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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. As much as Id love him to succeed, I don´t think it´d be a tragedy if he doesn´t make it to number one this time either. If he keeps on selling albums as he did with TBWKTM he won´t starve... And as he said, it´s not only selling albums how a singer makes money. For sure he´s made a lot more money performing than selling albums. Of course it´d be fantastic to be even more known all around the world, but if he keeps the prices to his shows, I don´t think he will dissapear anytime soon from the music scene... First time I went to his show, there were literally hundreds of people who were attending just because they liked Relax, and since his show was cheap, the decided to go see him. Anyway, this time is not like it was with TBWKTM... this album is far better (IMO) and it´ll be aired for sure. Let´s keep our fingers crossed and let´s see what happens. Oh, and Europeans!!! If he makes it to USA forget about seeing him every year as it´s been happening till now. If he needs to tour the US properly... erm...
  2. You all have noticed how when Mika talks about the loads of people he´s worked with he never mentions her, havent you??
  3. It was like that,but what if suddenly his music becomes mega interesting? Because this new album is going to hit it....innit?
  4. It´d be aired here in Spain. The first article I found about him just talked about his sexuality. Sadly we have more than 60% of pink press shows on TV(I think you call it yellow press??). No matter what time you turn your TV on, you can see how they follow singers, actors, politicians... just to show their privates lives. There are lots of people sueing (?) journalists and stuff, but... nothing changes. Football players like Ronaldo and Messi being stalked at silly am when coming out from a party... seriously. It works here. And not only about Spanish people or people living here. Sometimes I feel we are not the South of Europe, but the North of Africa....
  5. A part of me wishes you are right, but on the other hand... having Mika doing a rap standing on his piano.... Yeah, we were here suffering it
  6. Muerte súbita tras escuchar el album. Si con esto no se convierte en el nuevo Justin Bieber estamos perdidos. Dudo que saque otro disco de esta categoría. También creo que se han equivocado con los singles. De todas todas. La han cagao. Stardust debería ser el single. El 99% de la gente que conozco está de acuerdo con esto. La cagaron con TBWKTM y la están cagando ahora otra vez. Gracias queridos amigos de las compañías de discos.
  7. :lmfao: If this album goes to number 1 everywhere be sure that tabloids will stalk him, no matter how much he tries to hide his relation andit´ll be aired sooner or later. Sadly. It´d be great to know how that guy looks like, or even know if we already knew him, but if Mika and Whoever don´t want it to be aired, it´s ok with me. That´s maybe the saddest part of being famous. Even if you NEVER sold your private life, when you become a person of interest, they (pink press) can do the most odd things to get a pic of you doing something embarrassing, or just private. That´s it. A friend of mine was a football player and he was sold to another team for 8 millions of euros, becoming the most expensive Spanish player ever. Suddenly he had journalist at his doorstep at 3am once we were coming back from a party. He NEVER NEVER EVER in his whole life had talked about his private life. NEVER. And suddenly there were pics of him and his children, lots of rumours when he split with his wife etc. I just hope it doesn´t happen to Mika cause my friend even needed to move to England because he was too shy to front all this...
  8. Not even in his best dreams, sorry I got my first Beck album like 2 thousands years ago, and no. As much as I love Mika, (and trust me, I love him A LOT) he can´t be compared to Beck. Am not saying Beck is better, they just do different things, and... no The first time I saw Mika, I started following him thinking he looked like Beck, physically. But no. Beck´s background is even more interesting than Mika´s. I bought his biography when Mika was like 9 and.. wow... I hate when Mika is compared to Freddie, but I find more similitudes with Freddie than with Beck.
  9. May I add that Popular is... erm.... at least "odd"?? Odd as... silly?? Rap?? I mean... seriously?? Can´t wait for that song live... will he "dance" as rappers?? With big chains hanging on his neck and stuff?? This song is a big LMFAO for me. Like just a joke LOL
  10. Won´t do a report of all of the songs. Just want to say that as it happened with TBWKTM they chose the wrong singles again. Untill they don´t do it properly Mika won´t get the air he deserves. Stardust is the most single-ish song he have ever written, and it´s not even going to be the second single.... WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH THEM?? I´ve read your reviews, and most of us are thinking the same.... are we all just deaf and they are super clever?? F+ck them. As great as Underwater is, it´s not a single.... FFS, IS THAT THE LABEL WANTS TO F*CK MIKA UP OR WHAT!?!??! I can´t believe it. The album is amazing, and I´m feeling it´s the best he´s ever done. Even greater than GK. And I thought it was his ceiling... I´m greatly surprised. I wouldn´t mind waiting for 2 years and a half more to get a 4th album as amazing as this one. I can´t wait to see how it does in charts. Will be half desiring it goes to number one, and half wishing it won´t.... yeah, selfish... If you ever lurk here, Mika, thank you. This is truly amazing.
  11. But he does say that he fell in love "for real" now. So, if it´s the same guy... Mika was with him for 5 years without being in love with him?? WHAT A B***** If I were the guy, I´d slap him right now.
  12. Mika: damn, they are real¡sing I´m not that good at languages...
  13. May I start a new thread called "Mika entertains Nick Littlemore"?? PWEASE???????
  14. I don´t understand portuguese (ask Mary,Wonka or Liliana) and I did understand that tweet. He speaks Spanish, and the words "adorei" "otimo" "cd" are quite easy to understand...
  15. EXCUSE ME??? Mika mispronouncing????? HOW DO YOU DARE?!?!?? "Underwatttaahhhhh....." Yeah, who knows... I really wish the cd has a booklet with the lyrics..
  16. If I were his lover and Mika decided to make our affair public, I´d disappear....
  17. In this case we should stop reading those interviews....
  18. He even contradicts himself at meet and greets!!! me: Mika, is overrated the same song? Mika: no, no, it´s a completely different song. me: so, it has nothing to do with the demo... Mika: .... oh well.... a part it´s like the demo, but the rest is different... yeah, he even smiled....
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