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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. Thanks! Ooo, can't wait!! I want to try on that scarf and see how I look in it..... It's starting to grow on me. But I still say it looks a bit silly on him. But I cheer him on for wearing it.
  2. I wonder when the non-watermarked photo's are going to pop up? I don't like saving photos with watermarks, and in some it's to many to take them out myself. Why oh WHY was it on a school night. So the movie wasn't that gory? I was afraid of that because people keep saying that. I think I'm going to see it no matter what, I'm NOT missing my possible only chance of hearing one of Mika's songs in a theater, one made for the movie! BTW: What movies where his other songs in? In that video he said some of his other songs where in some other movies. I want to see them now! Agree agree agree!!!
  3. Thanks!! Are there any other videos out there? Oscar for what? OH, Best original song? That would be awesome, but we know he won't get it. Hahaha, I have to kinda agree with that, it is a bit simple but it's great for only 3 days!!! Wow!! Did he seriously write big girl in 15 min? Maybe that's why I don't really like it. *bricked* HOW DID YOU both get to go!?!?! Have to split my posts into two.....
  4. That is awesome! I hope the site is popular enough. And why is everyone calling this poor girl a he? It's posted by Bee and if you look to the side it shows you a pic of her.
  5. Whoo who! That's excactly what I needed. Thanks again!
  6. THANK YOU EMKA!!!! I know the soundtrack will be released internationally but I was talking about the single. Rain and BIOTG where both only released in Europe. EDIT: OH! I just found the todays radio show thread! XD I didn't think to check the gig's section.
  7. It better! I hope I don't have to buy the whole soundtrack to get the one song (Though if I like the soundtrack I'll just buy that) When is it getting released (the single)? I've heard 5 diffrent dates. Plus, if the single is only released in the UK, are CD's like DVD's and they have regions, or can I order it from the UK and still play it?
  8. YKYAMF when you have 73 (now 74) posts in this thread! YKYAMF when you make 20 posts today and you had to clean your room most of today!! Ok, I think this has to be the most I've posted in a day (maybe).
  9. Hahahaha. Huh. Now that I think about it I knew this before and did the same reaction stuff. Boy am I forgetful!!
  10. Thanks! I've made two topics asking for info like this (One here, one in another forum) and no one gave the answer I was looking for. Do you know any good spray glue brands? Thanks for the info, and I have to say again, your shoes are brilliant! Great job!
  11. Thanks! I still hope someone got the whole show though.... let me know if anyone has. I was only able to hear the last... 20 min at the very most.
  12. Aww..... it was pre-recorded? And here I was thinking that... Oh well. Did anyone record the show?
  13. Don't forget a daughter named Elliot! (well, for that he just agreed with the lady who tweeted him that but still)
  14. Oh I agree!! I love my 3-4 actual Converse pairs of shoes!! :wub2: (I have a total of 5-7 pairs of "converse"/"converse lookalike" pairs.) But they are just so expensive for someone who doesn't have allowance or a job (though hopefully I do get a job this summer). Much less when you are risking ruining a pair to decorate them. Hey Cherol, what brand of Acrylic did you use, and did you do anything to the acrylic? (Like water it down, add something to it)
  15. I Agree! 100%. I never thought Brad was all that good looking. He's just ok. You know... when did Brad become a producer? But he's popular here in the States so maybe that will get more people to see the movie, and more people to hear Mika's song. And about that scarf... even though I don't like it on him, he does have a very interesting style, and I cheer him on for wearing something that he would know would get himself picked on. It takes a lot of guts to do something like that to your school, much less a premiere.
  16. Cool! Thanks! What is happening on Radio 2? Oh wait, POO!! I first missed the morning thing and now I miss this? *turns on Radio 2 just in case* EDIT: Well, at least I caught the ending it seems. Anyone recorded it? It sounds like I missed a lot. *Hopes the show isn't over yet* Hahah, he's singing in french! I wish I knew french now. :wub2: They mentioned the online listeners, and he's playing Good Gone Girl! Wow. I hope someone got this all.
  17. Oooh, I wonder if acrylic sealant would work for sealing in glitter.... I've been trying to find a sealent. I can't make both, I can't afford to!! Even though I'm planning on buying a $13 rip-off converse shoes at Meijer for my glitter pair (+ the expense of the glitter, sealant, etc), it would be really hard to find rip-off high top white converse shoes, so I might have to buy the actual pair, andd..... yea. XD
  18. I always thought tea was gross, I've tried it because my Mom likes it. I make my English roots ashamed of me for not liking tea.
  19. YKYAMF When you decide you don't care if your family thinks your obsessed and make one of your pictures in your secret Mika folder your background and take that folder out of hiding (I had all my Mika pics in a folder in a folder called untittled just in case my sister used my computer and avoided having him be my background for that reason as well). YKYAMF when you write a fffen poem somewhat about him!! (WTFrick is wrong with me now? ) When you really want to get a piano and try songwriting (Ok, I have been teaching myself the Piano since I was a kid, but it's really comming back) EDIT: Hahaha, this post is my 666th! XD If I believed in that nonsense I would be really scared right now given what this post is about!!!! Ok, I am getting a little bit, but I know that 666 was a misinterpretation of the Tora and it really was a name of someone since in Hebrew's alphabet, letters are numbers as well (Like their A would also stand for 1). >_>
  20. I want to know this as well, and what sealant you used to protect them They are brilliant! I love them, now I want to make a pair!! Hmm, make glitter shoes or mika shoes.....
  21. Hahaha, it's a shame I don't have twitter, otherwise I would tweet him. It would be odd to contact him any other way since I'm from the US!! Why would someone from the US request a song on British radio? XD I'm not interested in making a twitter though... It's been tempting because of the help I could give...
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