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Everything posted by suisuimeko

  1. sorry to ask a silly question. who is the boy with the sones on his face? =P
  2. should we spread this out on twitter? jimmy has >300 followers and i think everyone of them who has a facebook account would love to add this!!
  3. well he has 101,547 followers, it's really impossible to read all the @mikasounds tweets.
  4. yes i thought it was the settings deal, but everyone's tweet is not able to retweet :@
  5. my frd and i cannot see his tweets either!! i'm checking the settings page but cannot find anywhere we can change the setting for this.
  6. 我有整2個banner囉 但最後爛哂 XD D人真係好勁!!!! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21197 我地快D郁啦 XD
  7. now i get it! XD it's a good song 'tho. i love fat geese as well! XD
  8. he is a goose? XD did he say he wanted to be a duck when he was small? and now a goose?
  9. we can include both jimmy's food men and our own creations. that would be funn 'tho =P
  10. yes we should do one for iMMa too!!! (frankly i think we should do one for the whole band haha XD)
  11. XDD 咁arm喎真係 XDD 我讀緊hkuspace, 今年yr 2!! wa好呀一講起就好多idea喇!! 好開心呀 YEAH XDD
  12. XDD 佢係顏色+螢光仔! 好靚啊真係! 我諗上yahoo auctions都會有同類型既箱賣! 不過有冇波點就唔知lu =D
  13. yes! =P and we can add few stuff by us too!! but i wonder where can we find most of his food men photos. we all know he tweets his food men, but in fact there are only few in his twitpic album!
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