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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. 0_o Mika tours the USA and where not underdeveloped so I thought that that thread didn't apply. I've been thinking about E-mailing the Radio stations about it, and actually I've been thinking about making a tread and everyone who is in the USA will on the same day E-mail all the related radio stations about playing MIKA. That way, if there is more than one person per area )If possible) they will know there is more than one interested person. It was just an idea though, since hearing from others in America they've just been ridculed by the DJ's. I did hear from one person at school though they did used to play "Grace Kelly" on one station around me. The Mika related party sounds brilliant, but the only people I know who like Mika is my Mom and 2/3 of my sisters, a girl from school whom I'm not friends with, and my Aunt (Who lives in Florida/Italy. Actually, the reason she knows/loves him is because they play him on the Italian MTV). If I did do one and invited my friends and told my family, they would think I'm obsesed with him and that I need help/I am a serious weirdo (More so my friends on the last part) Though if I ever do a party with Karaoke or go to one with one, I'll play Mika (or a party in general). I have no idea where I would get Mika-less tacks with lyrics CD though. I do play him often during open studio at school (My school has it's own news for 10+ min. during 2nd hour and Open studio is what we call our club/practice meetings after school) and I've played "Relax (Take it Easy)" and "Love Today" in the minute we play music before the news starts. I've told a lot of people I know about him too. I also had my Teacher put him into Pandora for our class radio. Sadly this turned out to be a mistake since because of some of Mika's odd lyrics I have her skip a few songs (Billy Brown, Big Girl) and the one song that played, "Lolipop", everyone hated it and my friend said "What kind of person would write this?" and when the little girl talks, she said, "And involve little children." Frankly, I have no idea why she said that and why people hated it, but whatever. I don't know if this counts as promoting, but for my concert poster I made for Graphic Communications (Interestingly enough the same class who hated him) I made a Mika poster. (I made it in September, when I 1st found out he was touring here (and I couldn't go. ) Anyway, you get the idea. That was a bit long.... EDIT: Kodes100, what is "Street Teaming"?
  2. Darn! Darn darn darn! My stupid laptop died on me, so I lost my remixes i've saved! > Anyway FmBm, I don't know. I myself am asking a question about the site that hopefully someone answers so that I can enter and try and re-create the re-mix I lost (and my partially done one). Sorry if I sound mean or whatever, I just want to throw my stupid laptop out the window. Luckily my sisters computer uses no batteries, and unless my laptop accepts the power from my power cord again, I'll continue using this computer.
  3. I heard you need to create an account on the site, but you need to do so with your mikasounds username, hence my question above.
  4. Nope, you haven't. Hi Natalie! You can call me Elle. I know, I wish so too. But all they play on MTV is stupid reality shows.
  5. Can someone respond to my question? I still don't know what they mean by the mikasounds username, since you log in with your e-mail and all you have is a display name, but you can change that. Or do we have a username and I just forgot about it? I need to know before I go and create an account with them, I really need to submit my re-mixes before my computer shuts off.
  6. But what is this Mika Sounds username? You don't have a username on Mika sounds, you sign in with your e-mail.
  7. Wow, now I can see why everyone likes the just MIKA volcals. It's interesting.
  8. Where is your re-mix? I'm just waiting till tomorrow to submit mine, so my computer will be on standby tonight. EDIT: Nevermind
  9. Ohh... Sorry. I posted them earlier but I forgot you said to PM them: Don't forget to attach my username... Darn, if I got the time right It will be on at 12:00 Pm. here.
  10. I assume 3 PM tommorow... so here it would be... 9:00 A.M. Ok, so basically when I get home from school I can upload it. Shoot, I wish I payed attention. Hopefully it doesn't delete what I've done, because even though I think I can make a better one, I still don't want to forget this one.
  11. Did someone submit my questions for me?
  12. What? So should I try and keep the window open and try tomorrow or just create an account?
  13. I tried my E-mail, and it's telling me "Invaled" as well. (I mean, on the site)
  14. I wish there was a tread like this for the USA, Mika is probably doing bad here. Anyway, good luck guys!
  15. This is brilliant! I'm loving this. Though for the username at Mika sounds bit... what do you put? you don't have a username on Mika sounds, you have your E-mail or display name. So do I do my E-mail?
  16. WHAT!!! I could never do that to any of my pet's, not even the fish! Not even the snails that used to live in the tank! I hope it's all talk.
  17. Well, that still doesn't say if he's a fan or not. Anyway will some one ask my three questions on the prev. page? I've decided to send them.
  18. XD Well I thought of a question to ask him, XD "What TV shows do you like? Is Doctor Who one of them?" I would love it if I found out he was a Doctor Who fan... but I have a feeling other MIKA fans would hate me if I asked this (Or should I say have someone "ask" it for me since I can't comment on Myspace). EDIT: I just thought of (What seems like) a good question, but it's late so for all I know it could be stupid. Anyway, "Mika, what is your favorite song you've written?" and/or "Do you listen to your own music for fun or only when you need to?" Something like that. The last one could be worded better...
  19. Yea, it does. I hope my aunt keeps her promise of letting me over "When I'm old enough" (18). EDIT: My aunt came out by us recently and I saw her today! And she's a MIKA fan!! Apparently she watches the Italian MTV and unlike here, they play music videos and play MIKA. I'm pretty exited about that. I played Rain for her and she loves it. She also loves "We are Golden"
  20. That's cool! My uncle is Italian and him and my Aunt live in Italy for some months, Florida the other.
  21. Woha! He was a cute kid. I can see him there, but he looks so different without the curly hair. Wow. That is neat to see him as a kid. I've never really been into that but now I can see why people are.
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