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Everything posted by Jojotje

  1. Ha, dat gevoel ken ik, heb het als ik probeer frans te praten. Heb ooit wel examen gedaan dus woordjes ken ik nog wel wat....maar praten is heel wat anders. Maar het zal vast wel goed gaan als we elkaar zien hier. Weet niet wanneer je komt, maar begreep van Annemaaike dat je hier logeert? Dan kun je even flink oefenen! Zulke dagen doen vaak wonderen voor je taalkennis!
  2. Ik betrap mezelf erop dat ik steeds maar in mijn gedachten al met deze dag bezig ben..... prettige afleiding van every day **** in mijn leven.
  3. They want to withdraw the money from your account. (automatische incasso).
  4. They want to withdraw the money from your account. (automatische incasso).
  5. If you can find a Dutchie who is willing to order your ticket and pay in advance and who is willing to lent you her/his adress it is possible (sorry, I can't do that, am very tight in the money at the moment).
  6. If you can find a Dutchie who is willing to order your ticket and pay in advance and who is willing to lent you her/his adress it is possible (sorry, I can't do that, am very tight in the money at the moment).
  7. Indeed: The higher price includes membership and you will need a Dutch adress and Dutch bankaccount to become a member!
  8. Indeed: The higher price includes membership and you will need a Dutch adress and Dutch bankaccount to become a member!
  9. It's a 30 minutes drive from Amsterdam. Don't know how long it will take by train. But be aware of this fact: To order tickets you have to be a member of the broadcaster VARA. And it is not possible to become a member when living abroad.
  10. It's a 30 minutes drive from Amsterdam. Don't know how long it will take by train. But be aware of this fact: To order tickets you have to be a member of the broadcaster VARA. And it is not possible to become a member when living abroad.
  11. check my fb! Jolanda van de Velden-Lam Have some nice piccies of you!
  12. I just don’t know where to start! It’s been one unforgettable night! Okay, from the start: Miek came to pick us up at 9 in the morning, on our way to Brussels we also picked up Sylvana. We would join Rian and Navah at the venu. Arriving at the venue we got numbers up from 46! So their was already a substantial queu! After getting our number we decided to have a good lunch before we would join our fellow fans. The weather was very helpfull, no rain, even the sun came out at some time! At around 3 they thought it was time to organise everyone on their number, at first it was a bit chaotic, but then I thought it would help to shout out each number to call that person on his/her place. Sorry for interfering ladies, but I just wanted to help. At 7 the doors were openend and we could go inside. We got our little paperbag from IngieV. It striked us how tired she looked! It must have been a lot of work to get everything organised! I don’t envy them on that one! After the openingsact with the young dj, who looked very cute according to some ladies around me, Mika came on. And don’t ask me why, but I was very emotional tonight. Allready after a view notes of that beautiful French chanson the tears rolled down my cheaks! And it stayed that way all night. Especially with my littlegirl on stage! She was soooo happy to be on stage with Mika! And I was such a proud mama! I cried many times, just watching her singing and dansing and interacting with Mika, it was just sooooo awesome! It was really a case, of child being happy, mum being happy! The gig was just great, the enthusiasm of the audience grew by the minute! And it ended up in one big party! Just had to love it! The m&g afterwards, outside was very chaotic! Many people wanted something from Mika and were ready to do a lot to get it. A lot of pushing and shouting. But Mika stayed calm and friendly as ever! Mama P was waiting for him in the van at the back of the venue. After Mika’s leaving, things got quiet again, and we had a little chat with our fellow MFC’ers and after some time the band got outside. I got a big hug from Joy when she stepped outside, and we spent a little time with Max, in which we also got a picture taken with him! When the band members walked to the tourbus, and we headed for our cars, drummer Felix decided to join us, acting as if we would all go out together. I want to say a big thanks for all the lovely people I have spoken with tonight! Just loved every minute of the night! Thank you! And hopefully it will not take too long before we can see eachother again! You can see all my pictures on FB and at Photobucket http://s563.photobucket.com/albums/ss74/Jojotje61/Mika%20Cirque%20Royal%20Brussel%203%20nov%202012/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ24
  13. Hello, got the Dutch translation for you. The Flemish speek Dutch, in a way....But write in Dutch....And good luckk with preparing all this! Got not much time today (work) but if there's anything I can do? Hallo! Dit is een briefje van de Mika Fanclub! In dit tasje vind je de volgende zaken: een ballon en een glitter pom pon! Dit is de bedoeling: 1. Houd de ballon omhoog zodra Mika het nummer “The Origin of Love” begint te zingen.! 2. Houd de pom pons omhoog zodra “Celebrate” start, kom overeind, dans en zwaai met je pom pon! Dit is makkelijk te doen en zal er geweldig uitzien, je begrijpt vast wel wat we bedoelen! En het allerbelangrijkste: Maak plezier en geniet van het concert met zijn allen! Mika & Mika Fan Club!
  14. Haha, it did happen! I saw you in real life! And you looked good!
  15. Loading up my pictures as we speak! It's been an unforgettable day and night! Had so much fun seeing everybody again! And it was cold, but hardly any rain, and lots of sunshine! Asked Mika after the show what he thought of the pompons, and he loved them! They made him laugh! Well, knew that allready, you just had to look at his face at the moment we held our pompons high! You can see my pictures on my facebook page:
  16. I suppose they will be recording on saturday, or maybe the day before, friday.
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