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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. Gracias!! Entonces en cuanto acabe, venimos aquí, PRIMERO nos organizamos, y LUEGO fangurleamos, vale?? que nos conozco... y me veo a todas and stuff y sin hacer la faena...
  2. El programa se puede ver en directo, me imagino que todo el mundo lo verá (si les funciona el link) para la traducción nos organizaremos mejor por partes. Una vez el programa haya terminado lo primero que hay que hacer es subirlo. Belén si lo vas a subir tú, intenta dividirlo en videos de 10 minutos (si puedes) y así cada un@ de los voluntari@s vamos traduciendo un vídeo para que esté listo lo antes posible. Si lo subes todo del tirón, no pasa nada, nos cogemos 10 minutos igual y lo vamos traduciendo. A ver si podemos quedar aquí nada más terminar el programa y así nos repartimos la faena a ver si al día siguiente puede estar todo traducido. No olvidemos que cuando MIKA ha dado entrevistas en otros países las han traducido inmediatamente para que todos pudiéramos entenderlo...
  3. As many of you remember, in El Hormiguero they speak Spanish and the translator puts her voice over Mika´s. Not subtitles. It´s live, no time for subtitles... It means that non Spanish speakers probably will be annoyed Still, the interest of this show is the silly things they will make Mika do, and I´m sure he won´t say nothing new (I left London for Montreal after my sister failed from a window and I fell in love again and blablabla.... it´s promotion, he is supposed to say the same stuff always) but if in any case he says something new I´m sure many of us will post it here. In my case, my tv is in the living room and my pc in the other side of the house, so I won´t come here untill the show it´s finished. But if he says anything mega ultra important, I´ll tweet it LOL. I hope you all enjoy it.
  4. Still amazed about this Lozza photoshoot... Amazing how they can turn a handsome man like Mika into a weird/ugly guy
  5. HII!!!! Glad you finally made it!! On the other hand, I´m sad for the people who didnt make it. It´s even more insane if there was room at that place.
  6. Media Europa estará pendiente de nosotros para la traducción de lo que pase en El Hormiguero. Va a haber alguien online esa noche?? Yo desde luego me quedaré e intentaré hacer un resumen en cuanto acabe el programa, pero si hay alguien más que quiera/pueda, nos podemos organizar.
  7. Now that we know about LYWID I want someone to ask him about Ta Dah...
  8. Great!!! A very good decision!! Congratz you both Mari and Mellody!!!
  9. Funny enough we call it "caqui" in Spanish, and persimmon is just one of its varieties.
  10. What we know is that he was doing a videoclip for Lola, dont we?? Or it wasnt sure either?? The one with Dita??
  11. Yes. Theres more... I rather have Ta Dah as the second song of the album and Lola as a bonus track. Or even Popular... but everybody have their own opinion on this and Im sure theres a lot of people who disagree here
  12. You deffo want to scare him away you forgot to add he loves spaguetti with nutella, brocolli with tuna fish and boilex eggs, and that he had a male dog called Gertrude... Oh wait....
  13. Indeed ....and by decisions you mean mistakes, I take it....
  14. Thats what makes no sense.... each artist has a contract with the label and who knows... but its not new that his label chooses ALWAYS the wrong songs. They screwed it too with TBWKTM and it seems they want to do it again. Seriously,it makes no sense cause they earn more or less money depending on how many albums Mika sells,so,maybe its just that theyre all deaf
  15. Listen to Robi,David!! The first thing is his music obviously. But then you start watching his interviews and you grow fond of him. But once you see him live... MAN YOU ARE DOOMED. You become a Mikfan INSTANTLY. For me his shows are the most important,but the real "glue" that keeps me attached here is the people Ive met. Not only at shows,also here,online. This forum is plenty of nice people. These are my reasons.
  16. He said once it was depending on the country/label and not on him. Ut Im not sure how it works cause I know a guy releasing an album with a londoner label next week and he chose the singles. Id say Mika is enough "important" (or important enough,Im always failing at this) as to choose them by himself
  17. Damn... I wanted to pretend he gave them to me personally the other day whilst having tea at his apartment......
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