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Everything posted by Menthe

  1. At least there is one country where TOOL is a real success ! It is number 2 and 7 on top 10 in Korea. Even TBWKTM and LICM are on the top 25:http://www.yes24.com/24/category/bestseller?CategoryNumber=003001002&sumgb=02&PageNumber=1
  2. I just noticed that Celebrate has been 6 weeks on Billboards Club Music Hot Dance songs charts (2 weeks on top 25): http://www.billboard.com/charts/billboard-200#/charts/dance-club-play-songs?begin=21&order=position I remember that WAG did quite well on these charts also.
  3. I would prefer Origin of Love becaus it's so beautiful, the chorus part isn't irritating (thinking of those who don't like Mika's falsetto too much) and the lyrics are really good.
  4. Ok, thank you . Do you have an idea about the real sales? Do they publish any numbers?
  5. It was like that also in France for LICM and TBWKTM, people prefered buying the album instead of singles and for Muse it's the same way. Are those red numbers for the sales? If they are, that would mean that TOOL sold 30 500 copies in one week (sales are about 36 000 for two weeks in France).
  6. Yes, that is true in many other countries also, but a really good song is always appreciated and that's why the public should be able to listen to it on the radio. I don't know what WE can do if the british radios don't want to play Celebrate and other fothcoming singles.
  7. Perhaps it's too difficult to describe it otherwise. I quite agree with him: my favorites are OOL (I never get bored by this song!), Underwater and Heroes. I hope that more people in UK will read these positive reviews and give him a try. I just can't understand the succes of Cheryle Cole for exemple, her new singles are just so boringly mainstream without any identity.
  8. Unfortunately having a really big hit is the only thing that seems to work nowadays (= Gotye). I hope, however, that he was sufficiently well known now in Europe and in Asia thanks to his gigs and previous hits that he could reach at least 2 millions albums sold.
  9. Celebrate is number 45 at the moment in France: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/charts/singles.php,p3. It would be interesting to know how many albums were sold in Korea. Maybe Yuna will help us when woken up?
  10. Thank you for the translation. We rarely get as interesting interviews to read as this one. Mika doesn't often talk about the album sales and I wonder if this was the goal set by Universal or by himself ("I sold insanely many records of the first album so I knew it would become tough with the second one. I knew I had to work very hard because I had to sell two million copies of it - which I managed to do only just.") It must be very stressful for him even with TOOL if he has to think about the album sales all the time. I just hope that the enourmous touring he did for TBWKTM gave him more hard core fans who will buy the album instead of downloading it illegally.
  11. These are really good news for Spain! Unfortunately in France TOOL went to number 3 the second week after release and next week it's Muse's turn to be number 1. http://www.chartsinfrance.net/charts/albums.php I just hope TOOL will stay in the top 10 and if french radios played Underwater, it would help TOOL's sales a lot.
  12. That's incredible! Korea must be the only country where Mika beats Muse in charts.
  13. Oh, that's a pity. They just seem to promote Finnish Idols- or the Voice -stars at the moment. Perhaps it's Universal's marketing priority at the moment.
  14. And Celebrate entered for the first time the top 40 in France (1861 copies sold): number 33 this week!
  15. Thank you very much Suzie for opening this thread. So, good news from France: TOOL is number 1 this week with 25 702 copies sold! http://www.chartsinfrance.net/MIKA/news-82066.html
  16. Hello everybody! Could someone open a thread for The Origin of Love (album and singles) sales. I am too bad for these things (I don't even have an avatar ). TOOL debuted as number 1 in France: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/MIKA/news-82066.html
  17. It seems to be confimed now that Underwater is the next single, at least in France: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/MIKA/news-82069.html It will be aired on the radio this week.
  18. Surprise, surprise! In fact I like it quite a lot. It's much simplier just accompagnied with a guitar and Mika's voice is so smooth here.
  19. Why did I order the French version ?! I will also have to buy the UK version for the acoustic songs (perhaps they sell it here in Luxembourg). If he really wants to sing in French, he should work with other people than Doriand etc.
  20. Thank you for these reviews, I will probably try to make one next week. Smokesignal, have you also "Comme un soleil"/"Soleil mal luné" on your album?
  21. Hello all the French fans! Can you already preview all TOOL tracks on French iTunes? I doesn't work for me (I am in Luxembourg).
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