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Everything posted by Lil'Violet

  1. si si, consolati pure alla grande!!! già son lenta a scrivere in italiano, figuriamoci in inglese ci metto una vera vita!!! O_o

    grazie ancora per l'incoraggiamento!!! =*

  2. ah ah, nn ti preoccupare!! immagino che sia faticoso star dietro a questo colosso, e di certo nn puoi leggere tutto!! grazie per il benvenuto!!!!
  3. that would be great!! the more useful i can be, the more happy i am! they're all more than welcome!!! even if that's not a perfect translation for sure, i tried to do my best
  4. aww, thank you robi, you cheer me up!! i was feeling really very sorry!!! you're right about the paps, that vid is so horrible... thank you for your kind welcome!! it's a little hard but i'm trying to do my best and in the best way i can p.s.: yep, i did it! my hand still hurts for all that writing!
  5. yeah! it's always a question with no answers... oh well, kind of... thank you!!!
  6. honestly i didn't read the whole matter, because i really don't like off-topics, they make me nervous, and so i don't read them purposely... but i feel very sorry for opening a wrong thread and posting not appropriate pictures feel free to remove it (as i wrote in the first post), to close it, and to do everything is better for this website, it's more than fine for me i'm new here, and i'm still learning
  7. ecco, allora sto tranquilla sui bloccaggi! sono una noia ma x fortuna durano poco...

    io invece nn ho mai studiato il francese! ho fatto tedesco, lo capisco un po', ma nn mi ricordo più nulla purtroppo... peccato

    se ti piace tradurre allora sei a cavallo! più pratica fai meglio è! anche a me è sempre piaciuto molto.. e in più piano piano si acquisisce un sacco di vocabolario!

    ti ringrazio ancora e passa di la quando vuoi senza problemi!!! =)

  8. it's really very sweet from you laurel!! good luck everyone!!!
  9. http://www.purepeople.com/article/mika-un-p-tit-gars-tout-simple-et-accessible-a-paris-et-en-plus-il-est-trop-mignon_a33432/1 14/06/09 Mika est décidément une star à part. Le 12 juin dernier, le chanteur était surpris à la sortie de son hôtel, Le Georges V, à Paris. Il était dans notre capitale pour assurer deux concerts au Cirque d'Hiver (les 11 et 12 juin). Cela faisait un an déjà qu'il n'était pas venu à Paris. La dernière fois, c'était au Parc des Princes. Alors que les stars qui sortent du Georges V montent habituellement dans des limousines, lui non. Il enfourche... un scooter, en toute simplicité. Vêtu d'une veste à carreaux de couleurs (couverte de badges) et d'un jean, Mika avait une nouvelle fois le bon look. L'accessoire du jour ? Un collier avec un petit bonhomme nu... La classe ! On attend désormais son deuxième album avec imaptience. Vous en voulez un avant-goût ? Cliquez ici here are some 'new' pictures here is the link to my photobucket album if you want to download the bigger version of the pictures already posted http://s675.photobucket.com/albums/vv112/LilVioletPb/mika%20on%20the%20scooter/
  10. thank you marie-andrée for the translations! i found another small web-article, and there are better pics i'm going to add the link in the first post here it is!
  11. ciao mari! a te pare? a me sembra di annaspare... ahah x scrivere un misero post ci metto tipo mezz'ora!!! x ora mi diverto a pasticciare, e se riesco a nn dar fastidio con la mia imbranataggine, x me è già un risultato apprezzabile!! =P

    ciao e buona serata!!! =)

  12. ciao daniela, scusa ma prima mi si era bloccato il sito e solo adesso mi sono accorta che nn ha preso la modifica che avevo fatto al messaggio!

    a proposito, ma è normale che si blocchi frequentemente per qualche minuto? o succede solo a me?

    quindi volevo ringraziarti per avermi scritto e dirti che io provo a fare del mio meglio, ma che so che il risultato nn è perfetto... diciamo che ci si prova! =P

    ciao e buona serata! =)

  13. nooo, e perché? è li apposta!!! :thumb_yello:

    mi è sempre piaciuto pensare che chiunque potesse venire a leggere, e sono davvero felice se accade! e ancora di più a sapere di essere stata utile a qualcuno! :blush-anim-cl:


    ciaoooooo!!!! :bye:

  14. how sweet you are!!!! you're right, mine is a disease caused by mika! i'm affected from 2 years by now... this guy will drive us crazy one day or another!!! it's all caused by that white picture!
  15. i don't feel very well at the moment... that pic with the white backgound is even more dangerous!!!!! :shocked:
  16. thank you blue eyes for posting your scans! i didn't read the whole thread, sorry if i'm going to repeat things already pointed out i read the whole article and even if it is absolutely amazing, it made me nervous for how many times the journalist stressed mika's oddity! fortunately he didn't mean it in a negative way... or at least i guess so... the cover is stunning, i definitely love it! it's catchy, and whether you like it or not (both the picture and the man), it makes you feel a pretty strong emotion, and that's the point imo the bits on the new record and on his life left me speechless, i so love reading about him, his work, his ideas and the concepts behind everything he does! the bit on cinderella is so funny! i've never heard that part of the story before... i wonder why...
  17. you're all more than welcome!! yeah, he sooo succeeded in remaining unnoticed!!! in fact it seems that paps were everywhere! fortunately they didn't have an accidend and arrived safely at the venue!
  18. ciao mari! :original: grazie per la richista di amicizia!! :flowers2:

  19. ciao karla! io tutto bene, e tu? grazie per la riciesta di amicizia!! :flowers2:

  20. ciao dani!!!

    grazie per la richiesta di amicizia! :flowers2:

  21. thank you for posting!! his words are simple but so true and touching at the same time.. the mika's magic hits really everybody! even the greatest!!!
  22. yes it is, and we can def feel it!!! thank you!!!
  23. thank you niki for the translation!!! small articles but kinda funny!
  24. i read the thread and watched the videos... it's just unbelievable!!! i'm really happy for you, it should have been as a dream coming true! and i can only imagine the stress for having to do it without rehearsing and without a previous notice!!!! congratulations!!!!!! :thumb_yello:
  25. http://www.elle.fr/elle/people/la-vie-des-people/news/megan-fox-shia-lebeouf-et-mika-escale-au-george-v-a-paris/(gid)/905296 Du beau monde dans le palace parisien ce week-end ! Les acteurs américains Shia Lebeouf et Megan Fox, dont la récente idylle fait beaucoup de buzz sur internet, ont passé la nuit ensemble dans l’une des chambres du George V. Parmi les clients de l’hôtel, Mika a profité de sa mini tournée pour s’offrir une nuit dans le palace. Hier soir, le chanteur assurait le show au Cirque d’hiver dans le 11ème arrondissement de Paris pour un concert en acoustique. Cette mini tournée est un avant-goût de son deuxième album qui sortira en septembre. J.DLR. 13/06/2009 ---------------- edit of the 16th june: here is another web-article http://www.purepeople.com/article/mika-un-p-tit-gars-tout-simple-et-accessible-a-paris-et-en-plus-il-est-trop-mignon_a33432/1 14/06/2009 Mika est décidément une star à part. Le 12 juin dernier, le chanteur était surpris à la sortie de son hôtel, Le Georges V, à Paris. Il était dans notre capitale pour assurer deux concerts au Cirque d'Hiver (les 11 et 12 juin). Cela faisait un an déjà qu'il n'était pas venu à Paris. La dernière fois, c'était au Parc des Princes. Alors que les stars qui sortent du Georges V montent habituellement dans des limousines, lui non. Il enfourche... un scooter, en toute simplicité. Vêtu d'une veste à carreaux de couleurs (couverte de badges) et d'un jean, Mika avait une nouvelle fois le bon look. L'accessoire du jour ? Un collier avec un petit bonhomme nu... La classe ! On attend désormais son deuxième album avec imaptience. Vous en voulez un avant-goût ? Cliquez ici here are some 'new' pics and here is the link to my photobucket album if you want to download the bigger version of the pics already posted http://s675.photobucket.com/albums/vv112/LilVioletPb/mika%20on%20the%20scooter/
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