and to give you a direction to go here in all those threads, my favourite threads are these: The moving pictures of Mika thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7130&page=174 the grumpy/sad/bitchy pics of Mika thread:naughty: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22163&page=327 and the Mika in Hats thread ^^ http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21128&page=64 these are all picture threads that I looooove, there's also the mika hair fanclub, eyes fanclub, lips fanclub.. basically everything..............
  19. I once let my baby niece listen to Mika... She was like 'no no no no!' Her dad listens to hard rock.... so she didn't like it haha:naughty: EDIT: Oh Oh Oh OOOOH! And I teached her how to say Mika!! xD haha She did it!!!
  20. oooh me toooo! I thought the short film was a bit boring
  21. Ooooooooooooooooh yeah now I know you! I've always wondered who you were:naughty: Now I won't forget! And I didn't write my report yet cause I didn't have any energy for it haha! And I still feel quit lazy:teehee: I do remember everyone's faces, it's just that I can't remember names.. But I will remember yours, don't worry:wink2: You're such a sweet person ^^
  22. :huglove: That is so sweet! Thank you! I am planning on writing a very detailed report, because I'll forget everything when time pasts, so please look forward to that.. It will be a bookwork hahaha! and ofcourse it's mika's footstep EDIT: wait, who were you there? xD I've met lots of people that night haha! Were you also there when I started talking about my experience in that megaspeed?? also, have I added you on facebook? I've added lots of people I recognized haha but I don't even know who they are hahaha
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