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Everything posted by Shine

  1. This T-shirt is apart from that black one the worst I've ever seen on him.
  2. Hello there:bye: Seems you avoid me :naughty:

  3. It would be really amazing, but I think he wrote the column for the December issue before his tour in SA Maybe in the next one?
  4. I highly recommend "The Bloody Chamber" by Angela Carter and all her stuff. These are kinda horror stories with deep psychological meaning though:wink2:
  5. Congrats to both You'll do the great job
  6. Ne znam, ali sve se obaveze natrpaju krajem godine:dunno: I što je najgore, mi sad imamo odvojeni januarski i februarski ispitni rok, praktično jedan za drugim:boxed: Prebrojala sam da ću imati 16 ispita u dve nedelje. Nigde neću moći da mrdnem, a Keti ide posle našeg Božića na ekskurziju u Beč nedelju dana. Blago njoj:wub2:

    Vidimo se :huglove:

  7. Hvala, zaista može bolje :naughty: juče mi je bila devojačka slava, danas opet gosti...Inače puno posla, a vreme

    totalno kretensko:naughty: I Keti mnogo uči, i mnogo je manje on line.

    Pozdravlja i ona sve, javiće se:huglove:

  8. Shine

    Polarkreis 18

    http://www.polarkreis18.de/p18.php#s1 Here you can listen to the snipets from their new album. I soooooooo love it. The album is out on the November 26th and the single is out :boing:
  9. Awww, lovely video:wub2: keti sends you big hugs too:huglove:

  10. Lovely report my dear!!! I've told you you'd have luck with him. Even though it wasn't in your country, but still...it sounds unbeleivable:boing:
  11. Girls, you all have wonderful and unforgetable experience. You dreams finally came true. And it happened in your country, that's always the best thing.
  12. The pics are incredible lovely and you had a beautiful night with Mika I'm happy for you girls
  13. Agreed. Especially I love the cover of the album. This pic is absolutely horrible. I thought first it was some of Mika's crazy fans and not Jake Sheers.
  14. Well I also saw Jake live at Exit a couple of years ago and the guy sings and dances perfectly. Not so impressed with his look though. As for Mika bird T-shirt I find it peculiar, but lovely at the same time only when he wears it.
  15. Oh, thanks for posting He looks lovely Even his hair looks different on these pics to me
  16. Shine

    Polarkreis 18

    This pic is really odd, but if you watch video it' quite different:wub2: In the video Felix also wears black suit and looks amazing!
  17. Shine

    Polarkreis 18

    But this pic is really wierd. Felix looks like a girl
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