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Everything posted by RainbowGirl

  1. Go talk to Emmy (Fangirl) she's the one who gave me that name Personally, i love it
  2. Oh, don't worry!!! I'll probably be calling you Kites for the rest of history I normally remember people by their usernames
  3. I'm terrible with names i knew it, just couldn't remember it will probs vary from Elina to Kites
  4. *goes into supermarket* Girl: Hello, how can I help you? Kites: YOU'RE HAWT. Girl: Kites: ... Girls: ... *runs away* Kites: ... ... (Yeah, you're called Kites I have decided... actually i totally want to call my future child Kite.. or Kyte... )
  5. RANDOM FACT: My first celebrity crush was H from Steps... turns out he's gay... this was my first of many gay crushes
  6. I never have Mika dreams... I had a Benedict Cumberbatch dream the other night...
  7. Tbh, i think i think that of most people i meet on here, unless they seem particularly motherly Yes. that is why. completely
  8. Hehe i'm actually on a fashion course right now, so i might become a stylist, i'll see what i feel like when i've finished the course That's always a good feeling! haha! not keen on being a grandma then...?
  9. Ah, i thought you were the same age as me or younger Oh, yeah, I'm never growing up i think i've got a good balance between fun and serious. SAME! i think you're the sister i never had
  10. Haha! My friends love me cos i go shopping with them and i act as their stylist... My mum as well I'd love to and RAINBOWS AND GLITTER!!!! Wow! I would love kids just not right now May i ask how old you are? Really? Awww thanks! <3 i am mature with very fun qualities (i still collect soft toy animals a little like Mika and toys ) but thank you how old are you? Hahahahahah!!! i'm awful with that, i walk past a cute kid and go 'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! *flails*' my dad just stares at me like :rolls_eyes: I definately want kids though, i'm sure, i don't know how i'm sure, i just am
  11. I'm not really what you would consider 'big' i suppose so it's not too hard, one of my favourite shops has good sizing and i'm ratyher good at styling too... it's more wanting to wear this or that and look good enoguh to have the confidence to be myself I'm 18 (only for another month )
  12. I want to be able to wear the outfits i make up in my head when i walk around topshop, no matter the size, i want the toning and confidence and wearing a bikini in summer would be a nice bonus
  13. i'm not quite confident but i have new year's resolutions that i shall write down (a list like Mika's... but i don't want a henchman ) MIne will be something like that . My goal is to look good in a pair of denim shorts so yeah... and be more me Shame i don't drink *replaces beer with milk* I don't know the ages of most of my friends on here so i don't really care, i'll dress how i like and they should too!!! Excellent point
  14. I have never been bothered about the scales... i think it's good that you're confident and happy i am most of the time that's what i plan for i jus need to take up dancing... to Single Ladies...
  15. EXACTLY. i don't have an ideal weight, at the moment, i'm the right weight for my height but i don't go on the scales (i don't even know where they are in my house...) Muscle weighs more than fat anyway, so if you excersize and gain muscle you'll weigh more.... i'll just end up looking like Beyoncé please (current girl crush methinks)
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