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Everything posted by giggels

  1. its cool hun sorry hun im realy sleepy so i gotta go juv you bye see you rreal soon (i prommes) Juv G
  2. ohhh i will but there days away but im way tooo excited
  3. im going to see two musicals this mounth 14 spamalot 25 hairspray (ive been wating years to see this )and pluss micel ball is edner turnblad supeur cool
  4. im sooooooooooooo excited i could blow into a gazilion tiny pises of glitter
  5. renewed wow what a sleep im much better now yeeee
  6. a littel better but a little more could help a lot
  7. ye i do feal a littel weard but oh hun*hugs* i know you might not want to take it but if it helps...
  8. ill set you a task yousee im fealing realy dad tiime of the mounthe and it killing and making me realy down. can you fined an amasing simle to make me forget the pain
  9. thats fine its the nornal time of the mounth but she thinks it just a blood clot down stears and it should clear itsself but she said it can sitng lik a **** no heat lol
  10. ye and iv had my dads distric nurse over because it killing and making me sick he gave ma a small dose of my dads moefine (its helpes a littel) she said if the pain is still as bad in the morning shell take me to AnE
  11. lol awww stupid time of the munth my tummy and lower kills
  12. A matchbox of our own. A fence of real chainlink. A grill out on the patio. Disposal in the sink. A washer and a dryer, And an ironing-machine. In a tract house that we share, Somewhere that's green. He rakes and trims the grass. He loves to mow and weed. I cook like Betty Crocker, And I look like Donna Reed. There's plastic on the furniture To keep it neat and clean. In the Pine-Sol scented air, Somewhere that's green.
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