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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. Hi Monie!


    I think I found something among my pictures from the 12th of June evening. Is not a particular awesome picture but I guess...I don't know. Don't bite my head off if you consider me rude.


    Isn't that you on the left of the picture?


  2. Is ZQ lefty like in writing with his left hand? I didn't know that!!!
  3. Why thank you...the man himself huh?
  4. HI Mum and welcome among the TOUGH FANS!!! You don't know what you've got into... muhahaha
  5. SURE! You're now MFC trekker number 6. Say WHAT? OF course! You're now MFC trekker number 7.
  6. Welcome! Yeah, well ZQ is cool hawt whatever, but he's different from MIKA. MK is Mika, I don't know, he has no adjective. But ZQ looks like a MAN I mean, he looks more charming more italian-like guy. So different from Mika!
  7. Thanks a lot!!! The interviewer IS a GEEK!!! Poor guy!!! The look on ZQ's face...priceless!!!1:roftl:
  8. I CAN SEE MYSELF IN THE PICTURE SOMEWHERE IN THE BACK!!! Fascinating! A bientot, Bianca xx
  9. Is someone talking about Star Trek and ZQ without me? sorry! couldn't help it! btw, could you imagine Mika with Spock-like eyebrows? A bientot, Bianca xx
  10. I read the article last night and I really really loved it. When I'm only thinking that I have met him and talked to him 2 days ago makes me so happy. I now finally realize what is the thing that makes me so happy for being his fan. HE IS STRANGELY FANTASTIC!!!
  11. Hi, Robertina!

    I wanted to let you know that I have written my report for the 12th of june Paris gig and would love to put the link on the first post. It's on the 21st page.


    Oh, and FrenchDeb also wrote hers.


    A bientot,




  12. Me and mum were thinking that the next we go, we'll do only the gig. If we go to London, we would love you to join us.

  13. I have the article of your siggie too! I have bought "The Parisien" on friday morning for the sake of having that date on the first page, but didn't look through it! This morning I have found it in my bags and thought I should look through it and SURPRISE, there he was. REALLY NICE!
  14. for a while I thought I wouldn't do this again EVER! But I'm dying to get back there!! And even if I'll go to one of them again, I think it will be Paris again because he is at his best there!!!

    I saw that gig that was announced in England at the beggining of September and it kinda crossed my mind, but it wasn't London and I just forced myself to say: "neaaaah" will wait til March though!


    Oh my. You should have seen my friends' faces when they've seen my pic with him!!

    You know I have been in a great shock that night. I woke up at 4 in the morning and started crying. It all felt as if it's been a dream.


    By the way, do you know I have actually met him at midnight? :das:

  15. Mum says "Hi!". you know we were thinking today, that it has been such a great thing to have met you and later find out that we're so close at the gig. It was such a cool situation.

  16. I was just drooling over those pics aswell. HE IS GORGEOUS!!! I want that magazine sooo bad!!!


    By the way. Yesterday leaving for the airport i found a VERY last copy of "Direct soir" with a Mika front page in the Gallieni metro station. Wasn't that wonderful?

  17. I WANT THAT MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it possible for someone to do something about it? Like for a greater part of the MFC?
  18. Bonsoir, Sara! ca va?

  19. It would worth! You know, I have to say that this vacation of mine was all about aches and hurts, especially at the gig: I had a muscular fever from climbing 400 stairs at Notre Dame, my feet hurt from jumping and walikng all over Paris, my palms hurt...hurthurthurt!
  20. It will be of me and Mika! Just the 2 of us! It will be an exclusivist club!!!
  21. I didn't read it yet, but I don't understand something. Where is the magazine from?? Understand me please, I'm still recovering from the LOOK! Thank you for POSTING THE PICTURES!!!
  22. Could I be mean? It's good that you don't look at him everyday, otherwise your neck would hurt like hell!!! SORRY!!!
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