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Everything posted by Treasa

  1. Wow! The sound and atmosphere seemed amazing. I'm getting so excited now. I think I'd be quite happy just to sit for the entire show and just watch and listen to him. It will also be interesting to experience the show on 3 nights and maybe feel a different atmosphere each night.
  2. Hi Kat Welcome to MFC You might get to know a lot of us in Montreal
  3. Hello Welcome to MFC And so sorry about your father.
  4. Treasa


    Hi Angy Welcome to MFC
  5. Hello Caterina Welcome to MFC
  6. Usually you'd have 3 good lucks in a row, hopefully tics for this will be one.
  7. Hello Justine Welcome to MFC
  8. Hello Laura and welcome to MFC
  9. Hi Gabrielle Welcome to MFC When I joined MFC I didn't know anyone either hang in there and you'll soon make lots of new friends
  10. Hello Welcome to MFC
  11. Wow! Loved the vid. Glad to see Mika's still got it and I've still got it. Looking at that just brought back a bit of the old buzz.
  12. Only getting to read all of this thread now. Guy and Cath, so thrilled for you both and everyone else who got to be there. Deb, sorry it didn't work out this time for you. I would have cried with disappointment. Thanks for all your reports it's been great reading.
  13. Aww that's lovely. I did see a pic of him on fb, he looks so cute and such a cute name. You've just reminded me I bought some Mikados today in the shop :teehee:

    I'm glad he's helping you cope with your loss of pipo. :huglove:

  14. Sorry to read your sad news about pipo... :huglove: Thinking of you. :flowers2:

  15. What month is this? Maybe he's growing a Movember... Oh no, couldn't be that it's only July... I should say - growing it for Movember, he's just starting it early to make sure it's good and thick by Movember.
  16. Poor Mika... we all want a slice of him. Thankfully I'll be able to travel next year to see him, and if he does something closer to home I might get to that otherwise I wouldn't get to see him at all, unless we could tempt him with some of the black stuff again. Sorry for those who can't travel to see him, especially if he never visits your country.
  17. That's very common in France also. When we bought our house there it only had the sink in the kitchen. It still only has the sink. lol. In fact when we bought our house they had also taken all the light bulbs but one.
  18. Hello Katrin Welcome to MFC
  19. Hi Alessandra Welcome to MFC
  20. Hello Sara and welcome to MFC
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