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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. More pics of him wearing glasses from his new vid, here are some photos: I'll try to get some screencaps from the HD video that MikasoundsOffical released today.
  2. What's funny is I was just about to edit my post saying nevermind because I just found out looking through that glasses pic thread.
  3. Ooooo! Thanks! *wonders what that magazine(?) he's holding is about. I was jellious of my sister for the longest time because she wears glasses. 1.7 year(s) ago I found out I needed them.
  4. No, it's me as well! I wish there where more pics with him in glasses. *Wonders if she should make a "Mika in Glasses Pics!" thread. *
  5. Once in awile I try to teach myself the piano. XD My uncle did teach me chop sticks and the beginning of mary had a little lamb (I'm proud of the fact I figured out the ending myself) I know some silent night, Twinkle twinkle, Baba black sheep, Owe to joy, the two I mentioned above, The very begining of happy ending that I saw on a sample music sheet (I can't figure out the notes to the piano keys though, I played the clairent though so luckily I can read sheet music but I had to go through the keys on my sisters keyboard and look at the little screen for the responding note), and two warm up "songs" my Mom showed me all by heart. For me I have to know the song by heart to be able to play it since I don't know the corresponding key to the music note. I wish I could play by ear like my mom.... though I think I can somewhat (Once I know where the keys are for a song I can figure out the song) I'm thinking about the next time I get some $$ of buying a decent keyboard (Unless my mom buys a piano... it's such a shame she had to sell the one we used to have and my grandma sold hers. I much prefer the sound of a traditional piano, it sounds so much better) since Mika has re-newed my "I want to play a piano" thing and my sisters keyboard is kinda broken and doesn't have a lot of keys. /blabble Oh hey, Mika sounds put it up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPnEhV0bgE0&feature=sub
  6. Hahaha, I came up with this doodle in British Lit based of his new song. (of all classes ) because it's been in my head all day, and had to finish it and didn't realize the class was reading a Canterbery Tales story! Hope the teacher didn't mind since she likes to read sitting on the desk next to me. I finished it before most people anyway. Just done with a pen...
  7. I really want the purple one! I WANT IT SOOOOOO BAD! But it's $67 not to mention shipping! And from what I heard about the quality after washing, it's just not worth it. And the quality of the photos are horrid, it looks like they where photoshoped by a kid in Jr. High, and all they used was the magic wand tool and backspace, then saved it in the lowest quality you could get!!!
  8. HAHAHA! I'm not the only one who thought that! Hahaha, I came up with this doodle in British Lit. (of all classes ) because it's been in my head all day, and had to finish it and didn't realize the class was reading a Canterbery Tales story! Hope the teacher didn't mind since she likes to read sitting on the desk next to me. I finished it before most people anyway. Just done with a pen... Hahaha, Youtube is banned at my school so I wouldn't be able to listen to it anyway.
  9. XD http://mikanerdyplz.deviantart.com/ Gee, I wonder who made that? It was me
  10. *is wondering now how many MFCers have .gifs from this vid*
  11. I Think I will *goes to do it* EDIT: Man, and I thought the other site was harsh on characters in sigs, I had to trim down the lyrics.
  12. I love the song so much I made it my avatar and on another site I made it my avatar and sigg! http://ntwriters.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=buzzbuzzg27 Wow. *Is wondering if she should make that sig her sig here as well*
  13. Hahaha, really? XD *really wants to get this song so she can play it during broadcasting tomorrow to see if anyone likes it* >_> I am planning on buying it even it I have to buy the soundtrack to get it. *Really hates paying $$ for digital* XD I am such a big fan now I want to see if I can the Songs for Sorrow CD... *Knows she probably can't cuz she was an idiot when it came out*
  14. Sorry then... I had a feeling someone posted them already but I haven't seen them yet. *slinks off*
  15. Found the lyrics on a vid on Youtube, not sure it it's acuate but it's cool! We are young We are strong We're not looking for where we belong We're not cool We are free And we're running with blood on our knees We could rule the world On a silver platter From the wrong to the right light To an open stream With a crash and burn We could make it better Turn it upside down Just you and me We are the dream No other way To be We are young We are strong We're not looking for where we belong We're not cool We are free And we're running with blood on our knees I could change the world I could make it better Kick it up and down Take a chance on me When you fake a smile And you think you're better Gonna put it down Rip (?) it at your feet No bridge to burn Nowhere to turn For me We are young We are strong We're not looking for where we belong We're not cool We are free And we're running with blood on our knees What do they know about us? Are they thinking of somebody else? Are they wondering what we might be? Are they thinking of you or of me? We are young We are strong We're not looking for where we belong We're not cool We are free And we're running with blood on our knees Is the song really going to be tittle Kick Ass? I think it should have another tittle since it doesn't even have the word in there. Normally I wouldn't care about that but since it's a swear word it might turn off some people to it. Like it would of done to me a year ago.
  16. Hey, anyone else here participate in the global dance event? here is my vid, that shows me and my two sisters: And look what I got: My sisters and I have them. They don't know Mika owns one yet though because they would tell that to Mom and my other sister and they would think me mad.
  17. Me too! I hope it does, but it seems US radios are boycotting Mika soo.... Very true. Hopefully this song get's enough new fans that US radio will start playing him.... but.... Well, I love the song but now I know how Mika's voice sounds caned. I prefer his non messed with voice. XD
  18. Oh no! Poor Mika! It's hard to see him looking hurt. I want to see this vid, what is it exactly? The article didn't say. Is it a music vid?
  19. Now I have the Mika bracelet, I have a similar necklace that Mika wore once that I wear every day, I own a pair of suspenders (though they don't look that great on me so I stopped wearing them) Hmm, all I have to say is: Thank GOSH My mom and sister don't know this! Sorry it took so long to get an image, I kept forgetting! There it is.
  20. Got them!! Sorry for the bad image quality, it's nighttime here and I don't have good lighting. And here's my one out of the two that's mine that I'm going to be wearing (the other is a spare or if I want to where two) I'll bug my dad if I have to to pay you, so don't worry! I can't believe he hasn't done it yet. If I didn't give him the $$ already I would have my stepdad do it. I'll take pics of my sisters with them tomorrow, when my dad drooped me off today they where asleep. I think I'm going to wear this every day now.
  21. I don't like cussing either, I didn't like the tittle as well. Hahaha, I get what you mean. I love that pic. I wish there where more pics of him with glasses.
  22. Yay! Will buy it! Anyone know if it's getting released on disc? I HATE buying digital, I haven't even done so yet. I prefer having something physical. *Also reason why she doesn't have Up soundtrack yet... PLEASE Pixar/Disney!* /offtopic
  23. Yes! My dad e-mailed me yesterday (I didn't check my e-mail till today) with a photo of the package!!! So I will get it soon, and I'm having him give you the money ASAP. Will post picks of bracelets.
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