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Status Updates posted by NuttyGummy

  1. :D They are really good.
  2. :-D Thanks for adding me!

    Now I have someone who can keep me updated on Nessie. :-P

  3. Ah, I understand completely! It hasn’t really been super busy at work. Just lots of weird stuff that takes waaaay too long to complete.

    I hope you're weekend goes better. :-)

  4. And how are you today?

  5. Another good thriller author is Robert Liparulo, he's one of my favorite writers. His adult fictions might be a little too old for you son but he has a young adult series. I read the first book, it was pretty good. It's about this family who moves into this house and they find some rooms that when they walk through the doors it takes back in time.

  6. Bleh, the busy season started at work. Things have been kind of hectic. We call it the hundred days of hell. It really seems like it sometimes. lol

    At least I don't have to work tomorrow. I have to go to the Dr.'s so I took the day off to do that and get my taxes done. I might get my hair cut, I haven't decided yet.

  7. Do you know if the Mika Mail thing is still going on? I thought it might be a fun thing to do in the future.

  8. Glad to be done with the week. It's been such a wacky work week I was ready to get out of there today! Plus it was pay day and that always makes things seem brighter.

    Oh I hope there's a new mika blog soon. I'm really looking forward to whatever he writes next. They're usually really interesting or amusing at least.

    Ah well, I have Coraline to look forward to on Sunday if nothing else.

  9. Glad to hear that you are doing well!

    Cool! Are you happy the way your short story turned out? What's it about? If you don't mind my asking.

  10. Got your package today! Thanks for everything, love the CDs. Hopefully mine will get to you soon!

  11. Great since I got out of work! :-D

  12. Haha, I do my dishes like once a week, I start to run out of them after that. I really should clean more often.

    I made a post about NaNoWriMo on here somewhere. You try to write 50,000 words in a month. It's probably the most I write all year, kinda sad.

  13. Haha! I figured it out!

  14. Haha! Sorry, but they are very good.

    I've been craving a milka lately. I haven't found any where I live. lol

  15. Haha! Yay!

    Let me know if you and your son read any good books.

  16. haha! yes I was!

  17. Haha! Yes, the internet helps!

    Time for me to go to bed. Work tomorrow.

    Nice chatting.

  18. Hee hee, I’m a little jealous!

    I still have to make it to one of his concerts. *waiting to hear if he’s going to be having a concert near me!*

  19. hehe, glad you liked it! I guess my friends is starting her post tomorrow so hopefully she'll have it up this week, next week if life gets too busy

  20. Hehe, I do all the time, sad I know. But if the cover's not eyecatching to me I rarely bother to pick it up unless a friend or someone recomends it.

    The Decoy Princess ones do have some romance in them but lots of fantasy type elements. I like the Truth series a little better.

  21. Hehe, I've gone in there. Just haven't said anything yet. :-D

  22. hehe. That's okay.

    Right now it's warm one day and cold the next. Sunny one day and cloudy the next. This weekends supposed to be pretty nice though.

  23. Hello. How's it going?

  24. Hi! Thanks for the add! How are you today?

  25. Hi! Thanks for the add!

    How are you today?

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