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About MFC_Hasi

  • Birthday 03/02/1985


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    ♥ Life Your Life ♥

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    tax hasi 🐰
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  1. I also had @Statue_of_Liberty‘s help and it would have not been possible to realize this project because she also was fine with the fact that we used her kitchen The layers were vanilla sponge cake. They were filled with a simple buttercream with sweetened condensed milk. The whole cake was isolated with a ganache made of cream and strawberry chocolate. Then on the outside of the cake was fondant. The decoration was completely edible, therefore we used printed fondant paper, sugar and wafer flowers, marzipan and different food colors. The „flames“ at the edge of the caked was a vanilla marshmallow cream
  2. I just came back home yesterday evening and I am still high from this energetic gig in Berlin Here are some pictures I took during the gig. Videos will follow on the weekend on Instagram I also really enjoyed the queuing, which I am not doing „professionally“ anymore it was so nice to see many familiar faces again and had time to chat. Aww I loved the whole Berlin experience And even I don‘t speak/understand French, I was so happy that he at least played one (completely french) song from the new album. It could have been definitely more for my taste. The audience LOVED Jane Birking and sang along!
  3. So here are more detail pictures of the cake. I already shared them on IG. I am so happy that everything worked out with the flowers/cake and that they didn‘t fell while taking it to his dressing room
  4. s**t is getting real now - I packed almost my whole cake equipment in the biggest suitcase available to carry it 750km through Germany Here‘s a little spoiler for the inside of the cake which will be also delivered to him, so he and his team can see what‘s inside - just in case if there are allergies etc. After finishing the cake and its decoration we will share pictures of it here and on FB/Instagram as a proof See you all on Monday for the Meet-up or on the gigday at latest
  5. I randomly found this on „Ebay Kleinanzeigen“. It‘s the MIKA Coke bottle, which is quite rare. It‘s empty tough… €15,- / bottle + shipping MIKA Coke Bottle
  6. everyone who already contributed on Deb's paypal doesn't need to donate in the fundraising. No one actually needs to donate anyway. It's up to everyone. Both amounts will find the correct way to St. Benedict's Hospice like David and his family wanted it. I hope there's no confusion now.
  7. for those who are interested, we created a fundraising page for St. Benedict's Hospice in Sunderland in memory of David. Here's the link: https://www.justgiving.com/freddiesdouble
  8. The message of the passing of my beloved friend David hit me like nothing ever did before! I knew that he was seriously ill but I never gave up hoping that such a beautiful and lovely person will win this fight. I can’t actually remember the first time we got in touch, it must have been on twitter back in 2009 as he never was a facebook person. The first time I met him was in Amsterdam in 2010. This kind of MFC queuing/gathering was still new for me and so was this costume/motto thing. He was the ‚Mad Hatter‘ and I was kinda scared when he walked around to collect the orders for the little coffee break sponsored by Team Mika. With his coloured contact lenses, the wig and his red suit. When I told him years later that I was scared he laughed so hard This became a running gag between us over the years. He was this kind of person everyone loved to hang out with, he made our world a better place. His little surprise letters/packages out of nothing when I came home from a s**t day at work, lovely messages on early mornings and his random funny tweets. He made people smile, he helped to forget problems for a short time when needed, he was a true friend even he lived miles away! Madrid in October 2015 was probably „the best time we’ve ever had“ – at least for me. „Team Mario“ was born – our little group who was in touch almost every day since then. Everything about that trip was perfect. The people, the chats, the laughs, the concert and most of all the afterparty in the rain. I’ve never seen Mika smiling on stage the way he did when he saw David in the audience that night. David was so happy! We were planning to go to Florence for NYE 16/17, a vacation in Santorini this year was also on our schedule. So many things which we can’t do anymore now. I’m not much into religion but it helps me a lot these days to believe in a reunion somewhere, someday! David, I promise you that day will be a big party! With open hotel doors, hibbeling shirts, flying concert tickets, coffee/drinkies, Mika, Queen and a big fat hug!!! Be prepared! I will horribly miss you until then! Now go and have a good time with Freddie up there while watching your friends having a smile on their faces remembering you, the wonderful and big hearted human being you were. Farewell my dear. Love you. https://youtu.be/EXJhTxTbLkU
  9. better late than never https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooDap2rRF24
  10. I´m sooo looking forward to this two orchestra shows as I haven´t seen them live yet. I missed Montreal and Como and DVD is never the same Cherry on top will be that we´re going to spend New Year´s Eve together! MFC family celebration - seriously, it´s hard (almost impossible) to beat that See you all in Florence! *whoop*
  11. Happy Birthday Miri

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