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Everything posted by Maaikie...

  1. Haha it's fine, it's the first that didn't turn out perfect x) I'm happy with the pic either way
  2. Btw, I'm a little shocked that noone mentioned the Documentary that was being filmed in Amsterdam and Brussels? There was a cameraman walking around the stage, and many asked him what was up with that, and he said he was filming for a documentairy for Mika in Amsterdam and Brussels! I also think the little video Mika posted on his instagram is from the same guy, but I'm not sure. Anyways, both are exciting!
  3. Just one where you are on, sorry The other is a grouppic of Mika, Rian, Navah and I (with my eyes closed as well damnit xD)
  4. Got in contact with Denise (the girl who took a photo from translating lady ;D) I gave her a link to this forum! We'll see what happens :3
  5. Maybe a bit random, but weren't you at Paul de Leeuw's recordings as well? I think you stand next to me on one of the pictures I have from that night xD
  6. ah yeah, in France, I can understand.. Please remind me when I think of going to a gig in france to stop me from going there
  7. Thank you for the reports! Sounds like this tour is going to be memorable as well I really can't wait untill next Tuesday! Amsterdam Btw, does anyone have a picture of the merch? And is it possible to buy merch before the show starts? I've always bought my stuff afterwards, which doesn't help with getting outside fast xD
  8. Waiting over night is the craziest of the craziest. I do hope it'll never come that far in this fanclub. And to add to that, HMH Is not sold out, so getting there that early is ridiculous.
  9. Looking forward to the HMH Amsterdam gig! :D

  10. I was gonna say 'my mom was allowed to photograph back then' but that's 5 years ago.... And now she has an even better camera lol So I don't know, just bring it with you!
  11. Back in 2010 (Mika's last time at HMH), when John was Mika's manager, we used to get numbers if we were a member of the MFC Those who came in early got early numbers, those who came later, got around number 60. Those who had a number could get in about 10 minutes earlier than the 'normal' audience We had to stand in line in the order of our numbers about two hours before opening. Before that we were free to go where we wanted, as long as we stayed within the area (otherwise it's not fair). It was basically waiting all day without feeling the pressure of getting in first. Everyone was polite about it and the MFCers were on front row! No stress, just waiting and knowing you'll have a decent spot in the venue! But I guess we'll see what happens I don't know what time we'll go there.. Probably about 1pm or something..
  12. Hellooo again~! After going to Paul de Leeuw last sunday I am soo excited! Been looking at pictures from past gigs and I really feel like watching the PDP concert again on dvd But, then it came to my mind; does anyone know if queueing with the numbers will be possible again? Or is it no longer possible since Meeks has a new manager?
  13. Happy anniversary MFC!!! :yay: It's been forever since I posted here, but I'm glad it's still somehow alive I was at the 5 year anniversary in London, still don't have room for the big Happy ending Posters I bought, but my love for Mika's music hasn't flown away I've met so many peeps because of the MFC during gigs, and that's what I still love the most in the Mika community. There's bitching here and there, but in the end we do care about eachother
  14. My mother and I took a picture today!! Will be sending it to you tomorrow! Now off for sleep haha x) I tried to edit a birthday video but my laptop just doesn't convert it into a video..
  15. I love the idea and I want to participate! I will send in a picture as fast as I can ^^ xx
  16. I hope denmark will win! Please no Azerbaijan! Hated that song xD haha Ukraine was better than that..
  17. Daaaamnit.. I'm in twitterjail xD the ones I like are: Hungary, Denmark and Anouk..
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