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Everything posted by nana06

  1. Well when he smiles he looks like that (with different hair) it's soo hard for me not to sit and stare at him. It's only once a week and he's so friendly that I doubt he notices...well I hope not No wonder I never feel like I've exercised, I don't actually DO any sports in sports class!
  2. He looks so much like my sports teacher in this one. A very lovely smile
  3. I definitely agree with you, he doesn't capture your attention in a good way but it's more weird. The video doesn't seem to work for me. Strange, didn't Laurent Ruquier interview Mika 'on a tout esaye' and say good stuff about him? ( sorry about the lack of accents).
  4. Aww it's not fair that you can't wear bracelets and stuff. They should let you express yourself As for brightening up, I'm all for it! As long as the sun is shinning I will be wearing as many colours as possible.
  5. Thanks, you seem really nice too!! Standing out is great, its more interesting that way and shows personality. Tomorrow I'll wear a multitude of bracelets and necklaces just to bug my english teacher! I feel like I'm dulling down a bit: not a good thing.
  6. I know!! Every time I get on the bus it's a nightmare. Here they always play "tectonik" techno music and it is, quite frankly, Horrible.
  7. That's what I say but then they say "yeah but you're stupid" in a painful and purposeful french accent. Ah well if they don't know that is wrong then no one can help them. I love all the outfits that you've posted though. Wonderful!
  8. Guess not. I still wanted the role though, I'll just write myself a few more lines and see how they like it!!
  9. Most people that do theatre with me are just show offs anyway, never friend friends, just fake friends who want attention (from my point of view anyway). I also dislike badly cooked pasta like at my school.
  10. This is where I realise that my clothes are relatively boring. I'd probably be taunted for ever by kids if I wore that to school. I might try something like it actually...but for now it's skinny jeans, puma top and green hard rock cafe tee-shirt.
  11. Aww thanks:huglove: , it really makes you realise who your freinds are: those who don't rub it in your face and comfort you instead.
  12. Hi everyone, I don't like it when I don't get the part I want in plays and I hate it even more when someone rubs it in my face that they did
  13. What has happened to Mikasounds.com I miss the long updates.
  14. My initial reaction: SHUT THE F-ING SITE DOWN AHHH!! Now that I've calmed down: That's it I'm writing to the secret service!
  15. OK I saw this and was thinking Okaayy... What's with the flipping dancing?When I first heard Mika I heard him, I didn't see him. I fell in love with with his music and it was a few months before I actually saw him for the first time. I love the fact that Mika didn't portray the image of himself in the beginning (you can hardly see him on the LICM cd cover) but only his music. Sliimy however seems more like a show off even though he also seems shy. Sure he's not ugly and he has a pretty unique voice but even though I don't know him personally I can see that he thinks he's such a huge star already. I don't think that made sense, oh well.
  16. Ha when my friend saw the video she was like "who's singing? is it him? Where's the singer?"
  17. Doesn't that mean that a diva = a gangster?
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