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Status Updates posted by B!anka

  1. hi!


    Anything new about the Paris tickets?


    A bientot,




  2. I opened one! See in the "Other artists"!

  3. Yeah, a whole family out here. I am sorry if it made you feel uneasy when I said that I laughed when reading the 93 thing. I simply couldn't believe it.


    I apologize.


    still friends, OK?


    A bientot,




  4. Thanks! I'm done with the Trekkie thread!


    This is for you:flowers2:


    A bientot,




  5. Hi!


    I was wondering...do you have any idea if there's a "Star trek" related thread in the "Other artists" thing? :naughty: I wouldn't like to make one for the sake of being closed afterwards.


    Thanks in advance.


    A bientot,




  6. Can I ask you something, if you don't mind of course :naughty:. How old are you really? It made me laugh so hard when I read you're 93 :lmfao:

  7. Just wanted to say that I JUST LOOOOVE SPOCK too!! was my first "Star trek" and fell in love! I have the audiobook read by Zachary Quinto, too! :das: I there a "trekkers" thread around? Or shall we open one?


    A bientot,





    P.S. I wish we had a vulcan hand-ed smilie! :wub2:

  8. I was suddenly struck by a thought, Avoca.


    IF there are more members part of one thread (virtual gigs for e.g.) there will be only ONE product out of all our work? Like the cover art?

    I really don;t know why am I asking that now...

    A bientot,




  9. Hi, Nono! I saw you're the newest member of the Cover Art Design Dream Team! :naughty: We have already built a group so we can keep our work away from M's eyes :wink2:http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?groupid=35


    You'll have to join it too and please share your ideas as soon as you get there and tell us what you think bout what we've done so far.


    Welcome aboard!


    A bientot,




  10. Yeah, well I am miss efficiency :naughty: just joking...it is something that I love doing, and when I love doing something I try my best to make it well.


    In that case I will leave it for later and am afraid I'll make it later this month, because of the school, you know...that thing occupying my whole time :naughty:


    A bientot,




  11. Ok, fine...just wanted to ask you if I should do that or you! (sending out pm's)


    A bientot,




  12. Hi, Zsina, if you have time could you please check out the cover art group thingie...I feel like I'm left all alone there and I'm talking to myself :rotfl: ...Please, and tell me what you think?

  13. Ok, first, I am Bianca...not Blanca not B!lanca or anything, Bianca:naughty:


    Then, YES I do have a scanner, I was on the run the other day, had to go to school:boxed:


    Thank you for your appreciation, But I think I can handle the text after all to make it shorter and make it more comprehensive (talking about the aspect which was a great ordeal to make it straight and readable:naughty: I was told by a mate that I have a "dancing-writing" I hope I can make it stay :mad3: )

    I'll send it to you tommorow, because I don't have anywhere to photocopy it today (it's May Day here and noone is working) but tommorow I will and will write it and send it.:thumb_yello:


    A bientot,





  14. Here they are: http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff341/biancapana92/30042009036.jpg



    The edges are a beautiful dark purple my photo camera couldn't hadle :naughty: and the center is yellow...plain yellow. If I'll have to redo it I'll stick to the first page and make it shorter (God knows how). Just let me know if you like it or not and if there's something else I should know.


    A bientot,




  15. I am such a dummy...didn't get to read that thing before I started writing. I have done 2 pages for The Virtual Gigs Experience thing and I hardly fit(ed) the text in the artwork. I am not sure which parts I can take out of the text and whether there'd still be room left for my Birthday wishes for Mika, I guess I'll take care of those along with the cover art I am also in. Geez...at least is good that I don't have to redo the artwork. I'll make some pics as I don't have time to scan them now, gotta go to school and send them to you via PM just to tell me what you think.


    A bientot,




  16. I just want to let you know I started working on my thing with the virtual gigs experience and I am doing my own artwork I believe it will be done in few days, I have written my text also (my mum likes it she says it's exactly what I feel:naughty: she's my best critic trust me, if there was something wrong she would have said)...I'm not sure how to put it but: I won't need help into it from the team that does the various part of the book art and I don't know, if you consider you should put me on that list, feel free to do it, but I will only take care of my own part (like virtual gigs and cover art) as I hardly have time for these 2 now...the semestrial exams will come before I know it and don't think I can handle it.


    A bientot,




  17. Hi, We have created a group http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35 and are waiting for feed-backs. Yes, I live in Europe...far too eastern Europe...:sad: .


    Oh, I saw that you are in charge with the introduction...well...can I show you a thing I wrote on my blog in a moment of awe? :naughty:http://thewhitefeather.wordpress.com/2009/04/16/definition-of-a-true-artist-mika/


    And I have one more question, I know it's a little 2 early but: When are we going to give him the present?

  18. Here is the Cover Art Designing Team group you'll have to join: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35

  19. Here's the Cover Art Designing Team you will have to join: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35

  20. Here is the Cover Art Designing Team you will have to join: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35

  21. Here's the group of the Cover Art Designing team you have to join: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35

  22. Here's the group of the Cover Art designing team u'll have to join: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=35

  23. I can sure do it! :thumb_yello: Thanks a lot!

  24. Yeah a group would be good. I don't know how to do it. If you figure it out please let me know.


    A bientot,




  25. Hey, salut! Sunt Bianca...sunt relativ noua pe aici insa am venit pe aici fara sa fiu membru demult. Vroiam sa-ti spun k imi pare bine sa vad si alti romani pe aici...cateodata imi faceam griji k sunt singura din tara :naughty:.


    Vroiam doar sa say hi!




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