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Everything posted by Eglė

  1. Yeah, I loved that too! Rrrr... Oh yes, I definitely know it!!! My first and the best soap oper ever seen! I was so young and so in love with the characters, with that pretty tomboy. I found a theme song some years after it finished and, oh my, how I cried, so silly...
  2. As in this one? Ya know, a taste in men cannot change in one day. (yeah, I agree the have something similar. Hair?)
  3. No way. Seriously. Browsed the pics to see why the girls are so crazy and... *grasshopper chirp*
  4. This world is going crazy, I swear... Feels so awkward not watching full "Twilight" (flicked through) and not watching HSM at all. But I watched Dragon Ball!!! And I loved Son Goku! Now... Where can I find a banner with him...
  5. Not a crush, but he's definitely a VERY handsome and charming man. :rolls_eyes:
  6. The beginning = Manic Monday video blog. Totally Mika moves to the sides. :roftl:
  7. It doesn't show the pic, but I opened the URL. Yeah, Alex was amazing as well, I liked the film a lot. By the way, when Mika started wearing this kind of hat I instantly thought of Alex. And at iTunes festival, with those eylashes... So similar...
  8. Mmmm, Brad was so "pure" in this film, I love it. Few posts, whatever
  9. I haven't seen that film... But from the pictures he looks nothing like Tom in that long blond hair.
  10. Oh yeah! I loved the movie and those two were so GORGEOUS! And yes, the only time Tom Cruise was.
  11. Oh my, I was 10 or 11 and it was the first ever character I really really liked. It's Kim Rossi Stuart from an old TV series/fairytale "The Cave of a Golden Rose". http://images.movieplayer.it/2003/07/02/kim-rossi-stuart-18661.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_o8BUk6Fc_c8/SgvML32wTlI/AAAAAAAAAGA/tzZ5ziXJs34/s400/kim-rossi-stuart.jpg
  12. Oh, I dind't want "blame" to sound so strong, sorry I just wanted to say I understand those girls, they don't make my life worse. Mhm, a celebrity crush. It's difficult for me to comment this cause I've never met a fan of any artist who likes only the way he looks. They must at least listen to their music, right?
  13. Oh well, that's their concern, I think. They just "fall in love", you know. And when you're "in love" everything that person does is magic, any kind of music is wonderful. Don't blame them. It happend to me as well when I was young, I admit, and there was nothing I could do. Sadly, most of popular music industry is based on good looking artists and romantic emotions of young girls.
  14. Rrrr, I'm procrastinating... Must.start.my.written.work.
  15. That is e very good thread, I like it. The problem (with me?) is that one has to be a very fluent English speaker to express his thoughts in written language. I don't think I'm capable of that... Anyway, I'll try on this one. I'm risking to be immensely criticized, however, I believe people are genuinely "bad", so to say. A term "of egoistic nature" would be better. I'll try to explain everything constructively. First, I do not claim people do evil on purpose by nature. They seek for their own benefit and that's how "bad" actions emerge. You might ask, how come we do not behave badly all the time? This is a place where family, society, religion and politics are involved. In one word - socialization. Our nature has been noticed centuries ago and being tamed since then, e.g., The Ten Commandments, the law. Second, we live in a society, which has a (relatively) strictly organized norms, rules etc. Our parents thought us at least the basic principals we need to fit it. It is more beneficial for you to behave legally than illegally and so you are motivated by egoism. The society is firm, and even when the lesser part violates those rules, it holds them inside. Such are criminals. They break the law, we punish them. But the society does not crumble apart, we do not start running and shouting "It's impossible, I will not be good because no one is!" Our environment (maybe that's a better word instead of society) controls the situation. And therefore we feel safe. We can have firm expectations. Such was the example about driving at night. I switch the lights because I expect the other person to switch them too and I benefit. So, what I meant by this paragraph it that we are not born into an empty space. We live in a certain environment which immediately starts forming us. We are given certain values to be a part of that environment. Why? Because we have inborn instincts to fight for our lives by any means. The path of our egoism is then changed and controlled. Of course, I do not say (neither do I believe) that children are tabula rasa and the fact that there are criminals clearly ilustrates it. Some people just can't tame that eagerness inside them and that is the question of psychology. Another question you might ask is why then egoistic people act altruisticly? I believe it is also a result of socialization. A person who lived in a complete and good family will sacrifice himself for his own family cause he thinks it is how it should be. The one from a difficult family will find it easy and normal to shout at his wife/husband, beat children etc. So is with altruistic actions. People are taught it is good. Yes, for some people, being altruistic is a matter of protest, for some - a matter of mental fulfillment, inner calmness. For some - an indirect ransom for their bad actions. But -look at it closer- you do/are good cause it makes you feel good (as well). Egoistic. In any case, you (also) have egoistic intentions. I hope it is clear from what I say that "egoistic" does not determine which way - good or evil - this feature will lead. But, clearly, if we are born in the wild where there are no norms to draw the line between my wants and your wants, then we do "bad" things, we fight for our lives by instincts. I do believe we are different from animals because we have will power to control ourselves. And we need love to help us. But that is another topic. To finish, I'm sorry for beig so long and not very fluent. I also wanted to discuss the topic from the perspective of the State, but maybe later. Now, I welcome your arrows or criticism.
  16. After making first real belgian waffles while dancing and eating them with cream and cinnamon... Tired and FULL (in both senses).
  17. Hey girl! How are you? I haven't heard for you for so long. :) What you been up to? Are you having a busy time or something fun? :)

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