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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. Part two: PM: Here is your guitarist, Tim. Give Tim a round of applause, please!! M: But... I want to do something (speaks to Tim: give me the chord of the song) *sings* What I want to do is.. the audience.. I want you to sing with me...erm... us. Because it´s accoustic so we can do this together. *sings* A bit louder! *sings Celebrate* ---------------------------------- Part three: PM: *fangurls* It´s amazing to see you singing live... It always amazes me when someone sings fine, sings perfect... and you always have the perfect tune. It´s fantastic and I think people is going to enjoy it a lot, because you perform in Madrid and Barcelona . M: In November. PM: In November. November the 20th, Razzmatazz. And Madrid, November the 23rd, La Riviera. M: Yes. PM: You can already buy your tickest in ticketmaster and so. I´ve been told you get very nervous before your performances. M: Yes. PM: What happened to you in Heaven?? (please, notice that Pablo CAN´T speak English AT ALL and when he says "Heaven" in English, Mika can´t understand him ) M: Where?? PM: Heaven, Cielo (that´s what heaven means in Spanish.. like sky). M: Oh... *laughs nerviously* *shy* B: wow, he doesn´t even understand your English, Pablo... M: Yes, in Heaven.. it was a very important gig, because it was the very first time with my new songs in London (oh well ) and there was a lot of press and I didn´t want to go, so I locked myself in the toilet, so the gig started 25 minutes later... because I don´t want to go out... PM: from toilet? M: yes. And it was the real first time that I thought I had been working in this record for a year and a half, and I don´t want to go out in this scene... with all the British press being harsh... and they are going to destroy everything I´ve done for this record during a year and a half, and so I don´t want to go... and.... T y B: come one, it´s over!! aaww.... *Pablo hugs Mika tenderly* M: *to ants* you get nervous each time, don´t you? T: no, not me... pff, I´m here under the table... M: *to Trancas* you know, I need to confess something... I do have an unibrow too... T: really?? you are unibrow too?? M: Yes, but I (makes a sound as if plucking) T: BUT WHY?!?! That´s what makes your look look sexy!!!! Look *stares at camera* *Mika grabs Tranca´s unibrow* T: if you pull you´ll pull it out, I tell you... M:.. it´s like your masculinity or what? T: of course... I have a look like Clint Eastwood, look. *stares again* PM: very good... I like your conversation... talking about masculinity (yes, here we go again) you´ve done something very brave, you´ve made public that you are gay. M: yes. PM: And I think it´s something like being transparent with yourself, and of dignity for love. You didn´t need to do it, but you did. M: yes, I´ve done it at the right time. But I think that for the majority of my fans it wasn´t a big surprise PM: of course not! (DID HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT?? ) M: It was something important to do. But it was important to do it in a period of my life when I´m very happy, with lots of confidence, in my own way, and with an album like this, which is so sincere (he says here "undressed"). So when I did the interview I thought I wasn´t talking to a journalist, but to the version of myself at 13 yo (actually funny cause instead of thirteen, he says ten and three xD) who didn´t know how to get away from that pressure, because when you are 13 you don´t know how to get away from that idea that my sexuality was something negative, because I was different from my family, and so I thought I was talking to my 13yo self instead of the journalist. It was important. T: How fine you speak Spanish! PM: it´s very difficult... M: it´s very difficult to speak Spanish... PM: your heart speaks Spanish perfectly. *Mika seems moved* *they highfive*
  2. Actually, this part was translated by Marian538 I´m doing 2nd and 3rd part
  3. Vale, me queda muy poquito para terminar la parte 3. te copio aqui lo que llevo y lo lees y lo corriges? Please? o prefieres que te lo mande por privado?

  4. Here you are the translation for the first part thanks to Marian538. We are working in the rest!! PM-- Pablo Motos T--Trancas B--Barrancas M--Mika PM: Today has come to have fun at "El Hormiguero" the musician and songwriter ... Mika!! PM: Well, Mika, Mika. We are very happy that you have come to present your new album TOOL M: The origin of love, I have a voice in my head but this time I'm gonna try to do all the interview in spanish, but it's very dangerous PM I'll speak slowly but.. M: yes, speak slowly please PM: sure!! M:because I know that you wanna speak blabrublablu PM: I will speak very slowly, you have a very good spanish accent M: thank you, I don't know why, I do the zzzzz (means that in Spain we pronounce Z with the zzz sound and in south america they do the s sound for z) I have a house in Miami, and there they don't like the zzzz sound PM: they will learn (do know why Pablo says that LOL sorry) today you´ve brought us TOOL... M: yes PM: ... don't tell me you had found the origin of love? M: no, it's absolutely imposible, in one way .... (audience interrups) alright. I think it's a collection of lovesongs, but not like Celine Dion in the 90s.... HI! ( to the ants) *snogs the ant* PM: here are the ants (to the ants) stay out if you want but we are speaking in spanish T: ok M: it's a conversation very... T: private M: private, yes, bye, see you later *pushes down the ant* T: hey hey, be careful huh? I am a puppet but I have feelings M: if you don't speak slowly I can't understand what you are saying T: I am a puppet, but I have feelings, you can't treat me that way M: yes, I'm sorry T: well, see you later PM: they leave, well, you know there's a theory of love that I really like, it's a neurologic theory, one of the last things we know about the brain, that says that the origin on love is the memory and probably, since we are children, when we find something that we like very much, it got hiden in our memory M: in a part of our brain, yes PM: yes, and when... M: because humans are programmed to remember just positive things, it's weird, but it's true, I think PM: happens that when you like James Bond, Gladiator, I don't know, madonna.. M: surely James bond PM: yes! that starts like a puzzle in your head, a labyrinth... M: yes PM: and when you see someone that completes that puzzle, you feel in love with him M: a little bit of Madonna, a little bit of Trancas and Barrancas (the ants) a little bit of James Bond, yes!! I can see this, I think it's possible PM: this is how we fall in love M: this is why .... mmmm.... ammmmm (says something in english) s**t, I can't speak PM: but if you wanna speak in english you have this (the translator's headphone) M: NO! (slaps Pablo's hand) I wont understand... PM: I'll speak in english!! and we'll see (Pablo doesn't speak english ATALL) M: I think that when we speak about lovesongs, we speak about life, and these are love songs from the point of view of the life of a 28, 29 year old man that wants to be happy, it´s about discover how I can be happy for the next ten years PM: for the next years, yes, we understand each other slowly M: but it's about, there's a song in this album called, Love you only when I'm drunk, and there's also a love song between me and a robot PM: a robot??!! M: a robot PM: aha M: those are a bit ridiculous lovesongs PM: well, there are lots of kinds of love M: yes PM: and there a lots of different kinds of lovesongs, those of "I love you very much", those of "I don't care about you at all, go away and I hate you, you left me and I'm awful", those are love songs but they are different. there's one that's your new single, it's called "celebrate" M: the celebrate song, yes PM: and it's about celebrating a split M: yes, a split, it's a.. revenge? PM: yes, a revenge M: a revenge!! don't laugh (gigles) bast****s (to the ants) B: I laugh, but just a little, I'll be watching from this side, speak in spanish, dont feel stalked about me coz.... don't worry *stalks* M: I don't understand a word you said B: oh yes M: you speak with an accent B: yes, spanish accent (actually they mock Mika ) PM: well Mika, I want to ask you, later we are gonna do a very big performance to celebrate your new album launch, but now I want you to sing a little, ust if the audience wants to M: celebrate? yes!
  5. Vale, pero yo me pondré mañana por la mañana que ahora tengo una amiga que me necesita
  6. First thing tomorrow morning will be translating this. After taking son to school, obviously
  7. Como está dividido por videos, si tú haces el primero yo haré el segundo, tú el tercero y así, vale? o al revés, me da igual
  8. el show entero http://www.antena3.com/programas/el-hormiguero/invitados/mika-hormiguero_2012092700301.html
  9. Full show here http://www.antena3.com/programas/el-hormiguero/invitados/mika-hormiguero_2012092700301.html
  10. Yeah, sorry, I copied the link without checking first. Yes, only 6 minutes... As long as you have it, paste the link here and we will translate the whole thing.
  11. http://www.antena3.com/videos-online/programas/el-hormiguero/mika-mis-canciones-hay-muchos-tipos-amor_2012100200199.html Ahi esta. Como lo hacemos?
  12. Yep BTW he mentioned that one song in the album is about him being in love with a robot Which song is that?
  13. That´s exactly what he said tonight but he was now referring to the Heaven show. He said it started 25 minutes later... I don´t think a radio show can be delayed for 25 minutes... I don´t know...
  14. Anyway, no, it had nothing to do with his coming out cause he repeated it today (giggling, btw) that no one got surprised about his coming out. He mentioned all the work he had done with this record and was scared of the press treatment.
  15. He´s said there was a lot of English press. I think he realises the treatment he receives in England and that´s why he thought that. He also said it was the first time performing after a long time (he didn´t said "in the UK" but I think it was what he meant). After all his speech, Pablo hugged him he felt his sadness.... LOL
  16. It really made me sad when he talked about that Heaven story... him being locked in the toilet cause he was freaking scared of the English press... His words were... oh well, since it was Spanish, he couldn´t express it with all its intensity, but he looked really sad. He said he didn´t want to come out to perform (the show started 25 minutes later) cause he was sure the press would destroy all the work he had done writing this album, and he worked so hard... and he didn´t want it to be destroyed. He used the word "destroyed" in Spanish. So sad.
  17. Yes. Pablo Motos. He is from my town (from Requena, actually) and he started doing a show called the same in the radio. They were awesome and wanted to go on TV but at first everyone thought they would fail cause no one of them was pretty Clearly they were wrong. They are so talented. And the guy in Greece, Santi Millán....
  18. Thing is... they tried to record it (and did it) but someone put his foot on the wrong cable and the recording was gone so, what we saw was absolutely live. My friends were at the recording (do you remember the girl painting the graffiti in a wall? she´s an MFCer ) and three girls more were also there, in the Celebrate vid.
  19. A esperar que alguien suba el video... En el hilo del programa hay gente que lo ha grabado. En cuanto tengamos algo nos repartimos la faena, vale? Eso sí, antes de publicarlo lo leemos al menos las dos para corregir fallos. Cuatro ojos ven más que dos.
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