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Everything posted by IngeGOLDEN

  1. Ooooh, my dad filmed Over My Shoulder Wow wow wow Think I'm gonna put it on Youtube. Wow wow, it's so beautiful.
  2. I was thinking about it, because my dad says it's going to be difficult to go to the Eden Sessions in England... He said I can look for another gig, and I would love to go to TW
  3. I think I'll never be over it I didn't see any of the MFC-ers... I saw crazy happy people at the front, I guess those were some of the MFC. I wish I was there, at the front, but I had seated places... Next time I'll get standing places!! I almost died of happiness when he sang Over My Shoulder These are the rest of my photos:
  4. Cooool I'm still saving money for Mika @ Pinkpop... It's 75 euros for a ticket + another ticket for bus & train etc.
  5. I'm not sure if I'm going to make a report, the ones I'm reading say enough about the gig
  6. Glad you like them! My seating places were quite far from the stage, you can see on the last pic, but I managed to zoom in and get a few sharp pics
  7. I love all the reports! I'm going to make my first MIKA gig report too today... That'll come later Just have to say, I think for a first MIKA gig, it is quite an AMAZING one Got loads of pics too.
  8. Exciteddd. Might be going to Kick Ass today. And think of a present for Mika. 5 days!
  9. I don't call that music. Ohhhhhh it's terrible *I'm 16 and I think I'm too old for this * Hmm, maybe I should arrive 'too late' to miss this. Does Mika know this is coming?
  10. Just like Mika once said, one day you feel like you're amazing, and the other day you feel like you're terrible.
  11. Yeah it was me :pinkbow: And what's the reason for your wonderful time? :biggrin2:

  12. Hi :biggrin2: I'm great, thanks. How r u?

  13. Even more nervous right now Going to be on Dutch tv this saturday @ Paul de Leeuw's show (you might know it, Mika's been there too).
  14. I love your signature XD

    The doctor called me special :teehee:

  15. I love them all I'm still thinking about what I should get signed. Pic? Shoes? Shirt? Banana?
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