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Everything posted by suisuimeko

  1. indeed! he would like it =D let's get jimmy drunk again XDD aww i wish i was going too!
  2. can be! but he is already so talented even a professional on that! once i've thought of making food men by ourselves and tweet him as "christmas presents" during christmas! actually is there anywhere else (other than twitter), we can find his food stories?
  3. indeed!! there should be at least an exhibit or book as a collection of his food pics!!
  4. FASHION!!! 好勁啊!! 估唔到我地香港MFC咁多臥虎藏龍 xdd 我本來都想讀FASHION但最後都係揀左GRAPHIC DESIGN orz 咁又係, 其實上次佢著白色, D燈都整到佢螢光哂! xdd 睇黎今次有排講同研究喇 XDD 我覺得佢似間條人囉, 估唔到波點都OK XD 不過都好靚呀個箱!! D發光物料真係好ARM佢 佢咁FLAMBOYANT! XD 繼續研究YEAH XDD
  5. i like jimmy too! XD he is a good bass ofcos and i think he is a good and fun person down the stage! =D
  6. glad that u like it!

    i hope i can put this mag in my portfolio lol

    thnks again =D=D

  7. 哇好勁呀妳! 點會搵到架 XDD 傳說中既bw suitcase, 我一直都覺得係間條, 點知係波點 xdd 係買定自整既呢唔知 @@ 我諗過係一個透明既箱上印/ 噴隻golden donkey畀佢架! 佢twitter果隻 xdd 我見過有glow in the dark既sneakers! http://sneakernews.com/2009/02/06/converse-shoot-neon-tube-hi-glow-in-the-dark/ http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/9/2/2/4/6/6/webimg/263141154_o.jpg http://www.highsnobette.com/news/2009/08/05/diesel-glow-in-the-dark-gear/2-diesel-flash-650x978/ 但唔知邊度搵 orz 如果搵到就可以畀佢出show著喇, 成隻腳發光 xdd 但有個問題: 幾號鞋? @@ 同埋我諗過整個好大好大好大幅既拼布MIKA banner囉 重有D咩呢? xdd 一講呢個就好興奮!
  8. 好野! 咁不如都係疊埋心水儲錢去UK啦 xdd
  9. 我都會唔知應唔應該去接啊 我覺得最後都會想接, 但我地唔好咁大壓迫感囉可能 just to say hi and welcome! 就唔係為左簽名影相 可能會好d掛! 到時先算 xdd mikasounds突然廣發email鼓勵大家儲mika magic numbers XDD 但好奇怪它是說welcome的! 我在儲mika magic numbers時間不長但都不是新了喔! 我都未有時間search, 聽日啦可能 XDD 我係twitter見到人地tweet, 望左一兩張, whoa, our boy is beautiful XDD thnks huikings XDD all 'cause MIKA's fab!!! XDD
  10. 我有收到! 我覺得有點回歸國小的感覺, 小時候老師都說儲貼紙可以換禮物 現在也差不多 xd 剛完成學校的magazine功課 我私心feature story用了MIKA XDD http://tinyurl.com/404magstissu 雖然不是很好, 但也跟大家分享一下
  11. hiya!

    i remember u gave me advice for my magazine project previously.

    great thanks to you! =D

    i've got it finished. just wanna share what has come out finally.

    here's the online version of it!



    thnks again!


  12. twitter事件!! i like this term XDD 下次一齊去接機啦, 真係好少人 你講得arm, mika係會入耳, 但好多人都唔會鍾意佢去到狂熱程度 哈哈其實我有D怕返大陸.. 不過如果佢真係去 我可能都會心郁 XD 但又會諗, 定係儲多D錢去歐洲睇佢? confused XDD
  13. 出年上海世博嘛!! 所以有機! 雖然始終都想佢係HK多D xdd 澳門都有機會啊, 但我想佢黎香港啊!!!!! (扭計中 xd) 我都有上網高調架, 屋企冇囉 xdd 其實我都覺得佢好正常姐! 我都唔識分主流同非主流lu家下 唔緊要啦 我地鍾意佢就得啦 xdd 佢咁好一定有更多更多新既fans!
  14. 係呀! 我果日戴條鍊, 跳到甩左兩次. 但我都可以冇顧慮咁執返!! 可想而知幾鬆動 @@! mika唔係台星唔係韓星+1 XDD 其實我自問都唔高調, 我屋企人九成人都唔知我鍾意MIKA XDD
  15. 成身瘀哂咁誇張!! 好得人驚, 只能話香港人太守秩序 = =? 不過香港人的確冇咁熱情, 我諗我地已經算係好癲!! 下次一齊去啦 (:
  16. 希望下次多D時間預備啦! but i dun think your two men are crap tho, they're cute! 而且是MIK會喜歡的類型 xd 應該會鍾意既! yayayaya!
  17. thnks!!

    i like my signature too :P

    i've made it for several hrs. xdd

  18. 真的喔 xd 另一邊廂打綠的吳青菜跟阿福也有在近來的官方weekly推mik的新專輯! http://www.sodagreen.com.tw/main/weekly/weekly110.php 阿福有想過來香港看mik喔但最後也沒來 假如他們合作實在太好了!! xd 但MIKA這次的asian tour收禮太多了! 不知道我的會不會沉底 @@
  19. oh u remind me! scmp should hv any articles of mika! but there ain't any, this is frustrating :S
  20. 其實香港可以好有特色啦但我地冇好好畀佢睇到!! and again我要講多次日本人真係痴線, 佢地送既black and white suitcase我仍然耿耿於懷 = = 太強勁喇!!!
  21. !!!!!!!!!! 不是12/15才deadline嗎 @@ 我還沒動喔!! gosh看了unipower的片子, 蘇打綠在MIKA後面耶!!!!!!!!! 我最愛的兩個UMG寶貝!! 話說我送MIK的禮物裡有放了蘇打綠的飛魚SINGLE, 不知他會不會聽 XD 我偷想要把MIK和打綠撮成合作機會 (大誤 喔耶~
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