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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. Acually on the UK premotion tread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20859 we've been talking about doing a mika flash mob. At first I thought it was dumb but now I want to participate in one. XD
  2. Hahaha! When I really got into Mika I would make sure to play his music during open studio around a friend of mine who came here from England to go to school here to see if he reconised him. For some reason he didn't mention anything till quite some time after I started and I told him about his record (It was a few months ago) and that.
  3. Haha! Yeah, that was pretty cool. I wish I knew him as a kid, we would of been outcasts together! (That is, if it wasn't for the fact he's X amount of years older... )
  4. Haha XD She's an awesome aunt. That's cool, your lucky to be going to a gig. That is awesome! I wish my Dad and step-dad liked him.
  5. I found out my sister actually chose to listen to "Rain" on youtube! (I thought she didn't really like Mika). I was getting tired of her choosing songs I didn't like so I said, "Why don't you turn on Lady Gaga or something" as she was typing something into the search bar. She said, "No, I want to listen to this song. I really like it." She had the volume low so it took me a seconded or two to hear she was listening to "Rain"!! Of course I told her to turn it up and she started sinning it. So now there is hope that she likes him more than she's letting on. Oh, I found out my aunt loves Mika! My aunt came out by us recently, and she's a MIKA fan!! Apparently she watches the Italian MTV and unlike here, they play music videos and play MIKA. She thinks he's cute and when I asked if she's heard "We are Golden" she said, "Yes!" and sang, "We are not what you think we are, we are golden we are golden!" Then when we where at the mall and talking about how stupid Hanna Montana was or something like that and said, "Who wants to wear clothing with her on it" or somthing simmilar and I said "Well... I can't talk because I want Mika shirts" and she said "Well, that's something different." I played Rain for her and she loves it. You should of seen my sisters face when she heard my aunt say she loves Mika. Then when my aunt said he was good looking my sister said that "It's just the curly hair"
  6. I'm good, you? I found out my sister actually chose to listen to "Rain" on youtube! (I thought she didn't really like Mika). I was getting tired of her choosing songs I didn't like so I said, "Why don't you turn on Lady Gaga or something" as she was typing something into the search bar. She said, "No, I want to listen to this song. I really like it." She had the volume low so it took me a seconded or two to hear she was listening to "Rain"!! Of course I told her to turn it up and she started sinning it.
  7. I'm worried since I never got that registration link.... Cool, one of my Mixes is #72. The rest are really high. It's also my Mix without any Mika in it. Though I'm wondering if It's from me listening to it... Anyone know when this ends yet?
  8. Cool! I'll vote when I decide what Mika songs I like best, though if we all vote the same songs there's more of a chance of him winning. I'm thinking I should do my idea of making a tread and trying to get as many Americans as possible to E-mail our radio stations on the same day, and try to do as many people per area. I really want him to be on radio here. I asked my Mom what a flash mob was and she told me it was a "Bunch of people text each other to meet somewhere to do something, like dress in robes. They meet there (Like a Mall) for a minute or so and then leave." so I now get what one is. I don't think my mom would drive me to one (especially one planned on the internet with people I don't know) but if I "happen" to go to the place on that day (easier to do if it's a mall).... I would have to agree a larger amount of people would be better than a small amount, but I think 30+ would be decent. I think only 10(or less) would not really be a flash mob. I mean, it has the word "mob" attached. It would be funny if we all would meet at a mall dresses as Mika-like as possible and... do a dance to his music or sing along. XD
  9. Huh, I like IKEA. Every time I've been there I've been board out of my mind most of the time, and you do get lost easily, but I've never seen anyone be nasty.
  10. Oh my gosh! I was laughing my pants of at the first chapter. Even though the Mika in the story doesn't match up with the real Mika, it was obviously done on purpose. XD Lady Gaga, you brought lady gaga into this.
  11. My Dad is going to get the show for my aunt, so hopefully I can see it before he sends it out. Really!? I didn't know that accapella groups in the U.S where singing his songs! Brittan I'm not too surprised since he is popular there, though Mika does sing high. *looks on youtube* Holy cow, the 1st result is a New York group! Though it is mostly one guy singing it. Yea, we should try and get Glee to do it. Ehh, not sure on the L.A idea, but then again it could just be that I'm tired of everything happening relating to Mika (besides his recent concert here) being everywhere except here. Or If I got the right idea of a flash Mob I don't really like them... EDIT: For the acapella song, it seems like Happy Ending is the most popular jugging by the video's on Youtube. Love today and Grace Kelly are second.
  12. WHHHAAAATTT!!! There is a confirmation link! I never got one!! Shoot, now I can't even have a chance at winning? Why does the world hate me today? I've had a bad day today. Anyway, is that recorder better at recording than Audacity? EDIT: Oh wait, it seems to be in another language...
  13. It is fun! I've already made three, if you want to hear them there under Elle. Hello everyone, it certainly got busy here!
  14. Ehh, not interested in making one just to follow a celebrity, no matter how much I like them. Plus, the last thing I need is another internet addiction. You know, it must show how bad I am at spelling or catching typos because I didn't notice the "Spleaping" thing nor the fact he's done it before... (Well, maybe. I forget) Ooaaaww.
  15. Wow... some people are messed up. So what if those shoes have his name on them? I think they would of made anything out of nothing. I kinda like the shoes, some parts I don't like but they suit him well and look cool on him. But seriously, what is up with that site? I still don't get why people keep calling Lady Gaga a he or a manwomen. Can someone explain?
  16. But what about the people who don't have a twitter or a cell phone? The only time I've been on twitter is to check Mika's. I'm like, "Lets see if Mika twittered anything interesting..." and then I read what he's tweeted in the span of time since I last checked, provided there not babble nonsense.
  17. Thanks! That helped, it seems like a bunch of people hit the streets about a certion thing advertising wise. Eeeee! That would be brilliant! I've sadly havn't seen Glee, since I can't find the 1st episode, but I love their version of "Don't Stop Believing". If they did a Mika song, I know of a bunch of people in broadcasting that love that show... Anyway, I find Mika's songs really fun to sing along too. In fact, I was already considering trying out for the talent show my school holds at the end of the year, and since my Mom says I can sound pretty when I sing along to Mika, maybe instead of "Mad World" or "Eleanor Rigby" I'll sing one of Mika's. That is, if I can work my voice so I don't fail (I've never had voice training, but my Mom knows the ropes and taught my sister).
  18. XD I've been lurking around reading your guys talk the past few days, and it's hilarious what you guys get up too. As soon as I heard on the other tread (Myspace chat) that he tweeted, I knew you had to have some kind of explosion.
  19. Thank you! Yea, it's bad. When my Mom was watching it (When it 1st came out!) it was all music, all! Have you heard about the "rain" re-mix contest? I really like how mine are coming out.
  20. I made another one, it's called "Angelic Rain" odd tittle I know, but the way I re-mixed it you'd understand. Man, I cut out Mika for 2 parts... I like this one more than my last. Hey, it looks like I did it right! I got 100 points. Do we get the 1,000? It dosn't seem like I did but I'm not sure. Mika4life13 what's your remix called?
  21. Yay! Thankfully Elle wasn't taken. My mix is the one tittled "More Than This" and of course, under "Mixer" is Elle. What do you guys think?
  22. Yea, I do. I guess it helps, but I still don't know what they mean by username. Because I don't think we have usernames on Mikasounds as I've said before. I just log in with my E-mail and password, and I've looked around my account and all it shows is my display name, which is just Elle. I'll look again... I'm still upset I lost my other remixes, the one took me awhile. EDIT: Oh wait, is Elle actually my username? I can't believe it since I'm sure someone else would of chosen it before I made my account, even though I made it early on... EDIT2: Oooh, ok. I just checked out the "member search" on Mika sounds and it only lists E-mail and display name. I think I'll just go and try to make an account from those. Hopefully it recognizes me and gives me the credit...
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