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Everything posted by Treasa

  1. Yes, I should have said Suci. I'll edit that now if I can.

  2. He's looking good but really don't like those shoes. They look like auntie's slippers.
  3. We arrive Saturday evening and leave Friday, I think our flight is Friday evening so will be at the airport late afternoon.
  4. Gosh that's sound really weird. It just shows we shouldn't buy any tickets for an event until it is confirmed by Team Mika on his fb page.
  5. Yeah, I know that feeling. :wink2:

  6. So it looks like Thursday's sight seeing is sorted for us also. We'd be delighted to join those of you going to see Wika then.
  7. Passport arrived this morning. Oh my, I can't believe it's only a little over 3 weeks before my trip begins.
  8. Just as well that didn't happen with Wika in Paris when I was there.
  9. Oh that would be lovely especially knowing how he loves flowers. Can you give us an idea of how much would be good per person. And then if we can afford about or below that, then that would be fine.
  10. I guess if the same outcome was in store for us in Montreal I'd brave the freezing cold. Mmmmmm.....
  11. I've been keeping an eye on the weather I can't believe anywhere gets that cold and with the amount of layers I'll be wearing I don't think I'll actually be able to walk anywhere.
  12. Treasa


    Hi Welcome to MFC
  13. We were thinking of doing a bus tour Sunday morning to give us an overview of the city... http://www.viator.com/tours/Montreal/Montreal-City-Guided-Sightseeing-Tour/d625-3355C1 And that Fete des Neiges might be an option for Sunday afternoon.... http://parcjeandrapeau.com/en/fete-des-neiges-de-montreal/
  14. I think we should stick with an MFC pin or purple feather. I would love spotting fellow MFCers strolling around Montreal. Twitter might be a good way to keep in touch with what's going on. We can put each other on tweet alert and hashtag our tweets with something like - #MFCMontreal We're bound to pick us free wifi throughout the day.
  15. We're there from Saturday evening 7th until Friday 13th. Would be great to meet up now and then. Am going to spend tonight checking out touristy things I want to do (weather permitting). Anyone want to share what tourist attractions they'll be seeing/doing?
  16. Hello Caroline Welcome to MFC
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