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Status Updates posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. It is really you? I haven't seen you at FB for so long! And your account there seems to disappear.

  2. It would be amazing! But (unfortunately) I can't say anything good about Kiev concerning the prices. The city is marvellous, but people used to spoil it in every way...

  3. I feel like it's my birthday! Even much more better! I still can't believe it!

  4. Omg omg omg if it is true....... I'm out of my mind

  5. I'm dead . If it's really so.... Omg omg omg

  6. Well, I was at Tea party today! Pity you wasn't here

  7. Hi! I'm ok. Just had to work, so didn't visit chat threads, only informative.

  8. Hi! About a project... I already have a hand print - here. Whould it be OK if I take a good photo of my hand from here, or it is better to do it on paper? http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5805/prusova-elena.27/0_5d088_b9c1b5aa_XXXL

  9. Hi dear! How do you feel about your English now? If you still need to learn, I can offer you a good topic for another home writing! You can PM me with your thoughts about Mika's new article.

    If you have no time or wish, please don't bother!

    Have a good day!

  10. Nothing special! I just won't be at home, and in that place there will be no Internet.

    Thank you for caring dear :huglove:

  11. Feel sad :( thinking about Paloma, and about Mama Penniman. I admire her more and more.

  12. Happy 8 of March!



  13. Happy Women's Day, dear Bojana!!!



  14. Hi! How are you?

    You know, Ceyda has a Mad Tea thread, I usually chat only there. Come to us to talk!

    Do you like Mika with Brian pics?

  15. Hahaha Wonka I LOVE your status!

  16. Oh you mean I'm not often here? My son is still ill and doesn't go to kindergarten, so I can be here only when he is busy for some minutes (hiding from him with iPod in order he didn't take if away).

  17. Soon two weeks, and still not better. But well, i won't upset you :-\ I miss mfc so much, because i used to love here!

  18. My son got bronchitis and i am so tired. I want Sping to come!

  19. No, it's so sweet that you wrote to me now! Now I need good luck more than at X-mas.

  20. I live online more than a year, so i can't say that i dont believe in it. I found many new friends. I don't communicate much in RL.

  21. Hi! Wish you good luck in your fights. Our winter is not that good too, we get ill one after one, it's a vicious circle. No snow all the winter, dull and dirty weather. Hope we will be better in Spring. The only place to have fun is MFC.

  22. В Looking for something про релакс Kumazz ответила на 314 странице, я только что увидела линки но не смотрела что там. Я с айпода и не буду включать сегодня большой комп.

  23. Привет. Сегодня тихо тут, так что я ненадолго. Ты как, обживаешься?

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