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Everything posted by judeline

  1. I already twitted the link! maybe you guys could re-twitt it (you should find my twitt by typing "jimmyplaysbass" in "search")! thanx édit: this one: "OSheherazadeO Add ! Add !!! x RT @judelline: @jimmyplaysbass 's fan page on facebook : http://bit.ly/6Jkjna ;)"
  2. hey! I just created, with a friend of mine, a fan page for Jimmy. here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jimmy-Sims/366517145092#/pages/Jimmy-Sims/366517145092?v=wall hope you'll join it and add your pics or videos!
  3. does someone know how many places there is in this venue? is it a big or a small venue? thanx
  4. yes, I know that I'm just more specific because it seems that the ticket I have bought is a standing one but in circle section .... I don't understand anything anyway... I'm looking for a standing ticket in stalls section
  5. I mean in stalls section, front row. thanx
  6. looking for 1 (standing) ticket for the Hammersmith Apollo gig on february 28th. if you have extra tickets.... pleaaaaase! thanx
  7. thanks suzie. do you know how much is it for one ticket?
  8. I love your signature!!! ;)

  9. looking for 2 tickets for the union chapel show... pleaaaaaaaaase!
  10. ok. I guess you're right, but that doesn't change the fact that they have a ticket so, I was just thinking maybe I could try.... it may work, if I'm lucky thanks edit: thank you very much Christine!
  11. not true! I have some friends who live in France and have their tickets! anyway, my request concerned the persons who have a ticket and who cannot finally go there... we never know!
  12. I was at the comedy club last night and it was really really awesome... now I really want to be at the union chapel next week with a friend of mine if it's possible (we miss mika and his band so much ) is there anybody who sells tickets (by chance)?
  13. oui je vais faire Bercy et Nantes en France et j'avais même rajouté Londres en me disant que bah au moins ce sera une salle à dimensions un peu plus humaines que Bercy... bah là avec la jam session on peut dire que je suis servie! ^^ je suis vraiment super contente!!!! merci
  14. (oui c'est moi ) non mais c'est clair que 120 ou 150... ce sera quand même un moment privilégié. et pour mon premier concert, c'est vraiment les conditions rêvées. donc je n'ai vraiment pas à me plaindre. ça va être génial!!!
  15. merci tout le monde alors, finalement la jam session c'est 120 ou 150 personnes? Jonathan m'a dis 120 au telphone.... @ diva: en fait un "émigré" est toujours quelque part un "immigré" aussi. en fait émigrer c'est quitter son pays d'origine pour aller s'établir dans un autre et immigrer c'est venir dans un pays dont on n'est pas originaire. tout ça dépend du point du vue que l'on prend en fait. je te donne un exemple pour que ce soit clair: mes grands-parents sont italiens. quand ils ont quitté l'Italie pour la France, ils sont devenus des "émigrés" (du point de vue de l'Italie) et des "immigrés" (du point de vue de la France). j'espère que mon explication est claire. mais ne t'inquiète pas, même les français se trompent entre ces deux mots ^^
  16. all the MFCers in the same place? WOW! ^^

  17. yes, when I said "for ourselves" I meant "near and quite often" (though I wouldn't be dissatisfied if he could be in France all the time!!!:biggrin2: but of course it's really really selfish and, besides, we wouldn't have the joy of visiting Europe to see him :roftl:)

    one show each month, like you said, would be really awesome but if he have to do that in every countries.....poor Mika! ^^

  18. we all want to have him just for ourselves but, sadly, it's not possible! :(


    OH, I would LOVE to have the opportunity to be a "big girl" just for one night! it must be really awesome!

  19. Oh my gooood, it will be so much hard to wait (it already is!)! but I'm sure we'll be rewarded for waiting. ;) it will be GREAT for sure!!!


    I know what you mean. I have seen (saw? damn, I don't know when I have to use the simple past or the present perfect!) him not even 2 days ago and I already miss him. but he has just left the US so....I think you'll gonna need to be patient! :(

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