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Everything posted by Marshmalloworld

  1. Sur son tweeter, il disait qu'il était en route pour Mtrl via Paris ("With candy stuck on my forehead of course" xD)
  2. Helloooooooo and welcome aboard!!
  3. Oui, au pire je laisse ma meilleure amie (qui est de là bas) finir l'assiette
  4. J'ai pas osé y gouter quand je suis allée au Québec...Lol! La prochaine fois, je me lance.
  5. Yes, i tought the same thing when i read your post. It's funny, i'm not the only one who peed in unusual spot haha!
  6. When were you happiest? During my trips around the world What is your greatest fear? My dad's death and the time (i'm afraid of don't have enough time to achieve what i would like to achieve...*is that english ? lol*). What is your earliest memory? When my dad had surgery. I was 3 or 4 and I slept to my teacher's house. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? difficulties to trust people What is the trait you most deplore in others? mean and omnipotent What was your most embarrassing moment? When I was 8, we were on holidays, I peed in an elevator. Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? a flight ticket for Montreal What is your most treasured possession? My freedom of thinking (plus my paintings, stories and photos...) What do you most dislike about your appearance? my arms and thighs Who would play you in the film of your life? Huuu Kate Winslet or Daniel Radcliffe haha What is your guiltiest pleasure? Yaoi haha What is your most unappealing habit? Keep a tissue in my nose when I've got a cold (lol) Where would you like to live? Montreal, New York and London haha What does love feel like? the calm and silence when I do scuba diving What was the best kiss of your life? When I was 16, i was in south africa and it was really romantic ^^! Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Mika, and my best friend who lives on the otherside of the atlantic What is the worst job you've done? watermelons harvest If you could edit your past, what would you change? I wish I did not lack of confidence How do you relax? listening to music, reading, walking, writing/painting. What is the closest you've come to death? When my father had a heart attack What single thing would improve the quality of your life? Do more sport What do you consider your greatest achievement? Future will tell... What keeps you awake at night? when i think too much What song would you like played at your funeral? Euh...I don't think about it yet! What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Sometimes you cannot trust the people who are the closest of you. And even if it's hard, keep moving forward. Where would you most like to be right now? I'm not sure...Mika's private gig in my appartment!
  7. Probably you already saw those but well it cannot hurt to see them one more time haha
  8. Etant donné que ca parle de concert , est-ce qu'il y en aurait du Forum qui vont au concert de Toulouse ?
  9. Ca ne fait pas de mal un peu francais. Des fois, à force de jongler avec l'anglais, j'ai la sensation de ne plus rien comprendre aux deux haha!
  10. I loooooooove this song! Since i had the new album, i probably listened to it 50 times haha! Last saturday, i invited one of my best friends for dinner and we listened to mika and...We ended to film ourselve, dancing (huh not really, jumping and going crazy are not the best ways to describe us dancing haha) on this song! So much fun ^^
  11. Thanks everybody! I hope to explore the forum the soonest hiii =D And I totally agree, we're crazy. It's the best way of life ^^
  12. Hello mikafans =) My name is Sarah, i'm almost 22 ...I live in France and i'm a student (psycho). And I love MIKA (huhu i really don't know why i am here lol). I love every single songs, the world around the music. I'm already exciting of his gig to toulouse (my first mika's gig hahah) See ya!
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