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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. Once upon a time, like 6 months ago.... *Mika goes to a photoshoot* Photographer: Ok, Mr. Penniman. Pose this way... *takes pics* hmmm... very good... move a bit toward the side... yes... fine... hold your head high... very good.... *takes 238974289347 pics* ok... now... shirt off... fine...*80782439 pics more*... (and so on for 2 hours and a half) Two weeks later: Manager: ok, Mika, we need to choose a pic for the album cover. Mika: ok, let´s see... how many pics are there? Manager: like 3498573498753984753984759834. Mika: do you think we have enough? Manager: God, I hope so Mika: ok, let´s do it. *three hours and a half later* Mika: WHOA!! I LOVE THIS ONE!!! *points at his naked b/w profile pic* Manager: do you want this one as the album cover? Mika: yes!!! FFS I look so hot!!!! Manager: whatever ... ok... we thought of doing posters too... which pic would you want for that? *Mika searches among the 04752394875293485794837 pics again* Mika: this one! Yep. Deffinitely. Manager: that´s the same you choose for the cover Mika: Really? I think I look good... Manager: *sigh* it´s ok. And also we thought to make a special version with a screenprint. A very expensive screeprint, you know... to help you pay your new house and stuff... Mika: oh, good idea!! So my fangurls can fangurl over a nice pic of me, right? Ok, let me take a look again. *Mika takes a look again to choose one among the 9847598347592834573498 pics he has* Mika: OH WHOA!! THIS ONE IS AMAZING!! I WANT THIS ONE FOR THE SCREENPRINT!!!! Manager: you are fooling me, aren´t you? Mika: no... why? Manager: you choose the same pic AGAIN. Mika: look carefully at that pic... don´t I look amazing on it? I must say that this phonecall comes from whatsapp and half of the rights belong to Rox.
  2. se ve que estamos todos muy busy fangurling y tal. Yo después de ver a Mika rapear en EEUU, ya me lo creo todo
  3. You still haven´t experienced the hords of mods pursuiting you, right?? smokesignal being banned in 3,2,1........ ..
  4. Nope. In that smilie you look nice and yellow. And it´s called "OMG FANS" not "OMG MODS" so, no. Mission acomplished, btw.
  5. We should have some requests done before every gig: about the hat, the opening song, shirtless/no shirtless, playing piano/dancing on it, acoustic/electronic... maybe the only thing we all agree is that he needs to not play Billy Brown anymore
  6. no angry mods following me then? I´ve spent too much time trying to find a smilie of me hiding from hords of mods... damn, I didn´t find it I still love you. Even if Im sober....
  7. OOH!! I always thought about what that "period" meant. Thanks. Now giraffes So you can see a whole zoo flying around your house but still can´t see the $15 interview in that website Good....
  8. Of course!! Is the rhino still flying around your house? And... what does "period" mean? are you in those days of the month?
  9. I still think there are only few people who can say name and surname of this guy. We all know each other here. If Mika is up to reveal it, we can´t do anything... By now, it´s something many people knew since forever and I don´t think he ever felt "attacked". And now I´m talking about "the other guy" not about Mika. At my very first gig I saw this guy talking to fans in a quite open way... like not worrying at all at the fact that the 3/4 pple there knew everything, and he was clearly happy to say he was fine and happy at that time. I mean... it was my very first gig, I didn´t even think if Mika was gay, bi or straight. But after seeing that chat... oh well... it was quite clear
  10. Happy to see happy all the people from the other side of the pond!!! It was time for you to get it!!!! Mika looks on fire!!! I hope you also have an incredible experience today!!! Thanx for pics and vids!
  11. Oh, shut up!! I´m that rich that I almost needed to morgage my house to pay Asier´s books for this school year As soon as she gets a smartphone, let me know. which means... BUY CARLOTA A F*CKING SMARTPHONE, YOU STINGY!!!!
  12. You can be sure he is not being gay with me And after what Christine posted, no way am going to "hint" anything...
  13. Hola Mexico!! JAJAJJAJA Bienvenida al Spanish Thread, cualquier cosa que necesites, pregúntanos, vale? (y no hagas mucho caso a todo lo que decimos...) Belén tiene razón, y solemos utilizar más twitter que el foro, porque allí todo es más rápido, pero como puedes ver, seguimos mirando por aquí para que esto no decaiga. Bueno, pues lo dicho, aquí estamos para lo que necesites!!
  14. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonka, tell Carlota to download an app called "zello" on her smartphone, and I´ll talk to her. Once she has it, let me know.
  15. LOL Yes, and his tweets from Portugal "this is the view from my hotel window" was a clear claim for Wonka and her fresh products... Or when he suddenly remembers how he liked some ice cream someone brought to him the last time he was there, and stuff... He can´t moan, cause most of the times, all the blame goes on him.
  16. That moment when my phone doesnt allow me to reply to tiibet... You are right. I sometimes find his interviews boring,so imagine how boring it must be for him
  17. Oh well.... for people who have been here for ages is nof only what he says in this or that interview but many other things weve seen in gigs or recent hints he (or they xD) are leaving. The important thing is that he is happy and as long as Im concern it really sounds finally as a happy ending.
  18. Aka lies It´s funny how we can go "whoa, don´t trust Mika, he lies all the time, I won´t believe a written interview, in fact, I won´t believe anything even if Mika himself says it" and then "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE REAL TRUTH" If you ever read this, Mika, yes, we do know you that well.
  19. For someone who wants to have his private life in private, this interview is "too" open (if he considers the level of our Mika-knowledge, of course ) Thankfully, I want to think that only hardcores know who he is talking about and that guy is "almost" safe
  20. Have to agree with everything you´ve said. Celebrate wasnt the best decision for a single (sadly not new news in Mika´s world... they seem to be unable to realise which are good songs and which are just ok). Even Ta Dah is better and catchier than Celebrate and it´s just a bonus... I want to think that the point of getting Celebrate on charts was to appeal to Pharrel´s name (God knows who he is, cause I never heard of him before and still hasn´t heard anything apart from this). Let´s hope Stardust does it. Because it doesn´t matter how charming Mika is in our differents countries, or how funny he looks when he is interviewed by ants or when he goes to an interview with Melachi. Songs need to get to charts.
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