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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. When your excited that "Relax (take it easy)" and "Love Today" are both 199 listen count in iTunes and you get to see it turn 200! When you had that CD for almost a year and you've listened to a lot of the songs sooooo many times considering that your iPod broke down for awile... Though playcounts do get it wrong, there are a lot of songs I don't listen to a lot but because I fall asleep with my ipod...
  2. That's cute! I think my favoirtite watch I ever got was a very colorful one I got when I was a kid. I wish I still had it. All the # had different colors, and so did the band. Another watch I liked had a dinosaur (t-rex) and it would glow in the dark. (It was Jurassic park, but I didn't know about that movie really at the time) I was sad when I forgot to take it off in kindergarten class to (paint? Clean?) and stuck my hands in a bucket. I still wish I had the colorful one. I also wish I had the green one I got last year, it broke and I loved it. You reminded me I should get a battery for my stem-boat willy watch I got in Disney World. I need a watch and I have to many to convince my Dad to get me a new one. And My mom wants me to get an expensive one, not a target cheapy. (I don't care, I think next time I'm in target I'll see if the green watch is in clearance again)
  3. There is a thing to click on all the way to the left on the bookmarks toolbar. It's called most visited. That sounds like an awesome shop! Do you remember the name?
  4. Yay, I'm not the only one! Though I don't always type it and all I have to do is press m. Mikafanclub.com pops up 1st. YKYAMF when in your most visited site folder on firefox MFC is there.
  5. How does becoming a fan of him make you hate Mika? Mika is a lot better looking than Pattinson, Pattinson is ugly as heck. Hahahahaha! XD YKYAMF when your finger automatically hovers over the m on the keyboard when you think of where to go when you open firefox.
  6. She's no longer a fan? How can that happen? Heck, I wish MFC smiles where on other places. YKYAMF when you try to see if people like him and love it when you make a new Mika fan (or possible). I did today.
  7. How did you find him on Myspace? XD My stories for how I became a fan of things always seem to be long complicated stories I just cannot shorten. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Mika, and Doctor Who. For Doctor Who I even have the file saved to my computer of the story so I don't have to keep typing it out! XD
  8. I hope so, they've been waiting for it since early Jan! XD Sadly it didn't come yet, but it should between today and next sun, which is when my dad comes again.
  9. Darn, it didn't arrive yet, but it should come within today till next Sunday! I'll make sure my Dad pays you once he get's it.
  10. I'm very much hoping my Dad get's it early today (It's 12 AM right now) or got it on Sat. so he can bring it out when he comes to see us! If not I'll have to wait till next Sun.
  11. Yea, I got myself two and 2/3 sisters one. They are younger and it's their late b-day gift. Hopefully it came in on sat. or very early today so my dad can bring it out latter today (Hard to talk when it's 12 in the morning! XD)
  12. Ok I guess, I have had to do some chores though. But my Heart bracelets shold be coming in soon!
  13. I've got one person who PMed me and said she has one confirmed friend and two possible friends joining in, but that's it.
  14. Me too. As you can see I'm desperately searching for other people for the Chicago part.
  15. Me too! To start a convesation, anyone else participating in the BIOTG Dance event?
  16. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my word that is brilliant! That is so funny I'm laughting like a madwomen! XD I want to see your teachers face as well. YKYAMF when you need to find a song that tells a story, so you of course think of Mika! And then can't choose one! XD
  17. Hard choice... rain! Graphic Novels or Books?
  18. That is really funny! This happend ages ago, but it's funny and it fits... somewhat. My mom and sis where talking about cool last names (Not exact, it was so long ago) Mom: I would love to be Mrs. Mega Millions! Sis: How about Miss. *Lottery Name* Me: What would you name your kid, Little Lotto?
  19. Oh no! This is turining into the zoo thread agian! With only Mooses and Simon Cowell!
  20. School. Haven't been to College yet but I don't want to leave High School. U.S.A or England?
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