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Everything posted by Lil'Violet

  1. oh boy!! i totally forgot about the time zone!!!! it's better to go to cook dinner..
  2. hi bianca!! :original:

    aww, thank you so much!! i'm happy you like it!!

    i think it's really true too!!

    honestly i feel a little embarassed for it.. but hey, after all it's a song lyrics!!! :fisch::teehee:

    thank you for writing!! :bye:

  3. i don't want to talk about the apps thing 'cause i haven't an i-phone so i barely know what you'r talking about.. bump in just to say that i've subscribed google alert for every single country availabe, but i receive the e-mails several hours or even days later that other people here, even if it's setted for sending me e-mails as the news are published.. so yes, here you can find news before if you ask me.. and for me mfc is kinda a source as well, 'cause, i don't know why, i don't receive alerts from several countries.. plus not all the news are linked by google.. e.g. mika's at radio 1 tonight.. i didn't receive any e-mail yet..
  4. i'm listening!! for now... *hopes hubby doesn't realize it's almost time for dinner* thank you!!!!
  5. thank you for the updates deb!! i was just wondering how big should their server be for hosting that amount of stuff.. sounds good!! i hope they could manage the situation!!
  6. ciao karla!! :original:

    io sto molto bene, grazie!! e tu come stai? spero bene!! :thumb_yello:

    ci vediamo presto, qui, sul forum italiano oppure nel mikasounds!!

    ciaooooo!!! :bye:

  7. thanks deb!! new pics!! me doesn't like the shirt..
  8. omg!!! what a thread!!!!! many thanx dani, these images are really really wonderful!!!! i'm in too!! oh dear!!!! thx!!!! thx also for the un-watermarking work!!!
  9. many thanks everyone for your wonderful reports, pics and vids!! i'm really happy for everybody was there, it shoud have been a great night!!! aww katrien!! you did it.. again!!!! i knew it!!!
  10. hi claudia!! i've found your introduction thread finally!!! =P i'm violet sky in the italian forum, and we 'met' there yesterday! have fun here!! see you soon!! =)
  11. thanks so much for posting and translating niki!!! gosh, the 'making of' is almost better than the video itself!!! it's awesome seeing mika dancing in his living room with the coreographer!! love it!!
  12. watched once again!! i think i'm gonna fuse the laptop pretty quickly today!!! it's perfect!! beautiful, really beautiful!!!! i can't think properly at the moment, but i'm positively impressed!! after what he said at a italian radio i was a little worried.. the man knows how to create expectations i guess!! :thumb_yello:
  13. oh my god!!!!! thank youuuuu!!!!!! i officially love you droopsy!!!!! i'm watching it right now, love it!!!!! edit: honestly, the only things i don't like are that white monter mask and the black ripped t-shirt.. but perhaps it's meant to remind the 80s.. am i wrong or i can see the red decorated jacket some mfcers gave him????
  14. hi kat!! i spent my holiday in a big and crowded italian beach city called Rimini, i don't know if it's known abroad, but in italy it's a classic! thank you for your nice thought!! at first i honestly didn't like wag so much.. i couldn't 'understand' the point of a song like that (not talking about the lyrics but i mean on the whole) but after some listenings i got it and i finally changed my mind! i find it powerful and catchy of course, but also, as someone wrote in a review, a real vent and that "we are not what you think we are.. etc" stucks into your mind and makes you feel better!!! or at least it makes ME feel better.. are you really going to london??? omg, it's wonderful!!! did you win the competition? i didn't take part cuz the flight are too expensive at now, plus i guessed that when i saw the thread it was too late.. but i coulnd't go in any case, so whatever i'm looking forward to see your pics from london, they'll be as beautiful as the belgian ones, i can feel it!!! i wrote too much, sorry!! but i'm happy to be here again!!
  15. hi girls!! did you miss me?? please, say yes even if you didn't notice i was away!! i'm kidding!!! omg, how many news in these 15 days!! i surfed the news section and it took me ages, now i have tons of pages to 'read' in TWO mg threads but i'm leaving again so i guess i'm gonna do it when i'll be back.. i spent almost the whole yesterday to figure out the magic numbers thing!! oh dear!!! my holidays've been pretty good!! via my mobile i could read twitter and mikasounds sometimes, and i could hear wag on radio, so i wasn't completely out from mikaworld!! but tomorrow i'm gonna leave for osterreich aka austria (sorry, i don't know the english name) to visit klagenfurt, graz and hopefully something in the surroundings as well! and i'm afraid that i'll have no connection for two days!! disaster!! oh well, i will survive.. right?! please, say yes again!! what about you? is everybody ok?
  16. thank you so much deb for this thread and your questions to push!! just back home after holidays and i spent all day yesterday trying to figure the numbers thing out.. i read all the pages and now things are much more clear to me!! thx!!!
  17. good night bienie, ce and everyone else, time to sleep for me too!! so, see you after the 26th!! :bye: mmmm think i'm gonna post this one once again, my favourite at the moment, so when i'll come here after the holidays i'll find it as my last post in this thread and i'll see it for first!! *genius* goodbye!!!!
  18. talking about old stuff.. these are older than me, but i feel like to watch them again tonight...
  19. mine too!! and i agree about the lips too..
  20. oh, no worries!! keep on going, i don't dislike it.. i have only old stuff tho, so we're balanced
  21. yep! last year we went to amsterdam, and the two years ago to NYC... it's been SLIGHTLY more interesting.. but in italy we say: 'it can't be always christmas' .. some years are good and some others not.. so hey, it's holiday, there's the sea, it's ok!
  22. hi bienie! yeah.. too many days.. i'll miss beloved mikaworld so much!! i'm going to the beach here in italy, 15 days of total relax: sun, sea, strolls and food!!
  23. good evening girls!! this is my 'last' night here, tomorrow i'm leaving for my holidays and i'll come back after the 26th and yes.. i'll miss the big day of WAG!! damn!!! too good... too good... oh dear! how much do i miss this man... perfect!!!
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