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Posts posted by Nollaig

  1. I really don't think I can afford Belfast. It's essentially another €50,plus an additional two nights accommodation which could be really expensive, plus additional travelling costs. I'm still tempted to try grab a ticket when they go on general sale, but....it's a lot of money.

  2. Aww you're taking your mum?


    Cor, I'd never take my mum with me to a gig, she'd just embarrass me.


    My mum doesn't even know I'm going to half of these. Well, any yet, but she'll only find out about 3 and even then she'll say it's excessive.


    I'm still debating Belfast, if there's standing tickets when general sale occurs. I reeeeeeeally want to go, and make a three day trip out of it. One gig seems a bit .... lacking...compared to some people's calendars. And I want more Mika.

  3. We had this discussion yesterday- it was 9am British Summer Time an hour ago, 9am GMT in 10 mins- but as MS got the time wrong for Europe most people figured they'd get it wrong again- and they did


    Oh okay. I'm in Ireland, so I include the Daylight Savings discrepancy as it makes no odds to me. Internationally it would be relevant. To be honest, I never know when the clocks are in the right place and when they're not.




    not if the MFC is coming... :das::naughty:


    I imagine the MFC will make up the larger portion of the audience :naughty: I dunno, I just don't think he's popular enough here even with the younger wans to warrant several hours of queuing. But the venue is pretty central anyway, it won't be too hard to keep an eye on it.

  5. Okay that presale thread is CRAZY!


    Thank Jeebus we've our own little bit of breathing space here!


    The Dublin ticket cost me €50 :shocked: Man. Tim Minchin is my hero and his tickets were only €23. I'd forgotten how much it costs to see actual famous people. So much for Belfast, I can't afford €100 plus travel plus accommodation.

  6. guess I'll see you there:thumb_yello:


    I think I'll even buy flight ticket this week...


    Awesome! Quite a few people are going it seems!





    I'm actually super tired, I kept waking up all night...and then I set my alarm for 8 o'clock in case my mum was already up and also because I was sure I'd be super awake...but mum's still in bed so I slept for an extra 45mins and for what? To sit here at the computer looking at those teasing dates, watching everyone else get tickets and I'm here with NADA :sneaky2:


    I seriously need my own card...


    I woke up at 9.55am and had my ticket by 9.05am. :roftl:




    interesting though that belfast & dublin are GA standing after all, from what i saw on the venue websites i thought it would be seated. so, no sightseeing, but queuing all day... *sigh* :rolls_eyes:


    I dunno about that, Ireland's gigs are always quieter than anywhere else. I've never had to queue for anything more than a couple hours ahead to get in. I don't think Mika is THAT big here.


    Shaza! Noooo we shan't be travelling together. :sneaky2: Good for you though!

  7. OMG I'm trying to order tickets and some good for nothing students are having sex in the room above me. DO YOU MIND?



    At 9 in the morning? I really hope they've been up all night, coz who wakes up at.... anyway.


    I got my one lonely little ticket, I will in fact be standing front row to see Mika February 15th 2010! :biggrin2:

  8. I'm still here. I keep checking the Ticketmaster site to see when general sale starts but they haven't updated it.


    I haven't a chance of getting a ticket in the pre-sale as I have no idea if they're also doing them for wheelchairs.






    I read somewhere on the site that wheelchair areas are ticket-through-venue only, which would suggest no pre-ordering done anywhere would cater for you, but at the same time, if you ask when you phone tomorrow, they might be able to arrange a reservation? It's not exactly fair that you should miss out just because of that. Also, apparently when we book tomorrow (read this on Mikasounds) the ticket TYPE will come up, so check that out on the offchance there's a wheelchair-area option, and additionally the rest of us will find out pretty quick whether it's standing or all seated.

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