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Everything posted by lylahmoussa

  1. já acc \o/


  2. i wanna kill my keyboard 'cause it's freaking ugly
  3. dear god, i can't wait to listen to WAG anymore! and the clip *-*
  4. pois é cibele, acho qe eu tenho uma coisa de entrar na hora qe você sai ;D tchaau flor! ;**
  5. á, eu também, ia ser o dia mais feliz da minha vida :wub2: mas agora eu vou indo, tô morrendo de dor de cabeça, só tava de passagem por aqui.. beijos ;*
  6. hehe, that has happened to me too rock kate nash or katy perry? (LOL)
  7. lonely. to love someone and this person doesn't love you or to be loved by someone who you don't love?
  8. thanks for following me back on twitter, dear! kisses ;*

  9. yeah, if mika was the king of pop, he would have about 25 years of life till his death NOOOOOOOO! it's better keep Mika as Mika, kings of pop don't have happy endings
  10. haha, at least for me he's the king of pop, but he won't have the same unhappy ending which MJ had, right? i can't wait for WE ARE GOLDEN (ok, that color isn't golden, but...)
  11. se alguém ainda tiver aí, me explica esse negócio de fazer vídeo/foto que eu cheguei agora e tô boiando O.o
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