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Everything posted by RainbowGirl

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAY!!! You're welcome I wasn't even sure if I put into words what i wanted to say so DOUBLE YAY! I'm Kat btw I don't think we've met ps. love your sig VERY true!
  2. I am not to be labelled. It's not 'i don't want to be put into a box' it's more i just can't. I understand what Mika says and in truth I knew i wasn't straight before i knew Mika existed but he came along and solved my dialemma. This is how I feel and nobody can change that. So, hi, I'm human
  3. Happy BIrthday!!! :huglove::partytime2:

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :huglove::partytime2:

  5. Awwww, this sounds really lovely I wish i had dreams like that
  6. Happy Birthday!!! :huglove::partytime2:

  7. I love him! But i still need to buy his album heard about him months ago from someone in my performance class who would NOT stop playing The A Team and his cover of way faring stranger. quite glad now
  8. No problem! I honestly enjoyed it i had no idea what was going to happen :aah::boing:

  9. :aah::huglove:


    Of course I did! :biggrin2:


    Er.... finished school! Went to London for the weekend... slept a lot :naughty:

  10. HELLO! :biggrin2: O course I remember you! :boing:


    and don't worry, i haven't been visiting here very often :/ How did studying go? :biggrin2:

  11. Hello :bye: i was wondering if you knew anything about buying things off Mikasounds. I'm trying to buy some sale items and it wants to use airmail even though i live in the UK. I wondered if you knew anything about it as i couldn't find any threads concerning shipping etc. :original: thank you!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :yay::huglove:

  13. HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY!!!!! :huglove::partytime2::yay:

  14. At the risk of sounding slightly stupid, is there any indication of what we're supposed to draw? Or is it just whatever comes to our mind?
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! /emoticons/default_huglove67.gif" alt=":huglove:" />:yay:

  16. Happy Birthday!!! :huglove::yay:

  17. Let's have a late birthday party :yay::groovy::boing:


    *bakes cake*



    *hands you box with holes in it containing puppy*


    :huglove: :huglove: :huglove: :huglove:

  19. Sending love and hope to everyone, I hope your families are safe. Thinking of you, be strong
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :yay::huglove::boing::partytime2:

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