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Everything posted by RainbowGirl

  1. Hello, i'm looking for the pic of Mika where he looks like he's looking down the big girls corset backstage somewhere
  2. Thank you! I got (another) notebook I'm not quite double if i lose weight they get bigger I don't want to be skinny, i gave up on that ages ago, i just want to be toned as my mum said, i'm more Beyoncé than Lady Gaga (on that topic, Beyoncé is HOOOOOOOOT. ) Thank you!!! Healthy and toned is my goal i'm losing weight but i don't know how at the moment...
  3. yes, yes she is the cake went down really well! Even one girl who doesn't like lemony stuff said it was gorgeous i won a prize for best homemade food
  4. LIGHTS! i actually need to buy her album She's pretty, but i think she's a little too slim for me i like guys slim and girls curvy... or with some shape, so i don't feel like i'm gonna break them if i touch them... although, it's mainly about personality of course
  5. Can i just eat cake for the rest of the night? Please? So gooood.
  6. it was made by someone at school and i never asked her for the recipe
  7. neither am i, i prefer cadbury's chocolate spread, but it was honestly GORGEOUS
  8. no, they are lemon! they taste good, we make them all the time hope college people will like them... if you didn't live all over the place, i'd send you all some!
  9. we made one big one (Christmas tree shaped ) and them some small, single ones with the left over mixture
  10. i might see if i can fit it in my sig... when i can be bothered
  11. As long as we all remember this: 'Being a fan is not about being there from the very beginning, it's about willing to be there until the very end.' we shall be fine
  12. I thought you'd been here longer than a month so it shows how much attention i pay
  13. As far as I know (mind i've only been here from 2009 and not as often now as i was) the you're right and
  14. I'm going to make my earlier comment now since i have time This is an article from 2008 on a huge UK gossip site: http://www.heatworld.com/Entertainment/Music/2008/08/Mika-and-Adele-dating-What-the/ Can I point out that throughout the topic they make no comment on Mika being gay/camp/bisexual/whatever. It just made me think that it really doesn't matter even thought this was fairly early in his career (he'd won his first (hopefully not last!) BRIT award in February). Do you see?
  15. OMG. If i was with you in RL right now, i'd be jumping up and down and running round in circles and flailing right now!!! THAT'S EXACTLY HOW I FELT WHEN I DISCOVERED MIKA! My parents still remember the massive grin i had on my face when i saw him live the first time and my life changed forever and for better!!! *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS!!!*
  16. I have another point to make but i'm going to make cakes for college with my mum right now just gonna let you know so i remember adele.
  17. I am like Mika (in some senses) and i'm not even grown up! Hopefully, in the next few years i'll become more me
  18. I think i get what you're all saying... i'm gonna give my opinion too so could someone say if it's like what i read in the last page... yeah... *totally makes sense* I don't look at Mika, or listen to him, and think he is bisexual, gay, straight, whatever, he just is. Ever since he said he couldn't be labelled it's like i can't label him at all. I don't think i see him as 'genderless'. I see him as male, but sometimes he has slightly feminine qualities but i think one of the main reasons that he is often described (espeially early in his career) as feminine or flamboyant is because of his classically trained voice which around the time of him appearing was not heard of - there was no Bruno Mars etc who also use high voices though not as much as Mika. i think that's all... Do you know what I mean? i like this thread
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