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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. Another INTERVIEW VIDEO of the press conference. Qualche domanda a Mika alla conferenza stampa di X Factor 8 [YOUTUBE]k5OXQn2ry4M[/YOUTUBE]
  2. Summary of the auditions at Torino and Bologna 25 September 2014 Auditions at Torino and Bologna VIDEOS YouTube SETLIST by X Factor Italia Julia domina il palco con "Bum Bum" di Irene Grandi Translation by *Vv* http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4056031&postcount=786 Files by Log Lady http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4042020&postcount=690 VK by Mikawebsite http://vk.com/video242455066_170038137 Clips by Sky Uno http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4041844&postcount=683 Sky HG24 news clip http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4041962&postcount=685 PICS by SKY http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4041859&postcount=684 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4047765&postcount=1051
  3. Shop in the city ottobre 2014 ( TORINO FREE magazine) Facebook "Siamo in distribuzione con il nuovo numero della rivista. Lo potete trovare in gran quantità al Gran Bar, di piazza Gran Madre !" Issue.com http://issuu.com/shopinthecity/docs/shop_in_the_city_ottobre_2014 Mediafire pdf file D/L https://www.mediafire.com/?vz72g41sv3zkey6 Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3867/15346068406_6bdb0da61a_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2941/15182374410_fae94e9521_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3915/15368762202_b1d7b592b2_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2950/15346055656_ba401a9169_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3905/15182473408_e86d7fce42_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3877/15368754262_bd661c4e98_o.png Original (2362 x 3130) https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2945/15182305599_f57b668467_o.png
  4. Finally !!! the OFFICIAL video is uploaded to YouTube !!! Border Crossings: MIKA [YOUTUBE]aYPwYR5dw0c[/YOUTUBE]
  5. the Press Conference Video 10elol.it http://www.10elol.it/articolo/x-factor-8-mika-victoria-e-fedez-guarda-l-intervista-ai-giudici/103025/ X Factor 8, i giudici: intervista a Mika, Victoria e Fedez [YOUTUBE]AbYQIUZX1Sk[/YOUTUBE]
  6. Sky TG24 26-09-2014 X Factor, le audizioni a Torino e Bologna Migliaia di talenti tra hip hop, avanguardia rock e musica classica Sky 2424 HD http://video.sky.it/news/spettacolo/x_factor_le_audizioni_a_torino_e_bologna/v214727.vid
  7. [iNTERVIEW] Has it posted before ? Mika: «Qui sembra di stare a Vienna o a Budapest...» Il cantante di origini americane e libanesi è a Trieste con la sorella Yasmine per fare il giudice (proprio come a “X Factor”...) di una sezione della rassegna http://ilpiccolo.gelocal.it/tempo-libero/2014/07/13/news/mika-qui-sembra-di-stare-a-vienna-o-a-budapest-1.9593280 and the interviewer's blog http://www.elisarusso.com/mika-a-trieste-per-its-intervista/
  8. PICS The Gallery of 2nd Auditions at Torino and Bologna Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/2014/09/25/audizioni-torino-bologna/#2
  9. Auditions at Torino and Bologna 25-09-2014 Sky Uno HD http://xfactor.sky.it/puntate/2014/09/25/Audizioni-2/ YouTube PLAYLIST[HD] "Le Audizioni di Torino e di Bologna - X Factor 2014" VIDEOS Riccardo parla con la musica singing "Destinazione paradiso" Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214654/riccardo-parla-con-la-musica/25-09-2014/ Cecco e Cipo: una coppia di scoppiati Cecco and Cipo singing ""Vacca boia"" and they fall in love with Victoria. YouTube [HD] Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214655/cecco-e-cipo-una-coppia-di-scoppiati/25-09-2014/ X Factor: un sogno stravagante Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214657/x-factor-un-sogno-stravagante/25-09-2014/ YouTube[HD] a part of Massimo Vivan e Lawrence: un sogno a metà Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214658/vivan-e-lawrence-un-sogno-a-met/25-09-2014/ Il ritorno della bambola assassina Dopo le Audizioni del 2013 la Bambola Assassina si presenta di nuovo ai casting. ( After the Auditions of 2013, the Bambola Assassina comes back to casting.) Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214659/il-ritorno-della-bambola-assassina/25-09-2014/ Lorenzo strega Torino L’interpretazione magica di Lorenzo strega tutto il pubblico di Torino. Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214662/lorenzo-strega-torino/25-09-2014/ YouTube[HD] Julia: bum bum sentimentale Julia from Rizzone sings "Bum Bum" by Irene Grandi and Mika feels particularly involved ... Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214664/julia-bum-bum-sentimentale/25-09-2014/ YouTube[HD] Aula 39: una strada da costruire Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214665/aula-39-una-strada-da-costruire/25-09-2014/ Federico lascia i giudici senza parole Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214666/federico-lascia-i-giudici-senza-parole/25-09-2014/ YouTube[HD] Miguel e il Mercedès Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214668/miguel-e-il-merceds/25-09-2014 YouTube[HD] Giorgia: una performance col kazoo Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214669/giorgia-una-performance-col-kazoo/25-09-2014/ Federica fa ballare Bologna Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214670/federica-fa-ballare-bologna/25-09-2014/ Tutto il meglio delle Audizioni di Torino e Bologna Sky http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/214673/tutto-il-meglio-delle-audizioni-di-torino-e-bologna/25-09-2014/ YouTube[HD]
  10. this interview video has never posted to the thread, I guess... Could anybody translate it please ? Sky Cine News: Intervista confidenziale a Mika 26/09/2013 http://video.sky.it/cinema/sky-cine-news/sky_cine_news_intervista_confidenziale_a_mika/v172495.vid [sky]172495[/sky]
  11. PARORAMA http://www.panorama.it/musica/x-factor-8-si-riparte-dalle-vittorie-morgan/ ORIGINAL image : https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3849/15318749426_40748af9f3_o.jpg cropped...
  12. Thanks a lot for the links !! [copy and paste] http://www.corriere.it/english/14_settembre_24/u2gate-cb5723e0-43be-11e4-bbc2-282fa2f68a02.shtml This has nothing to do with U2. It actually has hardly anything to do with music either. When Apple ebulliently placed U2’s latest album into our iTunes libraries without asking, they inadvertently called into question the sanctity and privacy of every Apple customer’s personal space. Apple is a company that has built itself upon excellence, emotionally intelligent design and caring for its customers. More than a ‘love mark’ it has developed trust. I believe the U2 promo stunt was a terrible and worrying move and here is why. iTunes is the last major global retailer of Music. Music has played a huge part in the story and branding of Apple. It was through music and design that they established themselves as more than just another white collar orientated hardware manufacturer. iTunes and the iPod changed the way the world purchased music but also the way we organized and valued our digital libraries. Whether content was purchased or stolen, the digital library finally had a user friendly interface and an elegant piece of hardware to make it part of your daily life. The digital library was made real. Apple gave all of us the ability to choose and curate our own libraries to suit our own tastes. We may all have the same hardware but its what’s inside that defines who we are, and that is untouchable. Or is it? My iPhone and Mac book are my major portals to the outside world. I write emails for work on them, emails for love or heartbreak. I check my bank account, do my shopping, read the news even sometimes guiltily check out porn. From the essential to the trashy it all happens in there. My computer is my living room and my iTunes library, the bookcase in that living room. Basically it’s my space and an intimate one. If I broke into your house, left a book on your shelf, amongst all your other books, left without a trace and let you know afterwards, not only would you be furious but it would be illegal. The iTunes library is no different. They can promote however they want in the Store but the Library should be protected. The truth is it isn’t. Media analysts say that this is just another example of consumers falling victim to the ‘small print’ but never before has Apple had a marketing operation get such negative response. They have come across as a sneaky landlord and more worryingly, jeopardized the trust between them and their clients. I guess this is what happens when you rent your land, buy your house and even lease your furniture all from the same person. The power you are granting them is immense and should not be abused in any way. The truth is, no matter how many iPhones, mp3s, iPads and iStuff we buy, the purchased content in that Library is not ours, not like CDs and vinyls used to be, we are only leasing it. This is not a bad thing, infact it’s the best way for the music industry to evolve, especially as we become used to the idea of subscription streaming such as Spotify or Apple’s eagerly anticipated Beats service. Think of it as a return to the public library system, just lest dusty and more noisy. Still what we choose to store in our private libraries is sacred. The world may be getting more high tech, but the oldest retail rule in the book “that the customer is king (or at least let us believe it)” still stands. As Apple launches its first new consumer product in 6 years, I can’t help but feel that the one thing it needs to sell it has been jeopardized, trust.
  13. Thanks a lot Bere @DerMoment1608 for letting me know the details of a VIDEO interview !!! Repubblica.it http://video.repubblica.it/spettacoli-e-cultura/x-factor-arriva-la-nuova-stagione-con-victoria-e-fedez/177414/176137 16 settembre 2014 X-Factor, arriva la nuova stagione con Victoria e Fedez Si apre giovedì la nuova edizione di X-Factor. Al banco del talent show in onda su Sky Uno due nuovi giudici: Victoria Cabello ed il rapper Fedez. Confermati invece Morgan e Mika, che durante la presentazione dello spettacolo ha raccontato di come il suo unico provino aperto non sia andato proprio secondo le aspettative: "Volevo cantare Bowie, ma quando i giudici mi han detto di cambiare ho scelto Westlife: mi hanno buttato fuori alla terza nota. Sinceramente avevano ragione" Google translator ("I wanted to sing Bowie, but when the judges they told me to change I chose Westlife: I got thrown out at third note. Honestly, they were right " ) [YOUTUBE]_Ccy3KAsjhI[/YOUTUBE]
  14. http://www.vanityfair.it/show/tv/14/09/16/x-factor-8-novita-mika-intervista#gallery=12438-1
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