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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. No. Different thing this time has been the commercials. They usually put ads in the middle of the show. But this time they didn´t. Mika is too special
  2. Ok. everything will be translated once the vids are uploaded and we have access to them. The show was fantastic, and no, they don´t do such an amazing work for every one. First of all because they don´t know how the artist would react to things, but with Mika it´s different cause they already know it. And it´s clear that Pablo loves him. Since the first time he was there, they connected. Not sure how many artists have been three times in this show... not that many, I´m sure. Will Smith and... maybe some Spanish singer. But this one has been AMAZING.
  3. Ground floor is 1st floor?? Sorry, I have no idea how many metres are 50 feet The pic was taken from where she fell, since there was the fence... you know... with the blood and stuff... and there were only ground floor, first floor and second floor... which it must be the third floor for them... but from the side she fell, I just remember there were two floors. Maybe I´m mistaken, of course, but that´s what I remember. Sadly I´m not saving Mika pics anymore so I don´t have this pic...
  4. It´s a new show, this was only the second day on air, so I have no idea how they work, but if you look at their site it has a link to other days (even if there was only one other day ) so I bet the program will be there sooner or later
  5. ....There was a pic... that building had only two floors....
  6. Por cierto... estás escribiendo en tu propio perfil :aah: Lo normal es que cliques encima del nombre de la persona a la que quieres hablar, y le escribas en su perfil... si no nadie leerá lo que dices... (salvo que se metan en tu perfil.... ).

  7. Hola!! En el Thread de bienvenida te he dejado el link para ir al Spanish Thread, que es el hilo en el que todo el mundo habla en español. He leído que fuiste al concierto de Coruña.... Jo,qué pena, casualmente casi todo el mundo que postea aquí en el Spanish estuvimos en el concierto anterior en Portugal y por eso no pudimos ir al de A Coruña... pero bueno, aunque no nos conozcamos todos personalmente, lo iremos haciendo a lo largo de los conciertos. Vendrás al de Madrid en Noviembre? En el Spanish nos conocemos todos prácticamente, son muchos años por aquí y nos hemos visto en los diferentes conciertos de aquí de España y Portugal.

    Soy la representante de España aquí, lo cual quiere decir que si tienes alguna duda o necesitas cualquier cosa en relación con este foro, es mi obligación solucionártelo LOL. Así, que lo dicho, bienvenida y espero que disfrutes de esto como lo hacemos todos!! :huglove:

  8. WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! He has a very special sense of humour anyway....
  9. LOOOL Ok. Here in Spain we have this kind of humor I guess. And if Mika talked about it yesterday in Berlin, at least he accepts it even if it´s not that funny for him... I don´t really mind how many nonsense he is doing tonight. El Hormiguero is maybe the best show at this moment so it means that a lot of people will see him tonight. For real, this is the best promotion ever in this country.
  10. OOOH BY THE WAY!!!!! So happy someone informed (in the worst possible way) Dani Mateo about Mika´s real name. Dani: Why did you change your real name to Mika if your name is sooooo easy to remember?? Michael Holbrook Penniman Ismaili. Mika: what the f*ck is Ismaili??? I´m Michael Holbrook Penniman JUNIOR!!!! Sooooooo, I know there were many people saying Ismaili was his mother surname or something like that. OK. Now it´s clear it has nothing to do with him!!!!!
  11. Yes. As I said it was an inside joke. Here in Spain, Catalans are known for being too tight, and Dani was trying to make a simil between a Catalan guy and Mika.... And the word was "agarrado"
  12. I´m sure there´ll be some silly things like those again Again, in this show everybody have fun but it´s not like an interview, where Mika has time to explain lots of things.It´s more like... to have fun... I´m happy he still remembers Trancas y Barrancas LOL (the puppets)
  13. OK. Nothing really interesting here They were joking all the time, and saying he was amazing. They asked him why he went to Montreal instead of Miami or Punta Cana, Mika explained about Nick AGAIN. Then they showed Mika a bit of our National Lotto where kids "sing" the numbers and the price. It´s something traditional here, but of course Mika didnt get it . Anyway, he sang one of the numbers (even if he said that it sounded awful)
  14. It has an explanation. It´s the same that happens to me when I talk to non English speakers: It´s easier to understand. Because when someone is speaking in a foreign language, he can´t create very complicated sentences and always speaks plain. That´s why most of people understands Mika better than a Spanish speaker. Mika always speaks in Present, never uses Subjunctive or coordinated sentences
  15. Cualquiera que te oiga se pensará que para subir un video lo tienes que hacer de forma manual!!! vamos, que yo sé subir videos, le das al botón donde pone subir, y te puedes ir.... JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ lo que no sé hacer es grabar, ves?? si lo puedes dividir mejor, así vamos cogiendo los vídeos de uno en uno y los vamos traduciendo. De momento somos dos para traducir. Afluencia masiva de voluntarios
  16. LOL I don´t think Mika will speak Spanish. He might answer some questions, or say something,but he can´t do the whole show in Spanish.
  17. The more people talk about Paloma´s accident, the more higher she falls from Four floors...... wait for next interview and the poor thing will fall down from the top of the Empire State....
  18. La cosa es que hasta que el video no esté subido no lo vamos a poder traducir, porque dudo yo que nadie recuerde una hora de programa de memoria.... así que lo prinicipal es grabarlo. Lo suyo sería que el hormiguero lo subiera esa misma noche, eso sería genial xD pero ya lo dudo. Está claro que los vídeos saldrán tarde o temprano, los otros dos están en youtube subidos por el hormiguero, osea que lo de grabarlo es más que nada para poder ir viéndolo y parándolo para poder ir traduciendo.
  19. I wish I had something new to translate though I don´t think so LOL anyway, stay tuned... I don´t think so... It usually works quite fine
  20. Is this the way you separate syllables?? :aah: We do it differently in Spain. For "origin" we would do "o-ri-gin". Which is the rule you have to separate syllables??
  21. I think Ladymeeks will record it and will upload it. Still organising things, since it´s a very long show and they talk a lot (mostly jokes though ), so as soon as possible we will translate the whole thing and will post it here
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