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Everything posted by Shine

  1. It was just friendly and you moved me a lot:huglove:

    No, I'm done with my hollidays, but my daughter is in Wienna so I have much more spare time:roftl:

  2. Unfortunately I haven't:sad: But I follow them from the begining cos I'm a pretty old lady:naughty: Girls, have you seen this performance? He looked so hot here. No kidding Tell me more about it. Cos I still have his pic on my wall when he was much younger than today.
  3. Awww, thanks, it' mainly a Church holliday, but many people celebrate it for fun, not me exactly:naughty: If I had some good company to hang around in some club I'do it :das:

    I was about to write to you a letter so be prepared today :boing::huglove:

  4. Hey, she's still there till Sunday. And yes, during the school brake.

    About Mallorca: I'd soo love to go there, but we'll see cos it mostly depends on money.:sad:

  5. Jeste, super je, malopre mi je poslala poruku, sve vas pozdravlja:bye:

    Pa tebi je sad malo frka jer si na maturi, znam kako je meni bilo, celu tu godinu kao luda. Isto je i sa krajem studija...strah od završetka:naughty:


  6. Yes you did:lmfao: Keti's in Wienna, and she has a wonderful time there.

    We don't speak a lot as we used before? :sad:

    Hopefully you're getting fine:huglove:

  7. I like it very much indeed. Think that his distinction between nice and polite has sense, cos he writes about supressed anger beneath the surface of your "smiling face". That's how he feels about meaning of this world and I can agree with that. And that's very true, it's a very fake attitude sometimes. Then he speaks about having control, discipline and hard work in order to achive your goals. Very imaginitive, playful, witty and smart column, not only for fun even though it might look like that.
  8. Da, super je, vraća se u subotu, kasno uveče. Mrtva je umorna jer su ceo dan na nogama:naughty:

    Šta ima kod tebe?:bye:

  9. So happy for you:boing:

    I'll do it soon, hopefully till the end of the weekend.

    My holliday has been finished today:sad: but I'll catch some time to write to you:huglove:

  10. I'm TT fan too, especially Mark's Owen
  11. I get what you're talking about. Yes, Jodie has helped him with some lyrics...It' ok in this kind of work. There's no problem at all as far as I'm concerned, but I'd really like to see the original article cos, like Lucrezia said, many nunaces could have been lost or changed their meaning in the translation. That's why I'd like to see the original to make myself sure that it's not his first one
  12. Hey Rosa, at least I'm here to hear your opinion as I always used to. You don't need to be sorry about anything IMO cos to be honest I don't recall if you was questioning about the authenticity of Mika column at all Each writer makes their texts/books on their own, so probably does he and he is entitled to have someone who will help him with some stylistic solutions or give him some advice about the topic. But I think he usually chooses it himself. Mika has been changing his style from blog to blog, or from column to column (humorous, ironical, lyrical, grotesque, sometime weird and sometimes very serious), which has been caused by the subject of writting and his attitude toward it,and sometimes it depended of his mood as well. I think he's a very creative and has a genuine writer nerve which is a quality that only a few performes have today.
  13. IMO = in my opinion, I saw it on MFC and always asked what it meant:naughty:

    Have a good sleep and try to call him cos administartion in every country is pretty lazy so you have to do everything. Let me know about it soon:huglove:

  14. Hey, not bad:boing: How're you doing? We celebrated Christmas twice and a New Year, Keti went to Wienna this morning for the excursion...What about you? Hopefully we'll be in touch in other way soon.

    Saw you were at MGMT gig, I've been listening some songs on YT and liked it.:wub2: Love&hugs :huglove:

  15. With my poor knowledge of your language I think there's a lot of interesting issues in this article which Nezza hasn't mentioned.
  16. I'm afraid we must wait for the original english version. In No 3 he refers something related to Onasis family (probably a bit ironical, I can't see properly such tiny letters), and writes about the gathering the group of his friends, sisters, mother etc. who follow him during the tour.
  17. To be mine and Keti's friends doens't mean that you have to speak english perfectly:))

    We're not native speakers and I don't care much about it. :naughty:

    And your posts are lovely and full of good energy:wub2:

    Love ya:huglove:

  18. Мир Божји. Христос се роди!
  19. Ваистину се роди !

    Мир Божји !



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