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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. It is strange enough for me to have met people I've only heard of on MFC, now you guys are talking about my height!!! Fascinating! Most of the times I am taller, it was good that Mika was taller now.
  2. Thank YOU for the pictures! I have some bad ones from the concert. He WOULDNT STAY STILL!!!!!
  3. Her only concern was to take a good picture of me. But I know she was in awe too, because she never thought that everything I hoped for WILL come true. She's always had her doubts about it. She's an adult. She;s happy for me.
  4. I knew the MFC would like the pic. I am afraid that my friends would laugh at it, but I don't care. My dream came true. Yeah, I am tall. I used to practice swimming (as perfromant swimming) like everyday when I was 8-10 years old. That's when I grew that tall.
  5. We went outside and Sara dragged me and my mum aroud the corner in the queue. We stayed there. It wasn't raining. It was such a nice weather. I was there imagining what on earth I could say to him. I was thinking of how will I react. People started walking out one by one: manager and Martin, Dan, Cherrise, Fortune, Allegra, Mum, Yasmine, the orchestra, the vocalists, some friends with their children and then silence. I looked at the door through which he was supposed to come out and nothing. In few seconds people were gathering there to take pictures. I was like: "He's out! He's out!" A girl in front of me told me: "Shhhh!" just as if I don't know we were supposed to be all quiet and stay still. He talked to Charlotte, I think that with Sariflor too. The five persons before me were all quiet, didn't say a single word to him. He reached the spot in front of me surrounded by bodyguards, grabbed my poster and started singing it. I felt no chills, no butterflies, no goosebumps, no jelly feet, no tears. I just went on: me: "Hi, Mika! I'm Bianca! I have to tell you that it's been my first gig and it was just amazing, fantastic! Thank you sooo much!" He raised his head looked in my eyes and whispered as he had no voice: Mika: "Cool, you're welcome!" and smiled at me looking into my eyes. Then I just wanted to give myself a prize for being so cool with it. I haven't lost myself at all. It just felt as if it was normal, as if I did this everyday. I went to mum. Then I saw her freak out at me: "THE PRESENT! YOU HAVEN"T GIVEN HIM THE PRESENT!!!!!":shocked: I was..: Oh, you're right! I'll be right back! Went back towards him and the bodyguard was pushing me away. "I have to give him THE PRESENT!" I said. and the bodyguard was like: "Oh, ok!":aah: me: "Mika, Mika, Mika!" Mika looks at me smiling! me: "This is for you, Mika! I forgot to give it to you earlier!" Mika: "It's ok, don't worry!" then he had a tendency to look in the bag, but he had no spare hands. me: "I just hope I'll see you wearing it!" as if I made him somehow curious about it, he said: "I will, thank you!" me: "Ok, I gotta go! I'll see ya!" Mika: "bye! See ya!" walked away, with his look on his face printed somewhere in the back of my mind. I've heard you melt when he looks at you, I've heard he looks right into your soul. He indeed looks into yor eyes, but I just have say: NOBODY I HAVE EVER MET LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT. I've never seen in someone's look, what I've seen in his: he has a look of a crazy man. But crazy in the way of GENIUS! It almost scared me. No picture ever captured a look like that. It was a complete premiere for me. The smile was usual, but the look. And besides, the color of his eyes are the exact color of eyes you can see on the PDP DVD when he's playing french GK! As height, I was imagining he would be a lot taller than me. Provied that I am a tall girl (1.83m) I was surprised to see that the height difference between me and him is not obvious at all. That was my MIKA moment and here it is captured by my mum from behind: I was so cool with the moment. Walking away, I met Charlotte, who I've been dying to meet ever since I heard she'll come from LA. She is such a nice person! Then, I had to say good-bye to Sara, my new friend and walk myself to the hotel room. On my way there I just told mum: "Mum, he is not ordinary at all! HE IS MAD!" I was such an alien in the hotel room. Everything was feeling virtual to me. Not real. Got in my pyjamas and thought I'd get some sleep. At about "2 o'clock in the morning" closed my eyes. I had a nightmare. I was in the Louvre, queing and right in front of me was the bold lady. I was running after Mika to get a picture and the lady was standing in my way. At 4 o'clock I woke up and started crying. I had just realized that all this time I had been in shock!!! Like a real shock! That was the explanation of the lack of feelings. I've been crying because I couldn't get that look of his out of my mind. It defenetly shocked me! It almost haunted me! I feel sorry for him in a way. (PM me if you want to know why.) The next morning I was happy to find in the metro station a last number of "Direct soir" with a Mika front page. I took it as my reward. On my way to the airport I plugged my earphones in and listened. Every song brought me fresh memories, that I know will soon fade and will become "good old memories" and I started crying again. I don't think I will ever be able to listen to GK again without crying. I think I should end my report, by saying that it has been the most fantastic week of my entire life! I look at my signed poster and I feel so cold. I'm out of that balloon of shock, back in my routine, out of that world. Tommorow I'll start writing a book about my experience, because, a report is just too short to keep a memory alive! A bientot, Bianca xx
  6. Paris, 12 06 09 "Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life" and go to the Picasso museum . Then I spent a wonderful morning around the neighbourhood. At about 3 o'clock, got back to my hotel room where I started getting ready: hair, dress, make up, soul...I couldn't get in the mood. Waiting for my elevator, I finally felt like I couldn't breath. I knew that the next time I'll be in that elevator, I won't be the same person! EVER AGAIN! Went to the Cirque and NOBODY was there. It was 5:30. I was checking every car to get a glimpse of anyone familiar, but no. At one point a car stopped in front of the venue and this tall, skinny, curly haired guy got out of it. He was wearing spectacles. He was NOT Mika, though he looked just like him. Nothing crossed my mind but: "It's certainly not him!" and he entered the venue through a back door. Then finally I relized who I had just seen: HIS BROTHER, Fortune! Yep, it was him! People were moving around seeing my flag, but noone I knew. Then I saw Aurelien, who I had only seen on the PDP DVD the night before. To be honest I had no idea who he really was, but I knew I had seen him on the DVD. Then Sara and her friend came and went to get something to drink because on the 11th there were some guys who gave us free drinks, which hasn't happened on the 12th too, and we were thirsty. I got myself my first Cherry coke relly nice. A few minutes later we went in. 7:30 I stepped in the Cirque and saw John again. My mum was a bit scared and concered that I won't be able to give Mika my present, so she pushed me to ask John how could I ever do that. (Though I could only imagine how) so there I was again talking to John: me: "Hi, John! Can I have a word with you?" John: "Hi, sure you can!" me: "I was just wondering how could I give Mika my present, bacuse I have one for him. Will there be a queue after the show?" John: "If he feels good and still has a voice, there sure will be! He hasn't been speaking the whole day." me: "As usual." John: "yeah!" looking at the flag I was holding in my hand "What's that? ooohh.." me: "Thank you so much! I hope he is Ok now." John: "He is, he is! me: "Have a nice evening John! I'll see ya!" John: "Ok, same to you! bye-bye" me: "bye!" Then we (me, mum and Sara) went on to the centerpoint of the venue. There was the merchendise store, but I didn't like anything of what they had there, so I didn't buy anything. I entered the arena and I burst into tears. I WAS THERE!!! A woman showed me the way to my seats. My sight was blurry from the tears but I WAS THERE. While we were haniging around there, mum went to take some pics and Marie-andree came to talk to her to tell her to seize taking pictures because we risked to be taken away the camera. I went over and I met her and talked to her. Then back in my seat. The opening act appeared, played their stuff, though nobody was paying attention and in like 20 minutes they dissapeared. All this time, the 3 of was were staring at Mika's brother who was on the other side talking to somebody. Darkness. A man wrapped in the same things that were on the floor appeared and started dancing around with a broom. I said to Sara: "Tell me it's not him!" "No, don't worry it's not him!". Then the orchestra appeared and his backing vocalist. They prepared their instruments and sat down. Then the rest of his band appeared. Then Mika appeared. Just like that. He entered the stage, waved, bowed, smiled. I was looking at him, clapping, screaming, but no other kind of feeling like chills, like goosebumps, NOTHING at all. I was just looking at him like this. He sat himself down and began playing "Grace Kelly". Then I started crying I couldn't believe it. Tears were running down my face and I was singing out loud when I realized that nobody else around me was doing that too. I was all alone singing there in my loge. At the "Walk out the door!" part I was screaming my soul out. I couldn't deal with the idea that my dream came true. He went on singing his songs. At a point I realized it was already the third song. I kept singing at every song and screaming when he was starting a new one. Clapped and clapped. I wanted to scream "I love you Mika" sometimes between some songs, but couldn't find that moment good enough. Then in a moment I screamed: "I LOOOOVE YOU MIKAAAA!" It was all so silent. He replied: "dum, tadadidadi, dum, tadadidadi, dum..." and the rest of "Love Today". I just thought that it was such a nice thing. My sincronization was perfect. At Billy Brown it was awkward. I was sitting next to my mother and screamed: "Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man" . That was weird. At "Lonely alcoholic" I cried like a baby. To see him there in the middle of that stage, singing: "I'm a mediocre writer, who sings all of the time." was so touchy. Before I knew it, it was all over. I was like: "No, mum, seat down, it's not over, it can't be over!" But everybody were leaving and I was in denial. I jumped, and cried, and sang. There were moment when I was bending over singing, because I had no more air, my jaws, my feet, my hands hurt so bad.
  7. They say there is no place like home. Of course, there is where I realized that everything is over, that memories are ephemeral, that it really happened, that NO PICTURE could ever capture a moment of happiness, that Mika has been in front of me smiling at me. Paris, 11 06 09. In the morning I went to the Louvre and then took a walk on Champs-Elysees. The thought that I was in Paris, where a boy once had the best childhood ever gave me some chills. I knew I was in Paris, and so was Mika. In the afternoon at around 5:30, I returned to the hotel and the metro station was the one just in front of Cirque d'Hiver. I was expecting to see a queue already, but there was nobody. Though I had a premonition that Mika was inside. Went to the hotel and thought I'd get back there in an hour. At 6:30 there was a queue. I was there with my mum and my "MFC member" flag. Some people asked me if I were an official representative of MFC, and I was like "what? noo!". I have first met French Deb, who recognized me by my flag and Etoile2roses (I think, she told me she was the one who told me about the Stravinsky place in Paris on the French forum). They were very nice and I was in awe that someone I've never met recognized me. Then I met Justine (I don't remember her MFC name, but she said she's and old MFC'er) and we've been talking about everything we could think of. At a point Sara (lasara) came and asked me if I'm a member of the MFC and we started talking. While my mum was talking to Justine's mother, guess who came out in the middle of the queue (not Mika): was JOHN! his tour manager. He sat himself on that fence and took a deep breath. I was looking at him, so happy to see him and just said: "Hello!" he replied: "Hello, how are you?" "I'm fine, you?" at that point he simply said: "pffffft" and rolled his eyes back. That made me imagine that Mika must have prepared something special for that gig. At 7:30 I went back to my hotel room. Nope, I wasn't going to the 11th of June one, but I;ve been there to collect my tickets.
  8. Bonjour! I'm in Paris. My second day, and I have to say that it is a pretty awful weather. I can't believe this is IT. THE WEEK! I haven't got the tickets yet, but I'm fine. Helen told me everything about how I should get in.. My seats are: A loge14 1 and 2. It's kinda cool. on the right side of the stage (from how we see the stage) a little on the corner...pretty fine. Any neighbours? By the way, nothing new bout the codes, yet? If something happens, could someone send tweet me about them please? (Bianca_me) A bientot, Bianca xx
  9. I want the link of the video from your siggie!!!...please! :flowers: And now I would just like to post some awesome Spock quotes: 1."Fascinating" 2."Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!" 3."That would be unwise." 4."What is necessary is never unwise." (that was Sarek's quote but I love it!) 5."I would cite regulation, but I know you would simply ignore it." 6."The complexity of the human pranks escapes me." 7."If you are presumming that these experiences in anyway impede my ability to command this ship, you are mistaking." 8. And of course..."Live long...and prosper!" A bientot, Bianca xx
  10. MESSAGE FOR ALL SECOND PARIS GIG'ERS: Please check my post on the "Paris cirque d'hiver 2nd date thread" about my recognision sign at the venue: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2327633&postcount=104 I'll take the flag with me and you will all know it is me : B!anka- the MFC'er (and her mother) and not somebody else! A bientot, Bianca xx
  11. Thank you so much for your understanding! P.S. I'm going only to the 12th of June gig! A bientot, Bianca xx
  12. OUI! OUI! OUI! C'est ca!!!!!!!! MERCI BEAUCOUP!!! Je vais vous voir au concert! A bientot, Bianca xx
  13. I'm about to. When I'm done with my n'th panic attack this week. All I know of this week is that I've cried so much, and don't know if it's worth it. And I cannot even express my feelings to my mum, because I don't want to make her feel awful as if I'm not grateful for coming with me all the way to Paris for the Mika gig. Because I am, but I just want those tickets! :sad::tears:


    Thank you for the information.


    A bientot,



  14. Il a été quelque chose de similaire. quelqu'un d'autre sait mieux de quoi je parle?
  15. Deb, I have sent them like 3 emails this week, and I've been told on Wednesday that my tix were sent on tuesday, but I haven't got and confirmation email of the dispatch or an order number whatsoever. I don't even know my seats!!! I feel terrible, and my mind plays tricks on me without asking me and decides to put the blame on Mika and I feel as if it really didn't worth all this chaos... I feel as if I'm losing it. I had such a tense week. Waking up everyday early to check the mail to see that nothing is ever there but flyers. I just my tickets! I want to hold them in my hands and cry of happiness not of desperation that I feel as if I haven't even ordered anything at all. I wonder if not doing their job right makes them feel good in the morning. (Not neccesarily Sandbag, but whoever sends out the tickets). Besides, there is something about this tour, it doesn't give me the same chills as the one of last year. I wasn't part of it, but it was soo exciting. I don't know. I look at the pics and it seems like he's different. I don't know how to explain but in two ways: 1. I am probably scared of getting to know something more than what I have known so far. Scared of finding out something I won't like. Scared of changing my perspective of seeing Mika. 2. Someone said once a true thing: "You're probably be happier to only expect and dream of something, because the actual owning of it will just spoil you." so true... oh, and Thank you! (for the flag) A bientot, Bianca xx
  16. The situation of not having the tickets just yet is terrible, and it's all happening to me. This experience so far has taken me through so many impossible experiences that I thouhgt I should start writing a book when I get back...I feel it's gonna be very Burton-ish. So, I said that I will make a flag of mine to make myself visible to the other MFC'ers at the concert for the M&G (if there still is smth like that )and I said I'd post the pics of it here when it's ready, so that you know it's me...and here they are the pics...don't ask about the colors, just wanted to make it visible. A bientot, Bianca xx
  17. Hi, Netina!


    erm...look I read on the Paris gig thread that you've received your tix. I haven't though (even if Romania is closer than Greece :sad: ) , and I just wanted to ask you: did they arrive by the classic post or was it a courier who brought them to your door? And have you received the confirmation of dispatch email, because I haven't...:sad:


    It's all so stressful, provided that I'm leaving for Paris tommorow...




  18. Salut! j'irra a Paris demain et maintenant je pence a toutes les choses je voudrai revoir. Pourrez-vous m'aider encore une fois avec un detail de Paris? Je me souvenir que pres de le Cathedrale du Notre Dame du Paris, il y a une place avec les colorees fontaines (tres artistiques) et le magazines de souvenirs et des restaurants...vrai? Je ne peut me souvenir pas le nomme de cet place...et je n'ai pas de photos...mais, est-ce que vous me comprendre? A bientot, Bianca xx
  19. Oh, merci beaucoup! alors, je pence que je pourra trouver la dans l'aeroport, si non, je te remercier pour cettes alternatives. Je crois que je doit fini mon participation dans cet thread. Je suis gene parce-que apres 5 ans d'etudier francais, je suis un peu efrayee (scared) de parler. ce ne pas comme l'anglais...je suis tres curiose de voir comment je peut PARLER at comprendre le langue quand j'irra en France. (C'est le premier fois que j'aller en France "since" j'ai etudie francais. Je avais alle la 7 ans "ago") A bientot, Bianca xx
  20. Through SANDBAG's website (I didn't find :sad: ) or MS? Because on MS there's still the Not yet dispatch thingie, but I know I've read somewhere here that someone got their tix and there was on MS still "not yet dispatched" so I failed to trust that...

  21. Oh, Ok! Thanks a lot once again. But do you have any ideea if everyone MUST receive an email confirming the dispatch? We haven't (me & mum) and she's kinda running a little crazy because we're leaving for Paris on Sunday and I'm a more optimistic because I know there will be a way to get in NO DOUBT!






  22. Thank you so much!

  23. hi!


    Anything new about the Paris tickets?


    A bientot,




  24. Salut! Je ne parle francais trop, seulment a l'ecole, mais je veut poser une question regarder Paris, et je ne sais pas ou je doit poser cet question. Alors, est-ce que vous avez d'idee si je peut trouver dans Paris le "Q magazine" avec le Mika article et le allemande version de le magazine "GQ"? (Dans l'aeroport probablment?) J'irra en Paris cet Dimanche et je voudra acheter des magazines je ne peut pas trouver ici. Excuse-moi pour mon courage de "posting" en francais avec beaucoup de fauts! A bientot, Bianca xx
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