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Posts posted by Nollaig

  1. Well, I've got seven, so I think that's plenty. And then I'm going to Vienna the month after. After that I'll have gone to...16 gigs. If HMV instores count. :naughty:




    Good! Seriously, you'll really enjoy it, I promise. It will be one of the best gigs of your life. Especially if you manage to get up the front.




    AND I've just checked my handbook and when I go to Manchester it's a reading week so I WILL be able to get there early for front row. YAY FOR THESE KINDS OF THINGS.


    Okay see now I feel less bad, I've never seen the man live. I intend to get up front, assuming it's standing and not seated. If it's seated I may well be buggared, as tomorrow morning I have to run madly to town to get a 3V voucher (don't ask) and then run madly home and book my ticket. *sigh*

  2. Oh you're much more cleverer than me! :blush-anim-cl: I didn't think to look there. Awesome! That will work. I suppose I'll get a €40 one to be on the safe side, and I have €3.50 on my current one....


    I'm paranoid that the tickets are gonna disappear while I'm in town buying the damn thing :shocked:

  3. I don't know, I'd have thought you could use them for anything though! Provided they don't cost anything over 30 euro, I could get you one, but I have almost reached my limit and if it costs any more, what with the handling charges, I'm not sure I'd be able to do it :(


    I just looked on the website and it says nothing about tickets, but that it can be used for hotel bookings and things once you have another credit card to show on arrival.... so maybe it would work? Not sure about chancing it if it doesn't work. Not much else I can do though.


    And it's no problem dear, they'll more than likely be well over €30 with booking fees and so on, they're over £27 each in Belfast. But thank you for the offer anyway :biggrin2:

  4. Definitely Dublin, and really want to do Belfast too, but I'm still not sure, my mom is iffy about it but she says maybe! I want to do them both so much! It would be a shame we couldn't travel up together though if I went to Belfast :(


    It's almost definitely standing I'd say! Can't see it being seated at all!


    Yeah I'd be surprised if it was seated too. Standing is good.


    I really want to do Belfast too. And I don't actually know HOW I'm going to get pre-sale tickets tomorrow as I don't have a credit card (I use 3V vouchers usually for online things) so I could wait til the general sale and see can I afford both....but then what if all the standing ones are gone.... ARGH! :blink:

  5. :naughty: hey Nollaig, nice to meet you.... I haven't been in this thread much lately, my bad....Shaza, Debbie and I used to have gas craic :roftl: but I'm glad to see new Irishers!

    I'm so glad ye get to see him...we had a big Operation Shamrock campaign to get Meeks to Ireland but now I won't get to see him :mad:

    But I know ye'll have a marvellous time....he's pretty AMAZING live


    Hi Niamh! Neeve? Niamh? Which?! :naughty:


    I feel so behind lol, everyone already knows everyone else. I'm like,'oh hi' *pushes into group* lmao!


    I've never seen him, so I'm thrilled! And Shaza and Debbie (among others) seem awesome so I imagine it'll be great craic!


    Such a shame you can't come too!! Must be gutted! Even if you've seen him before, there's nothing quite like seeing an artist on your own turf, you know?

  6. I know! Okay, lets think. Shaz, are you doing Belfast AND Dublin, or just Dublin? I'm only doing Dublin I think, and if you go to Belfast, we'll be travelling seperately.


    Nextly, Blossom is phoning the Olympia tomorrow to ask about wheelchair areas, and she's also going asking about whether it's standing or sitting. If it's standing, we'll have no problem staying together with MFC-ers as much as is possible. If it's seated, how will that work?


    Arghhhhhhh, another Mod, we're trapped...:biggrin2:


    AHA! I'm not a Mod on here, all I can do is grumble and report spam!


    On my other forums though I'm a pretty ruthless Mod, I'm the one you really do not want to get on the wrong side of :roftl:

  8. It's going to be amazing!!! Mika playing on Irish soil at last! I can't wipe the grin off my face! :biggrin2:


    I just heard a 'whoop' out my window- wasn't you was it?! :roftl:


    You think you'll go to Belfast as well, or just Dublin? If you go to Belfast I won't be able to travel with you :no:


    if he was that would be dangerous, I'd actually eat him alive.


    You'd have to beat me to him m'dear! :roftl:

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