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Everything posted by IngeGOLDEN

  1. Spiderman, Spiderman, Friendly neighborhood Spiderman Wealth and fame, he's ignored Action is his reward To him, Life is a great big bang-up Wherever there's a hang-up, You'll find the Spiderman!
  2. You'll never get me down I'm always up with You, never get me down I'm always up with you
  3. Glad this thread is back It's been two months since the last post
  4. Wow, nice report! I'm so excited to see him now AND I'm uploading your vid on youtube, what do you want me to call it (title)?
  5. No, I was planning on going, but it was sold out, and then I bought tickets for Antwerp. But now I'm going on a holiday and from there I'm going to Antwerp, but unfortunately it's not possible to go to Amsterdam
  6. YKYAMFW you're not listening to the radio at all, but there's a certain song you suddenly CAN hear. *grace kelly* (happened to me yesterday )
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