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Everything posted by Nix--cis-f.

  1. Thank youuuu And yeah,the other thing that drove me nuts was that I saw perfect pants,but they didn't have my number
  2. Well,I don't think so it was the last one,and it fits me great,it's so elegant and sexy...I saw it even yesterday,but I've read the price wrong,so I didn't take enough money.Nah,I can try in another boutique,where there are not so many people,maybe they have one left Hah,yeah,I see most cute things when I'm not looking for them
  3. Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing Especially when I have to watch other people kissin' And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood I don't why I trusted you but I knew that I could We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt Dreams, Dreams Of when we had just started things Dreams of you and me It seems, It seems That I can't shake those memories I wonder if you have the same dreams too. The littlest things that take me there I know it sounds lame but its so true I know its not right, but it seems unfair That the things are reminding me of you Sometimes I wish we could just pretend Even if only for one weekend So come on, Tell me Is this the end? Drinkin' tea in bed Watching DVD's When I discovered all your dirty grotty magazines You take me out shopping and all we'd buy is trainers As if we ever needed anything to entertain us the first time that you introduced me to your friends and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand when I was feeling down, you made that face you do There's no one in the world that could replace you Dreams, Dreams Of when we had just started things Dreams of me and you It seems, It seems That I can't shake those memories I wonder if you feel the same way too The littlest things that take me there I know it sounds lame but its so true I know its not right, but it seems unfair That the things reminding me of you Sometimes I wish we could just pretend Even if only for one weekend So come on, Tell me Is this the end?
  4. I didn't have money for the dress I wanted so much
  5. When you love so long That the thrill is gone And your kisses at night Are replaced with tears And when your dreams are on A train to train wreck town Then I ask you now, what's a girl to do?
  6. There she goes a little heartache There she goes a little pain Make no mistake, she sheds her skin like a snake On the dirty road to fame, dirty road to fame my lord now, Oh There she goes a little heartache There she goes a little pain Make no mistake she sheds her skin like a snake You're going to walk the plank again, walk the plank again my lord now
  7. Say whatever you have to say, I'll stand by you. Do whatever you have to do, to get it out and not become a reaction memory To hurt the ones you love you know you never meant to but you do oh yeah you do Be whoever you have to be, I won't judge you Sing whatever you have to sing to get it out and not become a recluse about how to come out I know you never meant to but you do
  8. Od Sofi sam čitala samo još Umeš li da čuvaš tajnu?,što je fenomenalna knjiga,ali jako loše prevedena(prevedena je skroz u duhu engleskog jezika,a i primetila sam da većinu fraza nisu znali da prevedu properly :thumbdown: ).Šminkerka je sjajna,roman sa apsolutno neverovatnom i zanimljivom pričom,ja sam se oduševila kada sam je pročitala prvi put :wub2: od iste autorke sam čitala još i Faktor bivši,ali to je takvo sranje od knjige-a bila je veći hit od Šminkerke.

    Princezini dnevnici su mi pomalo lame-mislim,to ti je jedna od onih knjiga koje su zanimljive u početku,a posle mi deluje kao da je svaki nastavak napisan na silu.Mislim,kad pogledaš te knjige,u principu sve zajedno obuhvataju neki period od tri ili četiri meseca-pretty boring,ha?Ista stvar je i sa Džordžijom Nikolson-bilo je kul i zanimljivo u početku,kasnije se vidi da je pisano na silu.

    Ajde bre,dete,nego šta nego da imaš još vremena :naughty: Bog te pita kakve će ti se sve mogućnosti otvoriti za četiri godine.U tvojim godinama ja sam žarko želela da upišem engleski,pa sam onda pre tri godine želela klasične nauke,pa pre dve godine italijanski,pa mi je pre godinu dunulo da neću uopšte na Filološki,nego na Bogosloviju,i na kraju sam se stacionirala na nemačkom.Pokolebam se još ponekad,ali bojim se da sada nemam baš previše vremena da odustajem,pošto bi trebalo već početkom godine da se spremam za prijemni...

    Tako da,ne brini,izmenjaće ti se interesovanja i-ha-haj za četiri godine.Ko zna gde će te život odvesti :)

    Nema izgleda da će da ode u penziju,nažalost,pošto ima tek nešto manje od pedeset godina :thumbdown: tako mi je drago da sam je se otarasila,potpuni idiot od žene...savetovala bih ti da,ako budeš kojim slučajem htela da ideš kod školskog psihologa po neki savet,da radiš neki test ili slično,ne ideš kod nje,nego kod Olje,druge,mlađe psidže.Ova je totalno neprofesionalna,znala je da priča vrlo intimne i privatne đačke,a bogami i profesorske,stvari po školi,što je jedan od razloga što je svi mrze.

    Ma,okej,pozdravljam ja što ti to voliš,i treba da završiš nešto što voliš,ali bih ti savetovala da završiš još jedan faks pored toga.Neki...korisniji.Moja najbolja drugarica,koja hoće da upiše Akademiju,upisuje sada ranije(pošto možeš da konkurišeš i u trećoj godini) da bi mogla kasnije da završi još neki faks,koji će joj zapravo i doneti sredstva za život :) a tamo su ti uglavnom sve profesori koji su zaposleni do penzije i teško da može postojati neki mlađi...većina njih i dođe na katedru posle mnogo godina truda i rada.

    No dobro,tvoj život-tvoja stvar xD

    Goca je super,ona mi je predavala na pripremnoj :-) nećeš imati problema sa njom ako ti bude bila razredna.

    Dušo,NEMA nijedne profesorke nemačkog sa dugom i crnom kosom :naughty: i dalje pojma nemam o kome ti to.Moraćeš da mi je pokažeš kada počne školska godina.

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