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Everything posted by CanWeSaySarah

  1. this sounds a bit strange... I know people in France like him a lot, but 200 000 in France alone (+ 30 000 in Korea) vs 524 000 worlwide ??? Anyway, here in France he's N°5 with Rain, and TBWKTM is starting to be properly marketed : top shelf and Christmas selection at La Fnac, ( which is our equivalent for HMV.) But some french radios and televisions are still reluctant to play Rain... I noticed something weird this morning : Rain is N°3 of the Virgin radio hitlist, while it's not even in the playlist of Virgin 17, the TV channel of the same network !!! Sometimes, i just don't understand how they work !! Anyway, over here MIka IS selling, despite their best efforts !!! Next april's Paris gig ( over 15 000 seats arena) is already sold out !!!
  2. In this article, they say TBWKTM is double platinum.. http://www.nrj.fr/music-509/news-music-524/article/235027-ecoutez-rain-le-nouveau-single-de-mika-.html Dunno if they mean it for France only ( which would mean something like 200 000 copies sold over here, i think...)
  3. Oui, j'y serai !! mais pas dans la fosse, c'est plus de mon âge et oui, d'après le réseau Fnac, le concert de Paris est complet, et celui de Toulouse aussi.
  4. Coucou, En fait je suis une "ancienne" , j'avais pardu mon password, j'ai envoyé un mail aux modos il y a quelques semaines, il ne s'est rien passé, alors je me suis crée un nouveau compte... J'étais SarahFromParis avant... mais je ne postais pas beaucoup... donc bon, je me suis dit que personne ne remarquerait Merci pour ton vote, ça me ferait vraiment plaisir que les stations de radio / télé se bougent un peu. Quand on pense que Rain va entrer au top single et que le concert de Bercy est déja complet plus de 4 mois avant la date, je ne comprends absolument pas ce qui les bloque comme ça...
  5. Coucou les francophones Je viens d'envoyer un mail à W9 pour demander un peu plus de "Rain" !! C'est vraiment dommage que ce titre ne bénéficie pas de davantage de visibilité. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les stations le boudent... J'ai aussi trouvé ces liens, où l'on peut voter pour TBWKTM, demander Rain sur NRJ et NRJ12 ou voter pour Mika aux NRJ Music Awards... Quelques petits clics de temps en temps et on va peut-être arriver à les bouger !!! http://www.chartsinfrance.net/charts/internautes.php http://www.nrj.fr/radio-510/nrj-hit-list-3218/nrjhit/ http://nrjmusicawards.nrj.fr/votecategorie/?cat=6 http://www.nrj.fr/radio-510/euro-hot-30-3348/eurotop30/ celui-là apparemment on peut juste donner des "coeurs", mais c'est toujours ça
  6. voted ! I also know how it feels. Here in France, "Rain" is getting so little exposure I just can't understand it !! The good news is that, even though radio stations and TV seem to ignore it's existence, Rain is entering the Top 10 of singles sales next week !!!! So people are actually willing to buy the record, despite the medias efforts to bury it under tons of sh*t ( i'm mainly talking about our local "talent" shows... ) But with just a little media exposure, it could be a number 1 and i'm gutted it doesn't get it !!! PS : I posted a link for french charts on the "Vote for Mika" thread
  7. Hello, You can also vote for TBWKTM here : http://www.chartsinfrance.net/charts/internautes.php It is currently N°4, which is already good, but if we could get him N°1 that would be great !! You can vote every hour ! You can also vote here : http://www.nrj.fr/radio-510/nrj-hit-list-3218/nrjhit/ to request Rain on NRJ Radio ( one if not THE biggest musical radio station in France ) You can vote once a day And you can give Mika more "hearts" here : http://www.nrj.fr/radio-510/euro-hot-30-3348/eurotop30/ Seems you can vote once a day.. maybe more.. Let's go !!!
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